Thursday, July 6, 2017

Spiritual path (attunements)

   What are attunements? What is meaning to tune into something? To be part of the cosmic rhythm, sound, light, taste, vibration of the universe. To be part of the whole, to see yourself as complete system of separate particles, belonging to the whole of God/ goddess. To see yourself as unique piece of the universal puzzle picture, part of God radiance, to feel and connect your inner child, your higher self, and your soul/ heart. This is reflection of attunement.
 (total pages - 10) 
Spiritual path is an important choice to make in everyone`s life. People are completely different, so they have different spiritual paths, some have journey that is more quiet and easy to walk, as if continuation from another lives. Other paths are made of ups and downs, like a hills and valleys, following some sequence. What matters is, spiritual path is never easy journey. It takes strong willing, determination, love, devotion, courage and persistence, self-discipline. But once you take it, you`ll feel amazing, uplifted and open to another new world. You ll see everything with different eyes. The higher you go, the clearer you`ll see the divine light, that opens in front of you. That’s why, don’t be afraid of any events, flows, words, ups and downs. Follow the path strictly, and be sure you are already achieving ascension. You are ascended soul –in your level now.

One of the way to ascension is through following the religious guidance of a master, being devoted in religion, festivals and rituals. As they all make love, peace and compassion spread to the world – that’s how process of expansion is possible. Any religion is a way to god, if you observe it with principles of love, compassion, piece and wisdom.
So you can have your initiation with your religion, if you are Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, or follow Pagan believes.

   Here I`ll observe path of spiritual initiation from the New era of Amethyst light. This initiation combines many believes and understandings about wisdom of god and divine presence in many different forms. Its not New age phenomena, its True call of Heart. Everyone feels the truth within himself, so he has the right to choose his own way, regardless of his society, condition, religion, family status, culture...We are all from one Source. We are made of light, that’s how we should feel our unity stronger than our differences. That will happen in the future times to come.
Initiations are made with 1. personal willing 2. determination to follow the path 3. passion and love 4. persistence and discipline. All of that matters when comes to any other way, not just spiritual.
I give example of spiritual initiation, that is not given as rule, but taken from my personal angelic guidance.

Real spiritual initiation is a long process that will continue the whole life. Even so acquiring spiritual knowledge in many fields is also part of the obligation of the student.
Have in mind that when you travel you`ll continue to see many interesting colorful views of life, from many different perspective. You should be happy, curious and full of joy.

So start the journey now. 
Here I wont observe the “Angelic levels” that are for more special people devoted to spiritual teaching, medium and psychic abilities. I write about way of spiritual ascension for everyone who feels connected to do it.

I.                   Green heart castle attunement (this is the first level –to open your heart chakra. Make attunements in green ray; special visualization of green pyramids, green crystals, balls, and green flower of life. Heart healing. Preparing for the higher vibrations. This level duration is 9 months.

II.                 The second level starts with Blue ray attunement and meditations –on receiving power, initiation of strength, courage, willpower, protection of field, cords cutting, cleansing past karma with arch. Michael, as. Master El Morya, Devas of the blue ray – Isis, Ishtar, Morgan le Fay, Rhiannon, Persephone. Releasing past pains and fears, letting go, surrender to Divine will. Self-acceptance. Highly magical ray. It continues 9 months, 22 days are dedicated to each Deva (totally 110 days), and 3 months for work with master El Morya and arch. Michael. Work on Ancient Egyptian pantheon, symbols, believes for knowledge. Symbol of Blue ray – Sacred Blue Lotus with 5 petals, pentagram. As. Masters who work in the Blue rays are: Anubis, Osiris.

III.              Third level is dedicated to White (Pearl, Opal) ray and arch. Gabriel. The aim of this ray is achieving inner piece, harmony, releasing old patterns of thinking, self-love, discipline and Purity in all levels –of heart, mind, body. Work with white ray Devas and as. Master Serapis Bay ~ Quan Yin, White Tara, Iris (Greek), Selena, Aeracura. Important level of self-love and feminine energy. Making purifying circle of pearl white light. Symbol of white ray is Sacred White lotus with 6 petals. (resembling the meaning of Snowflake). Work with fairies of White lotus, white rose, snowdrop, Lily of the valley, Jasmine flower. Attunement with white and pale blue crystals: white jade, white agate, opal, angelite,  Selenite, celestite, aqua aura. This level is for washing away all toxins and negative clouds of dust around you. As. Master working in the white ray is Maria Magdalena.

