Friday, August 24, 2018

Meditation for forgiveness in Blue sphere -II

5. The end of the meditation in case we are still in connection with this friend, we see his sphere of light to become separate again, he becomes smaller and goes away in the distance, while looking at you with love.

You could repeat this meditation regularly, if you want to achieve better results, as this will definitely affect on the astral body of your friend.

The meditation has many variations, according to what kind of relationship you have with this person - if you are still connected with him, if he passed away, or in life, if he is your past beloved, or ex husband/ wife.
Don’t forget the following very important details – in meditation with person who is not alive anymore, but was close to you, or with someone, who is no longer connected with you, but alive, you have to say the words before you separate: “ I let you to go in the Light, sending you love and blessings.” 
These words indicate that the person can not have any physical connection with you, but you still can maintain spiritual connection by heart.
In case also if his astral body becomes attached” to you again ,he wont be able to stay with you or appear in your dreams.

* When you make meditation for love in the past (or past life), you see the same beautiful sphere of light, but this time appears the arch angel Chamuel, who brings sparkling pink sphere of light around you and the person. The sphere encompasses also both of us, my beloved and I hold pink lotuses in our hands, then release them and they float in the air above our heads. The lotuses in this meditation can`t become one, but they remain separated – above my head and above his head one pink lotus in sparkling light sphere. We say the same words. But in addition we exchange little rings of light pink material with the sign of eternity above. They are exchanged only if we had close intimate relationship with this person, who is now no longer with us, or we are separated physically. In this case we exchange the rings saying: “ With this ring your spirit light and love shines in my heart in eternity. May this ring make you free from any resentment about your love relations in the future. And so it is.” Your ex partner / beloved says the same words and you exchange that pink crystal rings.

Then the sphere of your beloved from past starts to be smaller and smaller, together with his astral body, and goes further and further away…until disappears from your sight. If you wont meet again physically you say “I let you to go in the Light, sending you love and blessings.” 

Next you need to sit for a while in quiet meditation, looking to the sacred lake. And let all your emotions flow freely. Don’t hold anything inside. Notice any thoughts and feelings. You ll see then the totem animal soon appear next to you or in front of you. This animal is the actual sign from the person and holds keys to your relationship in spiritual world. If the animal is like: white dove, swan, peacock, white owl, humming bird…it’s a sign that the person you invoked in the meditation is well and in good state of mind, and he sends love to you. If otherwise the animal is like black owl, black bird, or any kind of black animal or cat – will be a sign that the person is not feeling well or struggle with pain or illness or heavy thoughts in that time, or he is surrounded by negative energy.

* The same meditation you can make very successfully for any close or distant family member for forgiveness and love or making the connection closer. The responsible arch angel will be Sandalphon. The sphere of light will be turquoise, and when you invoke the person (for example mother, father, brother, sister…) you say: “ Welcome/ Greetings divine being, I recognize in your Higher self the energy of my “mother/ father…” in the present life.” Then the words from the first meditation repeat. Specially you have to say that you are grateful for all “love, support and spiritual lessons” that she gave you, and which made you in higher state of divine spirit. You can add also “ You are part of my spiritual group.”

When the meditation is with arch. Sandalphon and family member, then you see little turquoise cords attached from your body and heart to the body and heart of another person. Such cords are also connected from your palms to his, and from your third eye to his. Your hands wont touch, but you ll feel pulling of these cords. You can remove the cords, using the power of arch. Sandalphon, but except the heart cords, which will remain. If you had very heavy experience with this person, you can also visualize removing the heart cord, then say “I release all your cords attached between us, I forgive you and release all the negative feelings and darkness away from me. Now my soul is free from you.”
With the close family member, who you don’t like to release” all cords, you can exchange gifts of blue light bracelets. They will be very thin and light like a feather in blue light, that wraps around your wrists. These are bracelets of devotion and love in your spiritual group. They have the sign of Sandalphon. You can say when you giving the gift of bracelet: “I` m on my own way, but we are still together in the Light of spiritual group. Be blessed, Thank you.”

That’s all about meditations for forgiveness, love and bliss with another person, beloved from past or family member. Remember that this visualization will be most powerful if you make it in time of energy portal (new, full moon, solstice – 7 days after, or equinoxes – up to 7 days after, or in a day with higher vibration – 07.07, 08.08 and so on). You need to do that for 3 days in a raw, to intend forgiveness from your heart and to invoke just one person. 

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to share this article, subscribe, post a comment or ask a question! 
Blessings in love and light on your spiritual path. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

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