Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Tarot and Oracle with arch. Haniel (16-31 March) 🔮


This is intuitive message for the collective energy, as I tune into the energy of archangel Haniel. It has purpose for spiritual guidance and it is general message for all. Angels that I work most often in readings are Haniel, Gabriel, Raziel, Zadkiel. 🔮

              Tarot "Joie de Vivre" by Paulina Cassidy

Tarot cards for 16-31 March 

We have 9 of Swords, 18. The Star, Ace of Cups 

The upcoming period vibrates with high emotions, tension and stress. 9 of Swords is the energy of ending of cycle. You are supported now by your team of angels and guides, and you need to clear your mind, focus on positive thoughts, be patient. Don’t stress yourself for what you did not succeed or how much better your “could be”. That energy can bring anxiety, sadness and insomnia or waking up at night for some. Just be sure that now is the time to release what no longer serves your life, and make space for the new to come!

Suit of Swords are about mind, higher consciousness, understanding and analysing yourself and the situation. Also it`s about cutting negative ties with the past and people who are no longer good for your life mission.

2. The Star -17 

The Star is major Arcana in Tarot, that reveals our mystical wisdom, intuition, and embracing change for the future. Star is card of Soul Ascension, showing your Soul calling, mission, goal or dedication, that now is being activated. You will have great time of creative inspiration and you will be divinely guided in all steps ahead. Just trust the process, believe that you are loved and protected now. Star indicates presence of all your guardian angels and arch. Of the past lives and connection to Higher realms –Jeremiel. You can call on this amazing violet and blue angel to cleanse and clear your mind, to make life review and enhance your intuition. Jeremiel also will give you signs in dreams, if you ask him for guidance.

The Star indicates in this time you need to let go of all resentment of the past, and go with the flow of life.

Card of Blessing: Ace of Cups 

Ace of cups amplifies the energy of water for you and it serves as cleansing, healing doorway. You are presented with multiple possibilities for love, joy, abundance and inspiration. For some people this is will represent starting new romantic relationship, being in love. For others this card shows need for cleansing of your own aura, body and space, and practices of self-love, meditation and relaxation. This is special time in your life, when you need to acknowledge the importance of self-care. Start to think of a new creative idea, especially if you work in the sphere of art, fashion and design. Water is the primal element in this month of Sun in Pisces, it is also element of intuition and spirituality.


(from the “Witchlings” oracle by Paulina Cassidy)

Aura by Wisteria

Your Aura is powerfully energetic vibration surrounding your body. It is an invisible dome of light; a living blanket of protective energy. As an extension of your well-being, your aura reflects your health and mood mirroring what`s going on inside. If you are healthy and happy, your aura will be strong, vibrant and smooth. If you are upset and unhealthy your aura will be weak and dull. Everywhere you go, your aura picks up all kinds of vibrational energies floating around. All of these energies are then absorbed by your aura causing it to be clogged and unbalanced. By cleansing your aura daily, you are protecting yourself against psychic attacks and illness. A strong, healthy aura will help you face everyday challenges much more effectively, and will enhance every aspect of your being.

Archangel Haniel message 🔮

                         art by Marcos Garcia

Lake: sub-conscious fear about something, fear of showing yourself and your abilities; feeling in a passive position, need for contemplation, meditation, deep thoughts. Releasing feeling of sadness and beings stuck in a loop. Analizing the past. 

Sending you much love! 

Nina Nour © Mar. 2022
Angel`s medium

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