Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Introduction to most common crystals -I (Clear Quartz,Amethyst, Rose Quartz)

Here is a list with the most common crystals and their basic metaphysical properties. Crystals exist in angelic realm too, but they work there in much higher level of vibration. That`s why they are brought to earth to accelerate the whole Earth energy, - to bring access to higher realms and connect with nature spirits and angels; - to tune the whole nature to the ascension process and different stages of it – to connect with the Third eye and Heart ethereal codes of humans and cleanse it.
Crystals are like conduits of divine Light codes, they also bring energy from the core of mother Earth to all Earth chakra of humans.

Some of the most common crystals we use:
Clear quartz:
It helps you in any kind of cleansing energy body, healing, and bringing positive energy, expanding the aura, boosting energy vitality, amplifying any positive results and qualities, expands and cleanses all chakras....works with all other crystals. What it cant do? Clear quartz mostly can cleanse, but cant remove from your energy entities or attachments; But it does a different kind of protection by expansion of humans aura. Clear quartz is the crystal that you can program with any kind of intention from heart and mind.

Amethyst ~
This amazing crystal is almost for all purposes – it can help you for psychic protection, keeping away negative energy, clearing aura, removing cord attachments, cleansing and balancing chakras. It transmute all negative energies around. Amethyst is the crystal of archangel Zadkiel, and archangel Raziel, and Violet flame. You can make meditation with violet flame cleansing and amethyst. It has very soothing and refreshing effect on mind and body. It`s stone of awareness, psychic wisdom, clairvoyance, angelic connection, mindfulness and mediation. (What it cant do? – it cant absorb negative thoughts or change negative patterns).

Rose Quartz } 
The stone of unconditional love, feminine energy, connection with your inner child, cleansing and healing emotional body, amplifying self-love, gentle healing of past love, forgiveness, attracting abundance and feeling joy of life. This is also the stone of gratitude and feeling how much abundant you are, appreciating all what you have. This beautiful crystal can work for attracting new love, soul mate or friend, for sexual energy, romance. Connects with arch. Ariel, Chamuel, Hanniel and rose flower fairies. (what it cant do } Rose quartz cant protect you and can not absorb the negative energy or remove entities. It has very gentle vibrations, that and makes perfect cleansing, refreshing and atunement of Heart chakra and also Throat chakra (Vishudha). It vibrates with amazing spectrum of heart healing, emotional cleanse, vitality, innocence, joy and forgiveness. Thats why it`s a must have stone for all collections. It needs often cleansing  - every 7-10 days place it in warm water with sea salt.) 

Thank you for tuning in! Hope that information was helpful for you, feel free to share, subscribe and post a comment below! 

Nina Lea-nour * 

Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

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