IV.              Forth level is dedicated to Emerald green ray of arch. Raphael and master Hilarion. The mystery of the level is achieving initiation of Healing, self-healing of physical and ethereal body, knowledge of receiving and directing energy flow, how to heal others, how the energy moves in human body. Work with devas of Green ray – Artemis, Athena, Harmonia, Eirene, Flora, Sita. They will send you healing energy. Ability –healing and recovering physical, emotional and mental body through green light. Symbol of the level is Sacred green Lotus with 7 Petals (seven pointed star). Involve in nature work, participate in healing, practice healing with green sphere of light. Colors – green and golden, light green. The emerald ray is amplified by the presence of Mother Mary.

V.                Fifth level works with energy of Yellow-Golden (Amber) ray, arch. Jophiel and as. Master Lord Lanto. Sun energy, wisdom. Main aspect is achieving wisdom, higher knowledge and understanding hidden truth, reading signs, decoding messages of light, study, practice of meditation in nature. Devas of the Yellow ray are: Amaterasu, Lakshmi, Sophia, Aine, Brigid, Bastet, Andromeda. They work for wisdom, abundance and manifestation of desires. Symbol of the ray is Yellow Sacred lotus with 8 petals. Initiation – circle of yellow golden sacred knowledge, revealing hidden truth. Stones to use in this level are: yellow aventurine, jade, citrine, olivine, yellow calcite. Citrine ray works with as. Master Lao Tzu, amplifying aspect of wisdom, truth, knowledge, expansion.

VI.              Sixth level works with energy of Pink (Rose quartz) ray and arch. Chamuel (as. Master Paul the Venetian). This is the ray of heart healing, unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. No ascension can be reached without these aspects of divine Light in humans. Heart is the area of love, divine connection with angels, from heart the energy pours into all body up to the Crown and Star Peace, and down to the earth. If your heart is not open for love and acceptance, you cant be truly healed. This ray is dedicated to Devas of love and rebirth: Aphrodite (Venus), Freya (goddess of flowers and love), Juno, Arianrhod (Celtic), Rhea (Greek), Hestia (Vesta), Hathor (Egyptian). All of them will give you the initiation of open heart, abundance, healing heart pains, forgiveness. They are also goddesses of human balance between feminine and masculine energy, Ying and Yang, passive and active, water and fire. Here lies principle of “Integration of Polarities”. The healing ray is soft pink with magenta and pearl shine. The mission to accomplish in this ray is: self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, raising heart vibrations, letting go of heart pains, fulfilling heart desire. The manifestation is pink ray is made with aspects of gratitude, expression of joy, attracting the perfect soul mate, partner. The symbol of Pink ray is Pink 9 pointed star, Pink Lotus with 9 petals. Crystals to aid the energy of the level are: pink kunzite, rose quartz, pink opals. (The energy of Pink ray corresponds to the universal low of unconditional love – as. Spiritual teacher Jesus, Jeshua.

VII.           The seventh level of ascension starts with open heart and unconditional love from previous level. This is the basis for going higher. This level works with arch. Uriel (achieving beautiful surrounding and cleansing environment) and Purple-golden flame angels, with as. Master Lady Nada. Devas of the light orange (peach) ray are teach us how to be more uplifted and fulfill our desires in the place we live, from the point we are, in our surroundings, home, country. This ray can be visualized also in purple and golden shimmering colors. They remove all obstacles from social ground, that may hinder our spiritual progress. These devas are: Aeval, Aine, Inanna, Cerridwen, Eos (Aurora), Saranya (Indian), Lilianna (fairy of lilies). This is the level of harmony, integration, respect, tolerance, inner peace, achieving beauty. Devas of orange ray bring you the cleansing power of crystal Amber. They cleanse your energy in all levels. They use amber light mist, fragrances and essential oils – orange, rose, jasmine, Ylang Ylang, patchouli, nerroli, chamomile. Symbol of amber ray is Sacred lotus with 10 petals, ten pointed star. Mission is is completeness, cleaning, higher frequencies. Amber ray also manifest protection on ethereal level and abundance for all material things.

