Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What is Karma? (Karma pattern in 3D)


In this article I`ll write again about Karma –one topic that is very complex and controversial in all spiritual circles (and religions). Therefore, I need to make one special note here: this is information that I channelled from my angels and guides. Some aspects are the same as what I wrote in the past, some add more light on Karma. You are totally free to believe, understand or accept it, or not.


                      art by Richard J. Oliver 

I want to write series of short articles on Karma, starting with the basic question: What is Karma?

This question does not have simple or one sided answer. In broad perspective Karma is an active Universal Law, that helps the physical, and spiritual evolution of humanity in the dense physical levels. Karma exists on 3D level and will continue to exist until 7 D level. Here are some aspects of Karma, that most people don’t understand (or just have different perceptions on them).

I. Karma and Predestination  ★

Predestination here I use as pre-planned (programmed) reality, that you come to participate in. If we want to admit it (or not), our dense 3D reality has exact rules and resembles a computer game. (it is much more complex, and I want to add –It is NOT a virtual reality). We have this matrix of life, and every Soul has exact plan that she will mostly benefit to learn karmic lessons and to grow and expand. Of course as every game, there are levels. So, there are people who are in the lower spiritual levels, or just beginners, and people who are (spiritually) advanced. Now –the more past incarnations in the physical dimensions or other universes you had, the more spiritually advanced you will be. But the Karma still exist for you and everyone who is born in this physical plane.

There are certain points of attraction, which are in the Soul plan (or soul contract) before you were born, and which you can`t change no matter what. These points of attraction can be seen as Doorways, spirals or Vortexes that pull in strong energy. The soul is meant to go through these Vortexes and to experience certain things. In this aspect, Karma consists of all these doorways, spirals that are in the Game (ref. life), and that the soul can`t change. 

These are: date of birth, place of birth, city and country you are born, stars and Natal chart (planets configuration) on the date of birth; Date of death, passing to the other side, the country you are born, the stars and planets configuration. You parents and family you are born in are totally part of “Karma” aspect of the program; Your own children and the time of their birth are related to your Karma. The people who have major influence in your life are part of your Karma (imprints in your life for spiritual expansion). That means all people who you felt painful about, loved, cherished, have long term relationship with, soul mates, partners, people pulled strings in your soul…are mostly part of the Karmic plan for your Soul. (In some places this aspect of what I call "Karma" is actually Soul contact)


In the next article I`ll write how Karma relates to the Free will? 

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium 

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