Saturday, August 7, 2021

Magic Square and Lion`s Gate of August [4]


The energy of August is not easy, but in the same time feels like opening to a vast ocean of another dimension. You are not the same and your life wont be the same too. Your mindset has changed with higher speed than you thought possible just since one year. The Lions Gate opening together with the New Moon in Leo is sign of the highest point of Energy in the Ascension. Therefore, the peak moment is not easy, especially if you are not used to be in a place so High.

During this energy what you need to be grounded and rest as much as possible. Every energy Portal –such as New moon, Full moon, Equinox and other special cosmic events, means transition + transformation in the same time. You are invited to be ready and go through this portal. But that not always will happen, if your soul chooses to stay in one place and if you are afraid of change. So, be prepared to go through this very strong energy of the Peak –Lion`s Gate with confidence, believe in universe, self trust, as you cant go back on your way.

Here is the Square for month of August:












[4] in the middle of the Square signifies the energy of the month – 4 is the number of archangel Raphael – grounding and healing with green light (month 8+ year 5)

[5] – in the left column is number of the year -2021- Sandalphon –Karmic lessons

[2] in the right column down signifies the number of the Full Moon-22 in sign of Aquarius – air

[8] – in the left column down signifies the number of New moon in Leo – Lion`s Gate opening [Element of 8 is Celestial water]

[2] in the upper right corner is my personal number (calculated by adding the number of the year [5] to the month [4] to your birth number [2] = 11 [2]. That will reveal the power you have this month.

In this case, I`m in the wave of ascension also on individual plane, have clear psychic messages and connect with spiritual realm easily. I also receive angelic help this month specially – as 11 is angelic number of support and synchronicities. 2 is number of water, coincides with my number, which means this month is specially important and powerful for me, as revelation.  

The number of challenges and obstacles of August can be revealed by adding all numbers in the right diagonal of the square: 5+4+2 [11 or 2]. Number 2 is number of Water element, the feminine Yin energy, ocean and archangel Gabriel. It signifies feminine energy of wisdom intuition and higher consciousness. 2 also is related to Sacral chakra (2nd) and our inner feelings, sexuality and self-acceptance. This number and element Water is very important for nurturing, balancing and cleansing the old stagnant energy. (Air –North, Fire-South, Earth-East, Water-West). Water amplifies the spiritual connection to water elementals, -water faeries, mermaids and water creatures, you can connect with them easily. It`s wonderful if you are near water in this time. The challenge will be the need to express your feelings and emotions with others, regardless of circumstances. 

Numbers 2 and 7 indicate which divine power we can connect, to open to the full potential of these energies, and use them for our benefits. 2 is water, ocean and sea element and archangel Gabriel. It indicates expansion of the Third eye and pineal gland, receiving clear messages, and white-golden light. The ethereal stamp of 2 is the Wiccan symbol of the moon faces, symbol of lemnisket (mathematical symbol of infinity) of eternity. Which means the energy flow of balance between Yin –Yang. 

Number 7 signifies Fire, as lower aspect of being. That means you need to be aware of your inner fire and how you express your energy, how you make balance, because it can make you ungrounded, tired. The angel of this number is Uriel with yellow –purple light, and the ethereal stamp is seven pointed star in a circle – protection in spiritual levels.

The colours of this month are revealed from colours of the monthly cycle (angel Chamuel and Ariel with pink light), colour of Gabriel [2] White-golden and colour of arch. Raphael – emerald green. They are revealing opening of the Heart chakra.

Tarot card of August

The Tarot card is major Arcana [4] IV. The Emperor. It signifies structure, stability, order, grounding and financial management. Make good schedule for all your tasks and expenses, this organisation is quite important. The Emperor reflects zodiac sign of Aries and ruby red, Root chakra. So grounding is essential this month, as well as activation of Earth Star chakra. The Emperor is also warrior energy, he asks us to have healthy boundaries and know what we want, and when to say No to something which is not good for our soul.

Qualities to master of element Earth: You need to master and concentrate on the following qualities in this month: persistency, patience, diligence, integration, understanding, self-discipline, planning, grounding. In order to be in harmony with Earth element, you need to spend much time in nature –if possible. If that cant happen, surround yourself with beautiful plants and flowers at home.

Numerology and Kaballah of 4

Portal of Divine Nature and earth elements. This is also portal of the Cosmic Tree, archangel Raphael; the Egyptian goddess of 4 is Bastet –the cat goddess.

In tarot 4 represents the Power, masculine energy, force and activation and major Arcana IV. The Emperor; also the Page of Pentacles and all Pages – associated with innocence, childhood, purity.

The Sefira on the Tree of life related is Chesed (Loving kindness, compassion). Associates with the right arm of human, Divine love, giving and generosity. 4 is number of grounding, earth, the physical plane, healing and boundaries. It`s colour is Celestial white. The spiritual state in this Sefira is “ahavah” –love.

Crystals: emerald, malachite, green aventurine; jade.

Spirit animal: Wolf, fox.

Affirmation of the Emperor ☪

I` m strong, stable and rooted to the ground. I manage everything in my home, I support my family; I`m responsible and strict, but I have open mind to see all around me; I have self-discipline and courage to go forward in any quest. I can defend my boundaries and protect all that is sacred for me.

The new Moon portal opens on 8 of August (which is exactly the time of the Lion`s Gate and celestial Water number). The Full moon opens on 22 August in sign of Aquarius, which is again number of Water - divine ocean [2]. Special time for everyone who was born on 2 or 22. 

4 is the number of Divine Nature -Earth and elements. In the physical body be aware of your backbones - this is the pillar of your body and sign of your health; also bones, tendons, small connections, feet, fingers, wrist, ankles, teeth, tongue under the influence of this number. This number requires a lot of personal attention and nature connection. Also the tree and plants spirits will be awake and you can communicate with them. 

Nina Lea-Nour ★
Angels medium 
Faeries` healer 

© Aug. 2021

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