Tuesday, September 19, 2017

White Tara message -II

...continues from part I ...

     So be prepared, dear ones, to open more and more Light reflecting mirrors in the universe – by your spiritual thoughts, prayers, connections. These are tunnels of light, that return to you now, in the past and in future, and they will be always available to you. (I`ll reveal in another time what happens in the moment of death with that mirrors, but now I just mention – the tunnel of white light that you come in, swirling is a kind of Space Mirror.)

    Now about other kind of mirror – the black. If the white mirrors are creating and reflecting light, the black are the opposite – they absorb light, turn it into darkness and super concentrated matter, which is actually (if we compare it) principle of Yin- Yang. Black mirror is the black holes in universe. These is enormous source of Super concentrated energy (1/ 100 000 000 mln). What is the black mirror? Listen well, this is the highest cosmic archive, which absorbed information from the whole universe, galaxies, moons, suns, stars, planets, life. This huge archive takes information through principle of absorption, suction, drawing in. Actually we have such mirrors, which are not only the black holes as we know it. Such black mirror – or Yin mirror is given to human in form of “dream”. When your consciousness is in another –under level –your mind is actually not “asleep” but sunk in another directory, another hologram. Then the mind creates (opens) the black mirror inside its labyrinth of boxes, which reflects absorbed information. That means in fact, that your mind can absorb and "reflect” in super higher speed –impossible in real life for human brain – mixture of thoughts, actions and realities – including those from your past and future lives (appearances). That’s how you can dream about things, that seem familiar to you, people ,places and so, which are in real unknown to you. They appear from your mind mirrors of black absorbed energies. Because our mind is not trained to use that mirrors in proper way, when person usually has rich spiritual life, or more than 6 earth existences, he will have more complicated dreams, but they wont be “clean” and whole. They will appear like pieces of broken mirrors mixed together. Only the divine messages inside dream have very clean line and structure, so u see how it appears and where it ends, remembering clearly the whole message.

Moreover – the way this channeling” information (as well as to all psychic people in ur plane) is given to you is exactly through the White mirror, and connecting with black mirror too (together). This ability is not common now, but in future order u ll have most of people practice it.

Black mirrors in dreams also are great archives of personal, social, historical, humanity information, and source of special elements (source of symbols). That’s how you see a dream which contain symbol, directly on the surface. Then you can be sure the mirror absorbed and reflect information from somewhere around your space. The hard thing for you now – will be to determine from where exactly comes this symbol sign –past life, future life, past earth plane…so on. What is sure it comes from Yourself –created by space of your reality in some moment of the universe.

  Black mirrors are actually in the universe like wells of high energy of Subconscious mind. They are the well of the universes, and have in mind –well is also a kind of black Tunnel, which absorbs energy. Its truth that black holes are tunnels of space (accelerating and deforming the time). As actually time does not exist, the way u know it. Time has many levels, tunnels, corridors, and mirrors. The same space has multiple levels, tunnels, mirrors. That’s why you cant determine the time out of your own system (sun).

Inside mirror –tunnel the time don’t exist.

More about black mirrors soon.
The mind has the natural ability to cleanse itself –its like dust cleaning. This process can be helped well with meditation and spiritual practices. The only way u know now for cleansing the mind (from there the aura and astral body), is with meditation and visualization. There are many visualization techniques, like imagining Merkaba in space above your head (in place of soul star) This merkaba is swirling slowly, also you can visualize your whole body encircled by Merkaba. Similar effect will have the visualization of energy ball in color.

The most dangerous threat for us is we don’t know the mechanism of black mirrors and how they can affect our life in negative aspect. They are balancing matter in the space, and they also have cleansing effect – but in the way of absorbing the excess energies from our mind. As our mind cant or do not make good balance (bcs of many reasons in reality) the excess of energy absorbed from mind in under level –appears (means is reflected back) in a dream at night –where the under mind is being cleansed.
But this energy of absorption can be dangerous, if we don’t know how to deal with it. Black mirrors create very deep and even branched chain of corridors, which take the concentrated energy in another space. They keep not only the information –the more interesting is they keep the exact imprint of “feelings, smells, sensations”. That’s why we “remember” the past, reconnect with past memories, collect information about future. That mirrors absorb too destructive energy of an event – on earth plane –which then through tunnels of time inside – reflects the event in the past and future. That means, if you create a war and humanity conflict, this will be absorbed as a concentrated energy of Excess in the black mirror, travel in it, keep the exact feeling of it, and appear again in another time or another space.
That’s how the wars always come again and again to the earth plane, bcs they contain the highest concentrated energy of suffer on earth. The longer one war continues, the more and more concentrated black holes it creates, and the stronger it will appear to the same plane (or to another) in different time.
You can conclude that the endless war will create the worst disaster and energy for the future on earth, which then can entirely destroy the whole humanity and earth.

The force of concentrated black energy of war creates also not just one tunnel in space. It creates multiple corridors, which from their sides will reflect in devastating energy in different form on earth – like powerful natural disasters, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes. The whole earth will be put in test, without asking to find the one guilty for the war and killings. The worst possible consequences have the killing of children (including inside woman body), which will have the impact of reflected black energy accelerated 10 times.

    That means – for each child killed by any way – the absorbed energy of black tunnel will be reflected 10 times stronger. In this way you can think well and imagine what future is awaited on earth. Moreover for each 3 years of war conflict, the reflected time will be double for return the black war energy – which will be 6. Then the six will be doubled to find out the time of the next war in earth plane – which will be (in this case after 12 years, or 12 months). The wars create chains of tunnels with black mirrors which make it impossible to be stopped, as one energy become doubles and accelerates the time and events.

This will be the future of earth of Primal matter, which will be filled with natural disasters and spread war conflicts all over.
But the light workers wont stop their work, and only bcs of their devotion and love, they earth wont be destroyed sooner, and special white space awaits them.

Thank you, LN. for channeling the message from W. T.

15. 10. 2016.
Full moon

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