Friday, May 19, 2017

Colors in Aura - V

      * Turquoise color ~ (protection aura)

      This color is one of the special colors for the souls with usually many life-cycles – above 30-33. Most of people with clear turquoise (have in mind there are some “clouds” or separate shades of turquoise in some peoples aura, which is not the same as having full turquoise aura field). This is the color of true calling, spiritual expression, thoughts and ideas that reach to peoples heart and mind. This color is spread mostly with spiritual leaders, or religious people and priests, masters on the path of awakening, who want to share their views, ideas. It is also strong protection color –connected both with Throat and earth chakra. Turquoise is strong color of arch. Sandalphone – bringing to people revelation for the true Self, missions, and best soul qualities. People with turquoise will have knowledge about who they are and what they want to achieve. If their aura is mixed with light yellow, that combination marks message spread to humanity and healing humanity. People with turquoise combinations in their auras can be – Ghandi, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Jesus…They don’t live isolated from others, on the contrary, they bear strong ideas and love for all humans. Turquoise spreads spiritual ideas, truth, and reveals call of higher self very fast.
    This color is ruled by element high Air –wind, Ether. The air gives any message and idea new life. Turquoise souls have open heart to people, they are absolutely authentic, self-confident, have strong faith in their abilities and missions. They are messengers of humanity.
    This is color of many writers, scientists, people who spread any new knowledge, or who revive hidden history.

     * Lavender color (lilac) ~ (soothing, gentle, unconditional love)

This color is rare in aura for people, and one of “fairy colors”. It means that person had physical transformation in past lives. The soul may have come from another galaxy or planet or he was “star seed” or she was one of the elementals before choosing to be human. Lavender is very high frequency color, it spread love, kindness and activate principle of forgiveness. This color often combines with translucent pink (rose quartz) or any kind of pink. Lavender souls are one of most pure – and in deep search of purity in physical and emotional levels. That’s why they often go through “hell” on earth plane, as they hardly can be used to the heavy matter and all things seem to them too obscure, too rude. This color is always bright and translucent, one that cant be observed on physical level. Such souls, unlike the blue ones, like to be more isolated from the physical world and have escape deep in their hearts. One of their missions is to spread messages of ascension, love and purity to the world. The obstacle they should overcome is their shyness and surrounding themselves with fence from ordinary people. Lavender souls have very few close people and cant feel good in any social situation. That makes them good in any individual spiritual practices, but bad in spreading messages to humanity. Though they will need to do that by sharing all knowledge in another ways –like writing, music, art. They have strong mysterious approach in their researches, also they are with very well developed Third eye since little age. In this way they are prone to have much higher psychic abilities or sensitivity. They are also one of the best people of channeling divine messages of angels. That is so simply because their first principle is purity, and they are naturally away from unclean surroundings and people. They are more lonesome in life, but feel best inner peace, harmony and love. One of their mission is to reach self-acceptance and self-love. They also would need to work on their first chakras and make often grounding and protections. Lavender souls have very soothing presence and voice, that’s how they will sadly attract souls with much lower vibrations. Their isolation and protection will be highly needed in many points in life, in order to keep them away from unclean energies and situations. This will be their challenge. When they succeed they will master the art of energy work and manifestation, and astral travel. These people work perfectly with mysticism and principles of symbolism, magic and Kabalah. They are masters in making amulets of various kinds, crystal circles, invoking love and blessings, channeling, making rituals and spells. They are so to say “good witch” or fairies. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0512 -1- 
- image - Aqua aura crystal cluster ~ perfect for aura cleansing