This month is happening one very rare and significant Astrological event
– Jupiter conjunct
♃⍟ Jupiter is planet of expansion, travel, knowledge and Karmic cycles.
It is signified in the Tarot with the Arcana X. Wheel of Karma (Fortune) –which
is one of the mystical cards, revealing your Soul compass and angelic presence.
This card is about alignment of all element within the cycle of Karma (Air,
Water, Earth, Fire – represented by all fixed signs in form of animal guardians
in the card).
When Jupiter has appearance in the sky, we need to prepare for ending a
Karmic cycle and new beginning. That also is related to all humans, no matter
where they are. Jupiter reveals the alignment of the Soul with the energy of
Higher Self. Understanding your Soul purpose, clarity and mindfulness. Jupiter
also vibrates with the Soul Star chakra.
When Jupiter conjunct
Both planets are in the sign of Pisces – Mystical water, sign of
traveller, shape shifter, of duality, change and inner wisdom. This is also
sing that can be related to symbol of Yin-Yang, showing both sides as 2 fishes
in water. Tarot card for Pisces is the Moon (18). –Be aware of hidden things
that can come to surface. Moon card represents awakening, psychic visions,
world of dreams and angelic connection. The Moon also has meaning of Shadow
work, recognizing your shadow and working to understand your dark aspects.
With this Conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces ♓ we see the power of
Karmic cleansing, expansion, personal freedom (Jupiter) with spiritual
awakening, angelic guidance, dreams, inspiration (
For many souls it will become easier to connect with light beings and spirit world,
or with beings of Astral. (Be aware of Dark astral beings, who will be easy
to reach too).
๐ฆWater element is cool, flowing, cleansing, nurturing, emotional,
flexible, gentle, feminine. At this time you need to be aware of your thoughts
(Third eye), visions and feelings (Sacral chakra).
You can also make some self-analysis to help you recognize your true
Self. This is Cosmic portal of Awakening and Cleansing, washing away all
negative patterns from your soul and past (life).
You can repeat the mantra of Water, to help you navigate this energy:
I m like water, I go with the flow.
As we are in the season of Aries, we connect with the element Fire in
our energy and life. Fire is element of transformation, cleansing,
activation, passion, masculine, inner power, motivation, self-empowerment. It
is hot, stable and expanding. So Fire energy is combining power with Water for
huge activation and cleansing of all humanity from old patterns and from all
violence of inner conflicts.
After that cycle nothing will be the same. We are awaken Souls.
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer
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