Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance for Libra! (2 months) ♎

 Happy Birthday Libra!  🎂

This is Tarot specially for Libra in the season between 21. September to 22. November, for anyone with Sun/ Moon in Libra sign.

Libras have amazing energy of dreamful and in the same time realistic, balanced approach. One of the most important thing for people in Sun/ Moon in Libra is relationship and connection with others. That’s why they love being “kind and sweet, they like also to be understanding and compassionate. That’s in their light side of course. Libra longs also for deep love, romance, being surrounded by loving people, friends and romantic partner. Another important thing for Libra for their whole life are: balance, justice, truth and purity. Sometimes they feel quite lonely in the world, as there is a major energy of exactly opposite of what they want: imbalance, injustice and lies. That things can make Libras really sad and closed in another world.

for Libra to work with for opening their Higher Heart: pink quartz, opal, kunzite, angelite, blue agate.

Angel that guides Libra on their mission is Gabriel (but everyone has his own angel, as they are not related to Zodiac sign).

Here is spiritual guidance with Tarot for Libra for 2 months: ♎ 🔮


          Tarot used: Tarot de la Nuit by Alexandra V Bach 

Card 1: Present situation and energy } King Of Swords

Card 2: What you desire, events about to unfold soon (The Hermit)

Card 3: Powerful forces that are influencing you (The Sun Portal)

In this reading we have 3 cards, and the first one is card of Power – King of Swords; The second is card of Spiritual guidance, awareness and psychic power; the third is card of Cosmic Portal of light (the Sun)

 King of Swords: present energy

Now is the time for you to call back your power; King of Swords is someone that takes action with wisdom, knowledge and clarity of mind. Sword is attribute of power, but also could mean war, conflict and standing your ground. You are amazing spiritual being, but often you are called to create healthy boundaries and not let others take advantage of your energy and special gifts. These boundaries and taking your personal power are quite important now. Don’t hesitate to say no to anyone who is coming to you forcefully, or clearly state what you don’t want. That will save you much time and energy in the future. King of Swords indicates action and mindfulness, focus on your goals and think what you want to achieve now. King is also managing well your home and finances; It means wisdom and independence are important for you now. Call your inner strength, and clear mind. For some people can mean that there is someone next to you, who you can rely and who support you, but not a very romantic way. This is man who is mostly an old friend, or someone who can give you advice, support, someone who you can trust as he is straight and honest. For some Libras that can indicate someone from your past, that you need to let go of, and remove his influence from your life.

Card II: IX. The Hermit 

Hermit is a card of spiritual awakening and seeing the light in the world, discerning lightness from darkness. This is very special moment, and until October you`ll feel this energy more and more. Need to not be connected with everyone around, to take time in your own world, to replenish your energy. The attribute of the Hermit is Light (lantern) which is reference of the inner fire, within your heart. That’s why now you need to work on your Heart chakra more, open up to the world of your angels, god or any higher power you believe. Hermit is alone in physical world, but he is never alone in the higher planes. Here you work with arch. Jeremiel and open your Crown chakra for higher guidance. This card indicates you need to retreat from a place that is not serving you; to make practices that need being alone –meditation, journaling, thinking about your life ahead; It can mean also writing a book, exercising or being in nature. The Hermit is also accompanied by the craw spirit, which is connection to the astral world and souls of the deceased. Know that you are guided and protected. Trust your intuition and messages you receive, you are in higher state of consciousness.

Card III : The Sun XIX.  (end of the period –November)

The Sun is card of illumination, of opening of Cosmic portal of Light, truth and Love. This is a deep love, success and sign from the universe that you are on your right way. You have reached important cycle of your life, and now there is an opportunity in front of you. This is a Portal of success, love and abundance, that you need to trust and see clearly. You will have success and all what you desire, just be patient with yourself, and connect your power, boundaries and strength with your spiritual wisdom to see the bigger picture. Don’t feel afraid, as things are going exactly as they should be. In love, this card indicates passion, warmth, desire, all kind of deep love and feelings. Becoming aware of your surrounding, the night is behind you. This card indicates also new spiritual cycle. You are going forward on a new way, and that is the next important cycle for you. Being truth to who you are is needed now. On this card the woman holds white rose, that shows purity and open heart. The Sun illuminates our way ahead. It indicates spiritual enlightenment, success, love. Working on your Solar Plexus chakra and Arch. Uriel to receive wisdom. For some Libra can indicate finally uniting/ meeting your Twin flame, or special someone.

Angels message/ omen: 

24. The SUN : New life direction, discovering your goal, mission, love and commitment; Respect, Confidence in your power; Work by your passion.

Nina Lea-Nour

Angel`s medium 

Faeries Guidance

© Sept. 2021

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