Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What is Lucid dreaming? -II

 Continues from part I....

III. These dreams also have separate category of “past life Soul dreams” – which are related to people and places we already had in the past (or will have in the future). These past life dreams often feel very familiar to us; we may have strong and strange feelings to certain people, or see people we perceive as “our lovers”, who in this life can have very different personality, or being part of our family. The feelings are very tensed and also we may sense a “deja-vu” effect. These dreams come sometimes as a message to our emotional body, which holds all past life existences of the Soul. That may be related to our current situation now, or to have link that we need to heal a wound which comes from past lives. Sometimes these dreams are very powerful and have the effect of “lucid dream”, as we can look around and see the environment as a very familiar and close to us.

 Lucid Dreams }

IV. Lucid dreams are vivid astral dreams, which have the a special quality, namely the Soul in one moment can recognize that she is in a dream "state”. The soul then, if she is willing, can make changes (like  magician) to the dream-world that she abides in.

       Usually such kind of dreams are very intense and they don’t last very long, specially if the soul quickly recognizes the “dream” and wants to be awaken. They have very vivid colours, and you can think in such dreams “Wow how this looks amazing to me, I love this, it looks totally real and I can touch everything here!”. Lucid dreams are like very high quality computer games, that you come in” and start to play, but in one moment fully realizing that you are a player in a dream. That’s the amazing quality they have. They are not happening often and usually have very special message to the Soul. Also they are meaningful. These dreams are very often related to: 

- travelling, flying above places, cities, that look very real and vivid; 

- swimming in waters or pool;

 - going to different places; connection with animals, which you are not afraid of. 

      One very important thing about Lucid dreams – you are not afraid and you feel joy to do anything you want. For example I had amazing dream that I`m flying above city. This city looked very strange, I focused my attention to different objects, I saw srange trains moving, they were transparent and they had something like small houses inside. I was amazed much and thought in myself: How much real is that dream-city, I feel it`s like super well programmed and I can feel it so good. I was in state of amazement, when I suddenly thought: “ Maybe my own city where I live is also a very good program”. Then my soul had the link to the reality” and my dream was interrupted.

      Most often Lucid dreams affect the soul emotionally, and have special effect on the deeper levels of Sub-conscious. There are also Lucid dreams connected to past lives.

     You can see for example one and the same people (unknown to you), or one and the same city, building, house, planet, nature place. And all of that will look very real and vivid; or very familiar.

       Have in mind that dreams are very complex phenomena, which is not well studied until now. There is much more to them. Dreams also use the quality “Soul fragmentation”; which means that what we experience in them are fragments of the Soul, linked with different parts of emotions, or fragments (like broken pieces), of another life times, or fragments of feelings that we had, love, sexual attraction, fears, suppressed negative feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety.

       For example, in hard period of my life, I was aware that “I need to be strong” to not be vulnerable, and not to “cry or feel sad”. But in this way, I (sub-consciously) suppressed my emotions of sadness (that need to be released and cleansed by the Soul). The emotional body has the mechanism of self-cleansing, which happens in the night, specially during a dream. That’s why I had dream that I suddenly start crying so much, strongly, I felt so much broken and sad in that dream, that I was shocked and woke up after long crying. That’s how the great quality of this dream is to cleanse and purify the soul (Heart chakra, emotional body) from all that suppressed sadness. We have to be happy when we have such dreams.

V. Lucid flying dreams, what do they mean?

        Almost all flying dreams are Lucid. That means they have the special quality to send you a message, to reveal aspect of your Soul. Also they are not very common for the simple reason: they signify that the Soul is in a special space (Liminal space) or transition, that she is on the way of spiritual awakening and Ascension. That’s very closely related to Flying dreams. The feeling of flying brings amazing emotions and sensations to the soul: 

- freedom, being unbound to earth reality, 

-being totally in your Self beyond physical. 

Flying dreams are connection to your Higher Self, they can point to your Life and soul mission. They reveal the aspect of soul, that needs freedom, also link to creative energy, inspiration and positive emotions. Flying above something indicates Self-love, feeling complete, one phase of your life is completed and the new door is opening soon; - longing for a new love relationship; - seeing things clearly, powerful psychic opening, clairvoyance; - activating your true potential; -being supported by your Angels and spirit guides; - feeling safe; - seeing the bigger picture; - letting go of the past; - moving forward in your life without regret; - all in all it means Awakening of the Soul.

Flying dreams can occur in specially hard or challenging times, or of transition times, when our Soul needs support. Their message is – you are awaken Soul of Light, and you are not alone. You will overcome all present challenges, and will continue to move forward, or to ascend to higher planes.

That’s the purpose of human life – Expansion of Mind and Ascension.

It is really great to invoke such lucid dreams by keeping a dream journal for all special or symbolic dreams.

I hope that was helpful for you, children of Light!

Stay on the path of Love, light and Abundance!

Art by Yishu Wang 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Tarot intuitive 

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