Friday, May 19, 2017

Colors in Aura - VI

     * Deep violet color (iris) and amethyst color: 

      These souls have all the good qualities of the higher level souls. They are the best example of life devoted to spirituality. Violet is the color of higher knowledge, connection with angels and spirit guides, of unconditional love and healing. People with this color are empaths, healers and spread spiritual knowledge. Many times they are attracted by the unifying principles valid for all religions, they strive to improve their human nature to the best possible level. They are faithful, honest, authentic, love the cosmic truth, lead to others hearts by unconditional love. These people are not easy to be found, and they should spend many life times on earth (more than 30) in order to achieve deep violet color aura. Amethyst color –which is brilliant violet –in energy will be achieved from even higher level souls, that suffer at least 50 life times on earth. Violet souls have generally hard life, many obstacles and many choices make. They may suffer mostly with all kind of physical challenges – loss of beloved or loss of child, humiliation, abuse, mistakes in choices, depression. They may have problems with surviving in the physical world, and escape in spiritual world. These people will be good healers and psychics, as they want to spread their light to the world. Their efforts will be practical. Sometimes they will be confused about their spiritual mission, but not for long. They have strong connection with the invisible world. All their efforts will be in direction to spread love and knowledge and to show that any human is able to do that.

        * Translucent green – this color exists as “visible” or saturated colors – in “warm palette”. In the same way, all saturated colors have their brilliant, translucent versions. These criteria also divides people in different soul groups –higher and lower levels. If normal visible dark green color mean healing abilities by using earth elements, herbs, plants, trees…, the translucent green is linked with well developed healing abilities and uses spiritual connections. People with this color will be close by qualities to the navy blue auras, just they wont have mission of psychic and teachers, but will be prone to use the natural power and resources in order to heal. They start by their own heart. Green souls will be with very vulnerable heart, kind and easy to be “broken”. When they discover and focus their natural healing abilities, by connecting their mind and heart – they will be able to recover, let go of pain, experience forgiveness and emotional purity. They are the best natural healers and shamans – will be most productive to live in almost wild places in nature, and being close to animals. One of great missions for them is as any kind of doctors, vets, working with pets and wild animals, being loved by animals, working as photographers of wild nature, healers with herbs, nutritionists, psychologists. They are the children of nature, and will possess immense innocence. These are workers devoted to defend animal live, fight for any animal and human cause, and win hearts of others. Unlike most of “cool colors” aura –translucent green souls will have feeling of belonging to the mother earth and spreading their natural healing forces to all living beings and all planet.

    * Fairy colors ~ Pink, rose quartz, (mauve, lavender), pale green (prehnite, emerald), peach opal. 

      These people are one very rare group on earth. They can sense or “smell” the presence of other fairy person close to them…sadly they are not easy to be found and just 5-6% from the earth souls. I wont observe here every color separately, as they have similar qualities. their mission as fairy souls is connecting on higher spiritual levels, revealing mystical truths about the world, spreading emotional healing and purity, practicing self-love and acceptance, learning how to cope with energies of physical world, learning grounding, passion and self-esteem. They are quite different from the usual “human” souls and could be easily misled by unclean energies and people. Their natural purity and approach of children, will make them sometimes fall pray to hard and unclean situations, provoking evil eyes and surrounding. That’s why they mostly love “hiding” from physical world, soar in their own inner space, practice forgiveness and unveil the mysteries, they already know – as records in their auras –since so long time. They are experts of energy work, magicians, have perfect skills with focus energy, making amulets, crystal circles, grids and working with all elements. They are familiar since little age with their abilities, angels and spirit guides. Often such people may appear to others as “strange”, unusual, lonesome, or even crazy. They love being alone and feeling their supportive guides and angels presence. Their worst obstacle and suffer will be namely anything in the physical plane – they may be too sensitive to physical pain, panic from any physical imbalance or illness, and will have strong need for living in perfectly pure atmosphere and perfect health.

       That kind of feeling will probably make them more attached to spiritual plane and lose balance of earth qualities. They are quite not fearless and should conquer many fears and self-doubt. Its much harder for them to work in physical plane than any higher sphere. They can have quite lonely life, as they don’t have big variety of choices for suitable soul mate. They will be real friends with all nature elements – trees, flowers, plants, crystals. These people will have natural healing abilities, but their energy will be easily exhausted. They need much longer recharge of energy, specially longer sleep and spending time alone in nature or with their gems and crystals. These souls are strong art lovers and feel attached to everything beautiful in the nature and art. They will dislike “ugliness” in all human actions, in fine art, writings and photography – even if they are “realistic” and show the truth. This truth doesn’t need to be “seen” from the sensitive hearts of fairy souls. They wish to soar in their special realm and see their truth –even if no one believes what they see. 
[ note - have in mind that some people may have "clouds" of fairy colors spread in places in aura field, this does not mean the whole aura belongs to the "fairy" category, as it represents a moving stage of heart, feelings and mind ]

Here I close the topic about major aura colors in humans, thank you for reading. I`ll appreciate any comments or questions of curiosity. 
~ I wrote this article with the loving help of my angels and arch. Chamuel, Abide in divine Light ~ 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0512 -1- 
- image - crystal cluster of Rose Quartz, cleansing aura and heart 

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