VIII.         The eight level is represented by power of Amethyst violet ray and arch. Zadkiel. This is amazing high frequency ray, that cleanse all your way ahead – you reach to the cleansing of Mind. Now you activate new mind patterns, new higher goals and spiritual results. You are able to see things from above, without judgment and affection. This ray is amplified by the energies of as. Master St. Germain (teacher), as. Master Buddha. The rays energy is amplified with Violet Devas – Psyche, Ma`at, Fairy Amethyst, Dana, Sulis, Aglaea (greek). They are very soothing and cleansing energy, also raise vibrations of the person with 7 octaves (by using proper tools, meditations and rituals). This is the ray of Crown chakra and open mind to the cosmic flow. You step into new world by achieving this level. Symbol of this level is Sacred Violet lotus with 12 petals, violet 12 pointed star. The stones used for raising the vibrations are: Amethyst, purple jade, charoite, Clear quartz, purple fluorite. As. Masters added to this ray are Astrea and Purity.

IX.             Ninth level is presented by arch. Sandalphone (birth, rebirth, children, spiritual missions, protection) and Turquoise ray. More pure beings working on this ray are devas of Turquoise – mermaids, sea nymphs, dolphins; As. Master Krishna, Poseidon, Nephtys, Nun. This is one of the final levels in personal transformation of spirit, you achieved already some of the best qualities, initiations, protections and perfectly connect with any spiritual beings. This level means clearing and maintaining, as well as protection of others with lower vibrations. Not so many people can go so high. Turquoise opens the ego and dissolve it in cosmic oceans. This is attunement to the cosmic waves and wisdom of God. The self is disappearing in higher consciousness. It is expressed by Sufi masters teachings. Symbol of this level is Turquoise lotus of Sandalphone with 11 petals, 11 pointed star.

X.                The tenth level amplifies already existing powers of the first Blue ray – adding Golden shine. In this ray you work with Golden Topaz light, arch. Michael, Metatron, Melchizedek. It will give you knowledge about higher realms and deeper connection to lift the veil of afterlife and cosmic energy patterns.
XI.             Eleventh level works with the magical power of all angels together, and all ascended masters. This ray is opening the inner passage to divine Light, amplifies aspects of heart and its connection with all humans, all past-future self and the universal flow. Your Karma is balanced now and you achieved deep inner piece. You work through rituals, symbols (stars, pentagrams and flowers, mandalas). The light of the ray is Morganite pale pink. It unfolds in 13 petals Lotus. The Master you ll work with on this level is Hermes Thrismegistus. The ascension knowledge is in Kabbalah and symbols of Gods name.

XII.           The last level is 12. it amplifies all levels and rays before uniting the multiple aspects of self and all universal guides, teachers, masters and angels. It appears in amazing brilliance of the Selenite, Celestite, Aqua aura and crystal Quartz. It has magnetizing properties of the soul, and brings glory of the Soul in final stage with beautiful celestial blue and crystal white. This is the final level, where you achieve your mission of spiritual adept and start your new mission of spiritual teacher of high order. In this level you work with all archangels of light, specially with Raziel and your own angel of mission (Gabriel). You know your path and walk with confidence on it, with inner piece and love for all worlds creations. On this level all returns to oneness of its root. The symbol is ankh – crystal sun and equal arms cross. This is starting of new ascension. This level works also with harmonizing all energies in Self with pattern of flower of Life (in golden, amethyst and pale blue light).

Each level duration is 9 months complete. There is one month period between levels for tranquility, rest, then the next level starts in 12 month. So all the levels are achieved for period of 10 complete years – if you are devoted, focused and have self-discipline. When you are in the end of your path – 12 level – anther path will unfold for you.

Other important things to do during the levels ascension are:
~ first 2 levels require study of ancient mythology and religion (Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman); study of one of the elements – plants, herbs.
~ levels 3 -4 require study of mythological symbols, amulets and other tools for protection, more about as. Masters, avatars and devas. Study of Mayan and Zoroastrian mythology. One of elements –herbs and crystals
~ levels 5-6 – study about Celtic and Norse mythology, creation myths, symbols, ritual magic. Mysteries. Reading books about myths, Mircha Eliade, Blavatski.
~ Levels 7-8 – study on Buddhism, Hinduism and Hindu pantheon. Aspects of Kbalah, Judaism and Bible myths.
~ Levels 9-10 – Japanese, Chinese mythology, believe of after life. books, more about Kabalah.
~ Levels 11- 12 – study about Kabalah, symbols, more about religions worldwide, languages, as. Masters and angels. 

...I hope you enjoyed my article on spiritual path, feel free to share and comment below! thank you! 
[ nina Lea-noura * ]

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