Friday, August 24, 2018

Body illness from energy perspective -II


1. Head and skull (brain) injury or trauma ~
I mean a light” trauma – which is not related to karmic illness – like brain concussion, which is also very dangerous. Possible affects from: you refuse to see clearly situation in your life; something in your life needs to be changed dramatically, but you neglect this change.; need of transition and personal growth to higher level; - need of change of perspective, mind pattern or personal values. – need of personal transformation. Usually such injuries happen in very specific time and are never “by chance”. They need us to take time for change and grow slowly from inside. Something new is coming and you need to realize it clearly.

2. Ears illnesses ~

Left ear – a pain or any other more durable illness of left ear can be related to: being offended by someone who is close to you; being inactive and in passive position and allowing (silently) to be offended with words. Not reacting to someone` s constant verbal offences, keeping emotional resentment, anger or any negative feeling toward person who offends you multiple times; offensive, evil words that you hear regularly, curses, or bad language, feeling depressed and not reacting on the offences.
Right ear – thinking or speaking out offensive, evil words to someone (close to you). Thinking or “sending” bad thoughts regularly to someone with aggressive behavior. Suppressing aggressive words and emotions to someone, but showing bad behavior to the same person. Suppressing good and encouraging words to someone.
Usually the left ear is related to suppressed words of resentment and anger, non reaction to offence, and right ear pains appear after you speak out aggressive or offensive words to someone (doesn’t matter if you think the person deserves or not).

3. Eyes, sight imbalances, illnesses, pain:

Eyes are extremely vulnerable organ who could have multiple energy imbalances before appearing as “illness”. Generally eyes problems connected with damage of sight (or diopter) could be result from refusing to see the truth or situation clearly and not realizing your own spiritual values, or spiritual path. Both eyes are connected to the Pineal gland – or Third eye. That’s how constant eyes problems will most probably affect also the Third eye –intuition, open mind –creativity –imagination – mindfulness. Of course the problem wont result in all these aspects together, but will be in one or more. Eyes problems also develop gradually, and sadly such problems visible in little children will point to such pattern  of mind from their parents (or one parent specially). (Remember that until 9 years children are vulnerable and totally depend -or fed from- the aura of their parents. Later they develop their own energy field and still they have strong ties – energy cords- with their parents.)
Problems with eyes are generally related to emotional/ mental conditions or feelings: envy, jealousy, caring what other people think/ say about you; feeling of lack on material level – by making comparison with others. Making comparison on material level with others – and feeling envy for material success, prosperity, money or situation of others. (have in mind that envy here does not include Qualities!, but objects. Feeling of envy and jealousy for material success is connected with left or both eyes.
Right eye imbalance – influence from the energy of someone, who envy you [ for material things, objects or success ]. That specially can appear in having little redness, eye injury, which common cause should be “small polluted particle in eye”. This will be someone who is also relatively close to you – friend, family member. Being overly possessive or jealous towards your partner also reflects in the illness of eyes or right eye – but this may include also other organs – like liver for example. (Remember that body is a complicated machine in which all parts are immanently connected and related, function as one.)

4. Nose – throat – trachea
    These are main organs related to Throat chakra and thyroid. This is extremely vulnerable place in all body. As I wrote in “Yin –Yang energy flow” it functions to reverse the energy to both right and left side and makes the transition. This is place of cleanness and truth, and under the spiritual support of arch. Raguel and Gabriel. Problems in these areas are very commonly appearing each year in little children too, in form of flu or cold, soar throat. They are so common also not because of cold weather or “viruses” as we may assume, and as usually is presented by mass media. This concept is totally wrong. The problems in nose and throat – and thyroid come mainly from:

-         not speaking the truth;  hiding the truth, or hiding what you know about someone else –in order to “prevent him”; - being in hidden position and not following your inner spiritual guidance or spiritual mission; - being under force –dominated by someone else to chose a mission which is incompatible with your Higher Self. (examples here are endless of parents who force their children to study f.ex. language, or be engineers, or anything they think “guided” without the child to feel attracted for that.)
-         lying intentionally – telling chains of lies multiple times to more than one person.
-         Hearing offensive- aggressive words from someone close and not responding (again open your eyes and see how many children are in such position that they “couldn’t respond” and how many women in family life).
-         Passive position –being silent, not reacting in situation of offence to you or anyone else (cases of abuse of other people for ex. In which you were afraid to say something or to respond, even totally unknown people in street).
-         Offensive behavior in the family – for ex. shouting, screaming, aggressive arguments between parents, specially in front of the child.

-         Language of hiding anything, lies, speaking with evil language, or anything opposite of kindness – can reflect on all family members but most vulnerable are children.

Thank you for tuning in! 
Continue to part 3 ....

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

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