Thursday, October 12, 2017

The ten stones of Earthly life -I

There are ten spiritual "stones” (in form of obstacles) given to all human beings, in order to achieve spiritual awakening through suffer and hardship. These stones are the main obstacles in front of us, since we start our life path until the end. They appear in different degree (strength), in different appointed time and are always meant to show you a special way to go – to transcendence of the earthly matter and reach spiritual awakening. These are stones of inner and outer transformation, that affect all areas of our life.

1) Stone of Separation (or Death) 
 this stone (obstacle) should be overcome in order to reach spiritual knowledge of Self. This is one of the best known stones on the spiritual way. Every human soul should go through it. Physical death of another (or losing the physical presence and soul of someone else) is one of the hardest obstacles in the life plane. Also we are obliged with our coming here, to have time for separation from our own physical body before departing to afterlife. Separation can also appear in many other way - separation from a child, when he grows, separation of traveling and moving to another place, separation between family members, separation of divorce or brake up of relationship. These are so familiar problems in social plane, that every soul has little or more experience with them; the essential thing is to ask why this is happening? 

2). Stone of illness (of physical or emotional body) 
the obstacle of illness is used so often and wide spread in humans life. Its because it gives us purification and ascension of the Soul. One very important aspect of soul journey. Through the illness or physical pain and suffer we come closer to the Source or God. Every human is familiar with illness and pain, that’s the way to grow and transform, to be much stronger than we think we are. Illness is always indicator that something in our emotional (ethereal) , mental and physical body is out of order. The system has lack, a gap, empty place, or our energy body has injury. it may not be visible to our eyes of course, and even may not be realized. Some people when they understand about a particular problem in their body or issue, are so surprised and amazed. This is happening to me? I feel this? Me? They seem to not be aware about their own feelings, or energy direction. This is so because they try to hide so well their heart desire, feelings or thoughts, that they even cant see them at all. So do not try to hide things from yourself. You are always exposed to the divine Source of Light, angels are always observing you, taking care of you. When you are ill, this means your body, your heart your energy wants to point something to you. You are missing something important, and your way should change. That`s indication, not punishment. On the other hand, some very hard diseases should be viewed as "Karmic" but have in mind, this is again not "punishment", but a dept that we have to pay back. 

3). Stone of Power 
(power of physical world is so many kind – political and social, institutional, power over weaker than you, power over your children, and over parents, power over self and egoistic desires of Self). This stone leads to soul "descending” or humbleness, acceptance and understanding. Having power is tricky rock for spiritual expansion. If you use this power in harmful way –or to cheat, humiliate and mistreat others (humans, animals, plants, tress, nature), it will return right to you and grab your heart. Power affect on heart and mind strongly, so the way to go out of that trap is simply to achieve power over your Self. Over your emotional and mental body. The one who didn’t master that is in a big illusion, mislead and a trap of power. This trap makes us divided into “masters” and slaves, it creates dependence and attachments. The trap of "power" is so wide spread in today`s world, that every human being suffer from it or try to avoid it. Existence of money system, banks, political systems and all social life is well based on the Power illusion. Overcoming this rock or trap the advanced souls have opportunity to reach to humbleness, acceptance and love to all life around, they feel quiet and silence in their heart, as they no more strive to one Illusion of world.

4). Disappointment
 that stone is also too common in every day life of people. Everyone struggle and went trough disappointment. How to overcome it? By spiritual openness, mindfulness and acceptance for what is there on our way. It’s a challenge in many levels. Its very important how we “react” from inside to outside, to stone of disappointment. This stone gives us the spiritual keys to inner knowledge and patience, which is powerful keys to open many doors. Through disappointment we are going closer to the meaning of our life and missions, to understand our inner Self, connecting our inner Child and emotions, overcome past traumas and reach to higher experience. Disappointment will be overcome by higher levels souls. But anyone can attempt to overcome this stone, this will give him amazing benefits.

5). Lie, mischief, hiding the truth  -

This is quite important stone. So many illusions and traps are around us, that its hard to say which one to overcome first and which next, sometimes we are blinded by false believes or by outlook of things. We need always to understand things first from inside, in order to not be mislead. We need to feel the inner energy (not the outer sparkle and beauty) of things and people around us. Lie and mischief and hiding the truth are developed in world mostly as tools to escape from one reality to another. Which is of course creating illusion and throwing dust in the eyes of another. We have to understand –people who hide truth, or lie, have rarely simply evil soul or evil intentions. They are lead by need to escape and feeling of fear. Exactly this fear leads to telling lie, or not being able to pronounce the truth. The net fear of earth plane is so vast that spreads everywhere – fear to lose someone, something, fear to be alone, fear of family or social judgment…This net sucks the pure energy from humans, so they invent ways to go away from it. These ways if not straight, are illusions – like lies, or aggression. Through overcoming the trap of lies and mischief, we come closer to the Truth for ourselves and our higher self, as well as to the truth of the world. We can make separation and discern the dark from light, evil from benevolence. We start to be masters of truth. 

nina Lea-nour * 
@ 1012

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