Sunday, March 12, 2017

How angels see us on earth -II

 * Continues from part I ~

    * What happens when person is in strong negative feelings of anger- hatred, jealousy, envy or any hard emotion? From energy perspective this person surrounds himself with energy bubble of dark shade and color – smoky black or smoky red, so that he separates himself from the presence of angel. In such condition – of strong extreme emotions of anger, anxiety, hatred, depression – he is out of reach from his angels. Not because they have left him. The energy of angel is always there with us. But the person chooses with his own willing to be “captured”, grasped and closed in a bubble of negative energy; in this condition by rule angels don’t have access, as they are away from negative energies. They ll be with you again though, just by simple prayer or asking them to help you, which can be solution to resolve and cut your cords from the dark energy bubble. If you don’t consider their help, or don’t need any help to go out of that condition, sadly they can not help you. Not without your allowance and willing. That’s how you isolate yourself from the angelic presence and are not able to receive help. That’s how many emotions in humans overflow and possess them, as person does not have control over these emotions. He can have control if he is willing to do that and only then by asking for angelic help –he will receive it.

IV. What happens in events of war or conflicts?

    There is big misunderstanding on that topic – how angels don’t or cant help people in war? How angels or God "allow” this to happen? How angels allow killing of innocent children, babies…? This is real confusion in human mind about that. It shows how much we are still in primitive mind. The truth is – angels don’t “allow” anything to happen or not, they even don’t witness or see this event as we expect. As I gave the example with the man who is angry or in state of hatred, what happens with him and his energy. Now in the events of huge conflicts and wars what happens is sadly much worse. In this case, there are not just one negative energy bubble, but many, that are multiplied too fast in space, and create a giant bubble or energy Ball of darkness. This darkness is not visible” with eyes of humans again, but its quite visible from angels perspective. The darkness of the ball is growing rapidly like a wave of Tzunami, or like a huge avalanche coming and swiping away all Light energies. In this process, the bubbles are so many that they form a giant cloud (looking like an atom bomb cloud of energy), which spreads all around the area of war – or crime. That cloud contains much darkness, and basic emotions of Fear, hatred, despair, hopelessness. This cloud surrounds the place and humans in it and separates their energy from the angelic presence. In this state they cant reach to receive the angelic help. That can sound like angels left the humans exactly in the hardest times. But it`s not so. Angels are separated, not from their willing, but from willing of humans. They cant be connected without faith, they cant intrude or connect forcefully with humans. That’s how the choice of people is that – to be away and separated in a bubble of negative energy. There is something more. In cases of war – as the war in Syria and anywhere else in time – the negative bubble of energy (an atom bomb cloud mushroom) covers the people and the place, and in this place are created demons. They are created or invited to come to presence. That`s how the areas of war are actual places of the devil (demons) and all evil energies. They have their life and their place here in earth plane, and not in afterlife. As the demons and dark spirits feed from the darkness of place, fear of people, blood of people. In this time the only way for the angels is to be not present (they have their protection in form of energy or amulets), but they are not allowed to be in the ball of dark energies. Angels can fight, but their way of fight is quite different. They pour streams of Light to some people, who want help, who want to reach to them, and have hope, so the streams can reach to more places. The help of angels in fight with the divine Light. As they are warriors of God, they do not “kill” demons” this is big misconception. The only demons they can “kill” are inside humans mind and heart.

    Now I want to say the following important statement: understand dear souls, all energy around you is real, moving and waiting for your allowance. Once you allow and accept the negative energy to surround you, it will happen so. You are the one who chooses. Once you allow the angelic presence and light to surround you – so it will be. All depends on your willing choice. Don’t think that angels can lead you here and there taking your hand, if you are blind! You need to see, feel, connect, allow. Then you ll be able to be guided. If you don’t open your heart to angels, they cant reach to you, no matter how much they want. Its like a doorway, you need to open it, or just keep it closed. Nothing will change in you if the door is closed, but you wont receive help.

     I continue on the topic – about angels presence and help. The angels are attracted always by love, purity and peace. That’s why if you connect with angels you ll need to have clean energy –in your heart, body and home. Cleanness is something obligatory for the angels. As they see things on energy levels, they can see any dark spaces or energies in your home, that need cleanness or protection. The same way they see your qualities and feelings that need to be cleansed (polished). If you are willing and allow to be cleansed from inside and your surrounding, angels will be present with you and closer to you. The more open your heart is –the better you connect with angels, the more clean your home and your emotions are –the more you ll be able to feel the angels and listen to their messages. They always want to help you, as this is their mission. 

* Continue to the part three ~ How angels see us on earth? -III 

[ nina Lea nura * ]
0312 -1- 

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