How any person receives information (mediumship) ?
When the light in form of a channel or “tube” is send down
to human, it enters first the Merkaba (celestial light), then flows down to our
astral-mental light – (Third eye chakra ), and then goes into the heart
(ethereal light). This is the whole process of communication – that is valid
for angels connections. That happens only if we are: 1. in state of purity
(obviously purity and openness of mind and heart), 2. spiritual awareness (we
are aware of our actions and their impact in world). 3. focus and intention
(which includes desire to connect and purpose – or reason why we do that).
These are the main three conditions for all connections. That’s why it`s not
possible any “channel” of angelic guidance to be “unclean” , just
interpretations of messages will be normally slightly different.
The ways of communication of everyone is unique. The
easiest way for angelic connection is through Heart chakra – on level of
feelings, people who are sensitive connect with heart, and actually anyone
could use this method – this is clairsentience (feeling by touch),
clairalience). The next level of communication in spiritual realm is through
astral –mental light (Third eye), - clear hearing, seeing, knowing…Each of
these skills uses spiritual patterns and abilities that already exist in human,
just need to be developed.
Every human has already internal "link” (immanent
connection) with the energy of Akashic library. This is though the Third eye
and astral-mental Seed. But not every human has the ability, intention or
desire to develop this light (to make it open), due to many reasons, so this
divine seed remains closed. In this way the person blocks the channel of
angelic connection, and he cant receive any messages, even if he claims he
“wants”. The easiest way to block the channel of divine light is: - by
consuming predominantly meat products (specially mammal animals), - by being
present in strongly negative state of mind for longer time (anger, resentment,
hatred, depression, stress…). Thought sadness is not included in the list
because it is a feeling of “sensitivity to the environment” and for short times
is quite normal.
being addicted to anything
harmful for the body – cigarettes, alcohol, drugs…
having closed Heart chakra
for longer time (weeks) will reflect in automatic closing the third eye.
If you want to become a channel of divine messages and
open your Third eye (astral-mental seed), you need to do opposite things:
develop more positive
qualities, be compassionate and forgiving, be loving.
Eat more vegetables and
fruits in daily menu
Practice spiritual awakening
by meditation, affirmations, art, yoga, use crystals.
~ About the Akashic library
It has endless energy archives organized strictly in
levels, circles, and rooms. They contain information for each human soul (and
mindful soul in whole universe and galaxies), about all present and past lives
of the souls. There are some outlines of the future incarnations, even with
blank pages. There are rooms for every nation on Earth, rooms for the whole
earth and process of ascension. Each room of nation has special symbol a color,
that is also linked with angelic group (archangel, responsible for the nation).
~ Have in mind that the Akashic book of our soul present
life has blanc pages, that we need to fill up, by enfolding our mind, body and
activating our Self in earth level. But once we make a significant choice in
our life, a chapter is written in the book (ahead) with link to the “future”.
So we can access exactly this chapter consciously, through the Higher self. So
we can read the chapter about the future, based on our current state of
mind-spirit –body. The chapter also can be changed, in this way we need to be
aware of changes and updates in Akashic book. Everything in universe is moving,
changing, expanding –and collapsing. That’s why both forces are present and
~ Foods that activate and open your third eye and psychic
The main power foods are: apples, grapes, black currant,
blackberries, cranberries, red berries, pomegranate.
Almost all green leaf vegetables have similar effect even
more slow.
Foods that open the heart chakra and develop sensitivity:
apple, pear, tomato, green veggies, broccoli, kiwi, cherries, strawberries.
All fruits has the same intention – to open the ethereal
Foods that keep you grounded and with strong bones are:
nuts, seeds, carrot, potato, rice, root crops.
~ how do you enter Akashic records?
You need to be in clear state of mind and open heart. – as
most of spiritual practices. Connecting with your higher Self requires
meditation, and will be helpful (but not obligatory) if you don’t eat for about
2 hours before and 1 hour after the meditation. You can sit or lie down in
quite place, feel your breath, relax.
Listen to gentle music for meditation and connect with
your Higher self. Stay in meditation for about 10 min, then say the words of
entering Akashic light:
“I call upon archangel Metatron and group of divine
keepers of akashic light –be with me now. I call upon my angelic guides, my
mission angel (Gabriel) (and anyone who you like to invite – as. Master White
Tara ex.). Please help me to enter, receive and understand the information from
my Akashic book (library). I`m divine being of light, and I m in my Merkaba, so
that I can feel and receive Akashic knowledge now. Thank you, and so it is.”
Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to share my article, post a comment or ask question! Light and blessings on your spiritual path.
nina Lea-nour *
angel`S medium
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