Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tarot Portions XII - Observation on Knights (Wands & Pentacles)

    Knights in the Suits represent the energy of fire, motion, moving forward, passion, dedication to a cause. All Knights (or Princes) are aligned with the symbol of Major Arcana VII. The Chariot, meaning moving forward, going on a quest, journey, also spiritual, moving away from the past, transition, change, courage, signs for victory, being brave, using your power. That’s how Knights are Yang energy or masculine. 

The VII. Chariot represents basic concept of:
-        transition
-        movement forward
-        motivation, courage
-        balance of qualities
-        fight and being brave
-        putting efforts in cause
-        determination, willpower

All the Knights in tarot are aligned with the cards: VII. The Chariot – XVI. The Tower and 7 of all suits. They are reflection of Fire element (passion, strength, endurance, will).
As we see in all Knights there is motion, so they are mostly the travellers, they are dedicated to change, transition, going ahead and overcoming obstacles. All Knights have some challenges to overcome, and their energy and will points to success in the end.

The Archangel of 7. is Metatron.

Knight of Wands *
Each knight holds they keys to transformation, change, motivation. He is the ultimate traveller. The horse is the symbol of travel, road, unknown destination, but also dedication and freedom. When Knight appears in reading he usually is a free person, which means also a single. Another important aspect of Knight of Wands is taking risks, going out of his comfort zone. The Knight is opposite of the dreamful and innocent Page (usually Yin feminine energy). Knight of wands can be related to:
-        travel for a quest or project
-        in a love reading – impatience, sexual desire, fast action
-        focused energy, passion, determination
-        Spiritual journey to another place with challenges

Knight of Wands is double fire – ones he has the element of Fire, and the numerical relation with 7 is fire too. He is dedicated to a quest, transformation, announcing quick changes, risk and impatience. Some of negative aspects of this knight are war, battle, comflict, resistence. 
It can mean also quick travel to a South destination, usually with Sun. key words: motivation, transformation, travel, fast action. 

Knight of Pentacles *
      This Knight combines elements of Fire and Earth. He is going on travel or a quest related to success in work, projects, carrier, creative ideas, home and family. It can also mean taking action to a goal related to property or finances; travel in the nature, or going on a trip in a village or place in the mountain.
Knight of Pentacles loves being in nature and working in the nature, gardening, dedication for building a beautiful home. He loves travelling, but he also likes planning and observation, before taking action. He is not impatient, but more balanced. Knight of Pentacles can mean also:
-        short business travel
-        going on a quest and taking care of finances
-        buying a new property
-        Travel to destination East
-        Planning or collecting money for a travel or moving
This Knight is also related to the symbolic energy of 7 of Pentacles. – determination, patience, dedication to a growth, efforts, steady progress.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intiutive 

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