Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual guidance - Leo New moon - for Leo sign! ♌︎

 Happy Birthday Leo!  🎂  

This Tarot guidance for all Leo sign for the period when the Sun is in Leo (22 July - 22 August), in this amazing nd amplifying new Moon in Leo. Prepare for higher waves and conscious decisions to break the chains of restrictions you have. It may resonate to all signs with Sun, Moon (for women) and Rising sign. 

Tarot Cards:

Knight of Pentacles  (Earth Warrior) 

Being your authentic self – truth communication

This is card of movement, taking action, going forward with confidence, knowing what you want, being on the verge of important change. So, the first thing when you see Knight in Tarot is to think of change and transition, and the second is to think of Freedom. Do you make free choices? Do you know your direction and purpose? With this Knight you are focused on issues about home, family, money, work, and long term goals; Also stability, safety in your environment. You need to be practical and work every day one step at a time, in order to achieve your goals. Knight talks about clear vision for your future and what you want and need. This Knight also can indicate moving home, or places that you live, changes at work, moving to another place, or changes at home and family and your financial status –these will be very positive changes. Knight also means feeling freedom, confidence and decisiveness to work on your mission and goals. For some people this knight can be connecting with a friend, who is trustworthy and stable, travel abroad to the Eastern country or a short business travel. As this Knight is a warrior energy, it is not easy, so you should be prepared to overcome obstacles. But also all will go almost as planned, as Knight of Pentacles is peaceful. Take care to connect with your family and friends (specially the one abroad or who live far from you).

II. The Second card we have is XVIII. The Moon

This card indicates strong psychic awakening, Third eye activation, going within, or being connected to mystical realm of spirits, angels, faeries. Moon is a Cosmic Portal card, and not by chance it comes with the New moon in Leo. This is in fact the strong energy flow of the Lion`s Gate opening. The Moon indicates psychic dreams, visions, inner knowing, astral travel, meditations and clearing away your fears from past trauma. This is a time, when you will be guided to let go of all your past fears or some painful childhood events. You will receive powerful messages from the Moon energy, with this card work with your Third eye, and feel the expansion in this chakra in indigo and violet. Your special stone is moonstone or selenite, and you can meditate with colors silver and pearl-white. This card is sign that you should follow the signs, dreams and synchronicities in your life now. Notice who comes in your life, and what are your feelings, as the Moon activates your emotions and they become stronger. Also the Moon is in the Sign of Leo, that will reveal your true self and your true feelings, that cant be hidden for long. You need to admit things to yourself, and you need to observe your feelings in any situation. For some people the Moon indicates their dark, shadow self, which they try to avoid and don’t see; Now is the time this dark side of you will draw your attention. Also you can experience something from the past coming back to surface, which can be mysterious event or a person. 

III. The Third card for the Leo in this period is XV. the Devil 

The Devil is a one of the dark cards, but it`s very good, as it show us what are our restrictions and where we feel chained. This card indicates we are trapped in a negative emotions or habits, that are taking our energy. Be aware of chains, addictions, or obsessive behaviour to something or someone. Also if someone else expresses such emotions or behaviour to you –that can be jealousy, envy, or need to take you under control, possessiveness or any similar feeling. These are emotions destructive for the relationship. So, take care of them. You may feel restricted or trapped in a relationship or in any other sphere of life. It`s important to be conscious and choose to let go of fears and negative thinking; (Including fear to lose someone you love).

Angel message for Leo:

25. Oak tree – Safety, security, grounding energy, connection with nature, going out to nature, forest walk. Gardening, trees; home, family.

Art by Hsiao Ron Cheng [Taiwan] 

Nina Lea-Nour  ❂
Angel`s medium 
Faerie`s healer

© Aug. 2021

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