Thursday, January 9, 2020

Consciousness Shift in the beginning of 2020

Thank you for tuning in my Ascension energy and Portal predictions for the beginning of 2020. 
March is a very special month in Angelic calendar out of timelines. We can view the whole year as a circle made of cycles with 4 major determined points of attraction. These points are the Winter and Summer solstices and the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes. They are also opening a Cosmic Gateways, as I wrote multiple times, flowing angelic light of Higher consciousness, changing and restructuring DNA, opening the energetic body centers – Heart and Crown charkas. Ascension cycles are here to help you to integrate with higher divine Light and with levels of 5th and 6-th dimensions. You need to realise your role as a creator Soul. As a human that has much higher abilities to expand and connect with the Divine. That`s realization of Light within you.

Here I want to speak about this cycles and Ascension energy. The Winter solstice (21. Dec, Yule in Wicca calendar) – activates the energy of the Soul Ascension, which means human emotional, mental, spiritual, physical bodies have time of preparation for cleansing, purification, releasing and letting go of toxic events or negative mind patterns. This is period of going within and ascension, focus is on mind and emotions. That ascension is needed in order to make future progress.

Solstice energy (vertical) brings strong sense of self-love, divine connection, rejuvenation, stillness, focus inward, meditation, quiet mind, sleep, rest, restructuring. That restructuring is related to Higher Mind and shifting perspective of Mind. It`s related to active sub-conscious mind, imagination, dreams, inner patterns. You are in time of deep cleansing and healing, releasing old sub conscious patterns of mind. In this period your DNA is preparing for the re-activation and re-programming which will happen in energy of Spring Equinox.
    Some esoteric symbolic keys: 

    In 2020 the energy after Winter solstice (Yule), is related to the element Air, to the Tarot suit of Swords (cutting away, releasing) and to the archangels: I. December –Metatron bringing illumination and strength; II. January – Zdakiel, bringing transformation and transition to the new Self with Violet flame; III. February – Gabriel – bringing purification and awakening of inner power.
 [ art by Yishu Wang ]

    Element from Tarot universal symbols are connected with Swords meaning: self-discipline, cord-cutting, truth, justice, realization, letting go of old, awareness, mindfulness, consciousness, choices, education, peace of mind.

Cards related to the period of the 3 winter months are 2 of Swords (need to make decisions, choices, opening of Third eye) and 4 of Swords (need of rest, re-evaluation, meditation, peace of mind, away from the busy life). (Cards number is taken from the main numeric value of the year 2020– 2/4).
January Tarot cards are related to number I. Magician and XI. Justice; They appoint to all mastery and ability to create in outer world, which is focused within you.

   In February the moonlight illuminates our Sub-conscious and psychic abilities with the II. High Priestess energy (meditation, divine connection, purity of mind, awaken feminine energy), and with the Queen of Swords (or High Priestess of Air), pointing to qualities self-discipline, truth, honesty, equality, freedom, independence, self-love, mindfulness, study. The symbol of the Air element is bird Owl.

Full Moon is on 9-th of February – related to power of arch. Haniel, in sign of Leo. Messages and revelations from the Full moon (9) are given from the Tarot cards 9-of Swords and 9-of Wands (taken from the date of the full moon -9 and from energy of Winter period –swords, and from the element of the ruling moon sign –Leo- Fire-Wands). Message: You need to cleanse your mind from clutter, release and let go of fears and negative expectations. You may experience moments of restlessness, waking up, anxiety. Pay attention to your meaningful dreams and visions. Write them down. Number 9 meaning is related to synchronicity, love, rejuvenation, end of cycle.

New Moon portal in February is opening on 23-th in sign of Pisces is ruled by Arch. Gabriel – shows dreamful vision, purity of mind and high emotions. Numerical value of 23 is [3] and connects with Fire energy, and with Tarot Knight of Swords – dedication to a mission, travel, astral travel, education, courses, study; For some people though the energy might be harder and related to 3 of Swords – painful separation, heart brake, releasing the old (in mind), past life evaluation or Karma cleansing. This is a sign of end of Karmic relationship.
Another card that is related to the New moon energy is 3 of Cups (water portal) which means Divine flow of soul connection and abundance, soulful relationships, sharing love. (from 3 the numerical value of the New moon and Pisces –water sign related to Cups in Tarot). Consider meditating on this card, if you are into Tarot.

(note: be aware that in this period many people will end their Karmic relationships, so to be open for new opportunities in the future).

Colours and crystals that will help your ascension of Higher consciousness are: violet, purple, white, amethyst, purple fluoride, selenite, white opal, clear quartz, charoite, lepidolite, smoky quartz.

Nina Lea-Nour *
*Angel`s medium 
* Reiki master

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