Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Magic Square and energy of September [5] -Ascension


The energy of September feels like waves of pearl white and blue light. This is energy of Ascension through struggle for freedom. Some of the main themes on energy level (in higher layers) are freedom, truth and awakening of justice. That can show in multiple different forms – as struggle to be fulfilled, as being in a place or with people who are not vibrational match to you, as understanding and revealing the truth about something in the environment- no matter of its character.

Social injustice, manipulation and agendas will be very much visible and in the spotlight for all sensitive people this month. That is why the angels remind you again to take good care of your self in all levels – physical, emotional, psychological.

September is coming with the persistence, determination and focus of the Virgo season. And opens many spiritual doors. On energy level you may feel pressed from outer environment or situation, also you may feel exhaustion, need to sleep more or anxiety. 

Remember that this is the stage you are going through, and wont last long!

Vibration of number [5] in September

This month we have the vibration of 5 – and presence of archangel Sandalphon with turquoise cleansing light. The number reveals when you add the number of the month -9 to the year number [5] = 14 [5]

This is a key month for the Ascension on Earth, as we awaken and connect with energy of the whole planet on deeper level. 5 holds the elements – stone, mountain, crystal – it is significant for the challenges and reviewing where we are now in the present moment. As this is the same as the number of the year [5] September we will be given tools to overcome obstacles and to stand in the our full Power and potential.

About [5] : it is number of archangel Sandalphon, angel of spiritual guidance, connection and inner child. With this angel you are called to reveal your full potential and to not hide in your “shell” or in darkness of fear. It has turquoise light that is highly protective and cleansing in spiritual level. On a physical level number 5 relates to organs liver and intestines. This is Portal of blocked energy or the hard path forward, showing clearly what is NOT for your, and what is not for your highest good. So, this is the perfect time for detox of your body, meditation and time alone, or time out.

For many souls this month can be time of challenges to go beyond their limits, and to claim their divine Freedom.












[5] in the middle of the square signifies the energy of the month: energy of archangel Sandalphon and cleansing, letting go, healing old trauma. The sacred stamp of the energy is Pentagram in a circle, uniting all elements and directions.

[5] in the left column up is the number of year 2021 – Sandalphon and Karmic lessons.

[2] in the right column down signifies the energy of Full Moon in Pisces (on 20 Sep) - Portal of Sea and Ocean water, connect with Divine Feminine wisdom. 

[7] in the left column down signifies energy of New moon in Virgo sign – Portal of Divine fire.

[3] in the right column up is my personal number, which is calculated with adding number of the year 5 + number of the month 5 + my birth date number [2] = 12 [3]. This is the number of the Empress in Tarot, going with the natural flow, self-care, taking care of children or of your inner child, connect with all nature, tree spirits and plants, going outdoors.

Numbers in the vertical middle raw [4] and [5] indicate which Divine power we can connect to feel more grounded, stable and fulfilled. The higher aspect of self enhances the energy of arch. Raphael and green healing light. It has the potential of deep heeling and light code activation in your Heart. The spiritual stamp of 4 is four sided pyramid in a circle. 4 connects with element earth and qualities of Virgo – stability, safety, home, planning.

[5] is the number that is revealed with archangel Sandalphon and turquoise angels of cleansing of blocked energy. As lower aspect it presents element Stone] (mountain, crystal) and that we need to overcome all the fears from past trauma, from being hurt or fear of the unknown. It represents also the 10 stones in human life.

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`S medium ⍟
Fairie`s Guidance
© Sept. 2021

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