Friday, October 13, 2017

Chakras and energy circles

In this short article I want to throw more light on what are charkas, how we see them, how the can be used and opened”, and specially what are their connections to the outer and inner physical world. Let`s begin.

Chakras are actual energy portals situated inside of human body.  Its important to understand that while animals, trees, plans and crystals have aura, they don’t have charkas. Human beings as beholders of divine sparkle –soul and spirit – have these charkas. Chakras (from Sanskrit word “wheel”) is high intensity energy vortex, moving in the right direction (clockwise) within special points in our body. This vortex has specific frequency, color, level of light and brilliance, and its differently expanded depending on individual growth and consciousness.
The more someone is mindful and connected with the spirit, the more his charkas are full of light, more clean, expanded and have higher frequency. On the contrary, people who don’t work on their charkas or don’t make any spiritual exercises, have dull chakras, without light, and moving in very low frequency. That means they have “closed” or blocked chakras, as they energy portals are not active and in state of “sleep”.

Something more about chakras – they not just separate energy wheels, but they are interconnected together as one, and their active energy reflects the outer layers of our aura field. That means: the more your chakras are open and well flowing, the more your aura will be also healthy, expanded and full of light. The main chakra, that has complicated structure, is Hear (Anahata). That chakra I`ll observe later, is the real key to healing our physical and emotional body. We start the healing on energy level, and then the effect spread through all down layers and physical. So to remove a physical pain or illness from the body, we need to work first on energy level, on emotional (soul) level, on level of space and home energy where we live, and then on physical level.

Heart chakra is the source of very high frequency emotions that bring healing light – compassion, love, empathy, feeling of others, forgiveness. They are important aspects in each humans life to be reached.
Other chakras form big circle of energy, I call them “Ying –Yang” circle. They show the interconnection between upper and lower chakras within the body. These big Ying-Yang circles are – Root-Crown chakra circle, Sacral – Third eye circle, Solar Plexus – Throat chakra circle. We` ll see how they are much more connected and affect each other in functions on different levels.

This is list of basic relations of all chakras to our aspects in real life:
I.             Root chakra  (Base of the spine) ruby red color vortex, connection with family, father and ancestors. Related to instincts, survival, connection with Earth, past lives, karma
II.          Sacral chakra (in the intimate area) orange color vortex, connection with feelings (emotions on lower level), divine feminine, relationships, lovers, friends, soul mates, intimacy, sharing, trust.
III.    Solar Plexus (little above the navel area) sparkling yellow vortex, connection with friends, social relations, mission and work on earth, believe, faith and courage, realizing and acting on Self.
IV.      Heart chakra (in place of heart center) emerald green and pink light; connected with purity of feelings, unconditional love, love to children, inner child contact, inner Goddess, to emotional body and memories, key to compassion and forgiveness and giving (generosity).
V.          Throat chakra (in the place of throat) – aquamarine blue light; (Ethereal body), Purity of self, connected with purity of speaking, expression, creative mission, creative writing, art, talents in art, music and writing, learning, teaching others, Higher mission on earth.
VI.        Third eye chakra (in place between eyebrows) – indigo blue light; (Astral, mental body) connected with purity of understanding myself and others, tolerance, acceptance, higher vision, clairvoyance, connection to spiritual realm and dreams, connected with Higher self and karma, to cosmic missions.
VII.       Crown chakra (one inch above the head) – white and amethyst light and color, golden, connected with higher frequencies, (Celestial levels) receiving energy from the divine source and cosmos, interacting clearly with angels and higher light beings, provides pure flow of energy to all down chakras in human body –like generator.

(While Ethereal body is changing and moving like waves (Throat), Astral and mental bodies are projection of your Higher self in energy pure form – it lives in the celestial sphere.)

I ll start observation on the Ying-Yang circles starting from outer to inner.
Crown chakra –when it s clean and healthy it provides energy to whole body and down chakras. What is the color of crown chakra?

Most people assume that the Crown chakra has violet or purple color. This may be truth with some people, but crown is one of the most variable in color and light areas for different individuals. Mostly Sahasrara has very light purple or medium purple color and it`s surrounded with shining white light. This is not translucent” light, but white like “selenite” crystal –it has highly protective qualities. Above the sphere of selenite light, there is another sphere of Golden light. The last 2 spheres of Crown chakra are seen in highly spiritual people, or people with developed spiritual path. (the ones who acknowledge their spiritual mission in world or with divine purpose in world like Ascended Masters)

Most people have outer spheres of the Crown corresponding to the color of their aura field. They can be various different colors and combinations in this area.
The crown chakra (as well as other chakras) has a core with sparkling white light (looking like a star) within the purple sphere. That’s why in another article I compared chakras with “planets and stars”. This white core is the energy center corresponding to the same center inside the physical brain. This light gives signals to people when they are in danger and can prevent us from something in subconscious way. That’s how Crown is connected with our intuition and Third eye. If the Heart chakra is seen as the key to our physical health and love to physical world, the Crown is the vortex –portal to the place of eternal Light –God and angels, spirits, Higher Self. Crown chakra connects all chakras of the physical body or down chakras –with upper chakras through divine cleansing light. It contains the spiral of ascension and the cords to the Soul Star chakra, where spinning “Mer-kaba” of energy is situated. To people who are aware of the ways to use it, this merkaba provides protection and healing from Source.
In order to use the benefits of this healing Merkaba and soul star, you need to have already cleansed and activated all physical body chakras. That’s why not all people can ascend” and ascension is a process, that is made slowly by working on each chakra daily. Energy cleansing is made regularly from down to up –like growing. When you have your chakras clean and connected with your Crown and Soul star, you will be able to receive clear message of information, signs and guidance from many universal sources – God, angels, ascended masters, Pleadians, fairies and elementals. When you have activated Merkaba your life will be blessed with health, joy, abundance and pure love. You`ll have immense peace of mind.
Crown chakra in spiritually advanced people has sparkling white light and looks (to the physical eyes) as a halo around the head. It can be in lavender, purple, white or golden light.
People who are too far from spiritual path or ascension have dull and “dusty” like look of Crown chakra, where colors wont be visible. But they always have the inner white light core, as every soul should be connected to the divine source. But the light spiral is not connected with the core, so they cant receive information.
In such way, everyone who has good intention, pure heart and desire to connect, can do that and come in the sacred space of Akasha records.

That’s the information on chakra circles and Crown, abide in divine Light, dear souls! 

nina Lea-nour *
~ medium 

@ 0907 

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