Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance - Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

 For all Air signs the time of next month (30 days) will be one of inspiration, progress and manageing multiple things. Air signs are connected as a spiritual "family" so it`s nice to consider all signs, regardless if you are Libra, Gemini or Aquarius. This reading is like a puzzle, so you can put pieces together, read information also about your Rising and Moon signs. Thank you! 

Gemini : Knight of Swords (Change of mind, Determination) ♊

This is perfectly Gemini card, moving forward with conviction and with new ideas

This week is marked by strong determination to succeed, fast action. Making priorities and plans is the key. Be certain of the way how to achieve your goal. Possible communication problem, as your intentions will not be seen in clear way. Make sure that thought – intention –action are aligned, and express your desires clearly and honestly. Let go of hesitation and inner conflicts. A fruitful time for any kind of study, education, training or language courses. A male friend can help you overcome challenges.

All Knights represent spirit of restless, determination, overcoming obstacles and uncomfortable changes. Knight of Air is moving fast, so expect all kind of changes.

It`s recommended to take care of Throat, lungs, ears, also nervous system or head. Chakra to work on: Throat and blue light.

Libra: (King of Pentacles : Earth, Boundaries) ♎

Libra, this is time for taking back your power right away. You have busy schedule this month and many tasks. Be sure to manage well your finances and see where you have missed something important.

It requires also inner strength, persistency and resilience. (I know not all Librans have these qualities now).

     This King indicates need for safety, stability and emotional control in your home and family environment. You are the person who takes most responsibility in your home and provides for your family. You are in need of peaceful, quiet and nice environment.

In love Libras are well supported by a strong and trustworthy man, who is there for you. Regardless of your complicated relationship.

Arch. Sandalphon – helps you with management of money, material goods, home or properties. That king indicates wise investment in properties or trade, bank savings, or successful business projects that bring you all you need.

Any delays are not welcomed in this time. Be sure also that you stand your ground and express what you want clearly to others. Stop putting others people in priority list, now is time to take look to your own Self and your environment. Heads in Clouds wont be good option for Libras in May energy. You may need to be more stable in emotional plane and not allow some influences from others. Focus your power on home decoration, work, money and family.

Aquarius: Princess of Sword (Air – Inspiring ideas) ♒

Innocence, freedom, adventure and fresh enthusiasm are with you on the way. Desire to go out and travel. Connect with your inner child and your Heart chakra. You are in the realm of fairies and elementals – feel their presence. Stillness of mind is required.

You are invited to take new courses, education, and study (possibly of language) or improvement in any sphere. You have a trustworthy friend, who will help you along the way.

Explore and discover your talents in writing, journaling, languages, or music, singing.

Spirit guide for the month: arch. Raguel – truth, values

(spiritual practise: writing, journaling, meditation with Tibetan bowls, singing, breathing exercises. This Princess is sign that your spirit guides and angels are with you to help you with the new path and ideas that you want to accomplish. You are at the beginning of something, you need to acquire knowledge. Swords are air element, so knowledge can be related to study of music, languages, literature, writing, or spirituality. It`s important to be honest and truthful with others while you still follow your own path.

Now is time to be authentic and unique as you ARE. Don’t follow the known way, but trust in your own.

The overall energy of Air signs: Euphoria : "Euphoria is the cosmic connection to the magic within and around you"

Tarot and Oralce cards from: "Paulina Tarot" by Paulina Cassidy; "Witchilings Oracle" By Paulina Cassidy 

Nina Lea-Nour  ❂
Angel`s medium 

© May 12-21

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