Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Introduction to most common crystals -II (Selenite, Citrine, Obsidian)

This article continues from part one } Introduction to most common crystals -I 

Selenite ~
This crystal is great for angelic connection, Moon magic, protection on spiritual level, helping in process of ascension, connects with your spirit guides, astral travel, it`s perfect for cutting energy cords, clarify your aura, opens Third eye, Crown chakra, Soul star chakra, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, psychic energy, connection with spirits/ ghosts. Cleansing energy of space, or Oracle, Tarot cards – when placed above them. It is amplifying crystal and cant absorb negative vibration – but repels it. The angels that you can call on when working with Selenite are: Haniel, Gabriel, Seraphiel, Muriel.

Black Obsidian ~
Obsidian is highly protective stone. An obsidian egg or ball in the room when programmed can absorb and clean all negative energies and entities from the space or home. It works perfect for physical, psychic protection, against magic, energy interference, cords attachments from other people. Similar properties has the Kambamba Jasper stone. Also it`s one of the grounding stones, connecting your root and earth star chakra with the core of Gaia. It`s totally one of the best stones to have at home, or the work space. It has also great calming effect of the nervous system, and works against mental fatigue, tiredness, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks. The archangel you can call on to bring you and amplify the energy of Obsidian is Azrael, and Seraphiel.

Red Jasper ~ is perfect stone to bring you vitality, enthusiasm, self-esteem, creative energy, optimism, calmness, confidence, inner strength, being able to let go of the past, being present. It cleanses the Root chakra and Earth star chakra. The archangel to work with that stone is Michael. Cleansing: you can cleanse red jasper in various ways – place it in warm water with sea salt for 12 hours; recharge it on sun light, or burry it in a pot of red geranium flower.

Tigers eye ~
That is the stone for boosting the inner strength, ability to see or sense others energy, confidence, ability to overcome obstacles, fearlessness, taking risks, going with the natural flow, being present and grounded. In addition it works for connecting you with the sun energy and helps for cleansing the Solar plexus chakra. It’s the stone of courage. It`s stone directly connected with the Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) above the belly.

Green aventurine ~
All kind of aventurine are famous for metaphysical property of attracting abundance and money flow. Green aventurine you can work in a crystal grid for attracting more money, luck, success, feeling of joy, gratitude, satisfaction, positive energy, vitality, emotional healing. It heals also the heart, lungs, throat and emotional body. It`s stone of new beginning and rejuvenation. The archangel to call on when working with this stone is Chamuel (and Ariel).

Citrine ~
Citrine is an amazing crystal from quartz family, it has beautiful yellow-pale to orange-brownish colour and it`s translucent. Citrine is one of the most popular stones for healing and cleansing, and it`s connected with Sun Yang energy and archangel Uriel. Citrine can be used for so many purposes: cleansing aura field, strengthening and expanding chakras, cleansing all chakras, specially the root, Sacral and Solar Plexus. It brings sense of joy, love, vitality, confidence, courage, self-love, attracts abundance, and money flow, it helps in times of change and transitions, brings understanding and harmony between people. It`s crystal of happiness and joy, soul connections and inner values.

Thank you for tuning in dear children of Light! Sending you blessing and stay on the way of Love, Truth and Harmony! 

Nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

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