Saturday, September 23, 2017

What are energy Portals? -II

(3)   Cosmic spiritual portals of ascension

These are very important group of portals, that send real manifestation of transformational energy for all earth. They are namely the Moon and Sun eclipses, planets that align with the earth and Sun. Other cosmic transformation that have character of cycle, but their pattern is between emotional and spiritual are the equinoxes (spring and autumn) and Solstices (summer –winter).
The major energy is generated in the Sun and moon eclipses, these are events with special codes and meaning for humanity. All spiritual sites speak about awakening, meaning… and so on. But no one points out the real reason or keys why these Eclipses happen? They are codes that serves for spiritual manifestation and ascension of humanity, but again not everyone are destined to feel them or understand them. These codes reflect the higher spiritual potential and abilities of Light workers, mediums, sensitive souls and all kind of more advanced souls on the planet. This is like a Morse code for the sea travelers and ships. They send underlined clear messages of Light to all planet. Moreover they send waves of white crystal energy to the core of the earth – and portions of crystal or amethyst energy to the Sun and moon, so the advanced souls can feed from this energy. It is in service of all earth and all creatures, but specially to those, who have knowledge in spiritual world and are aware of these energy and their effect. That’s why Sun –Moon eclipses are special events in energy shifts. 
More – in this time also is sign from angels (Morse code) that the whole earth is traveling near to high intensified energy zone in galaxy, which makes all transformations possible.

   What can happen after such Eclipses or openings?
We have to remember one thing – that all major spiritual gifts for humans come after or with great responsibility for actions and feelings from people who receive it. The forces have its price –such events will be followed by amazing spiritual ascension – many people will be awaken to knew shift in energy, many people start their first spiritual steps, many mediums or sensitive souls receive very clear guided messages from Angelic or other kind of space. This is amazing time for channeling messages from higher realm (as I do that now). In the same time, sadly this will be time for possible big conflicts of humanity, wars or other criminal actions that will have echo in world. These are very subtle energies and codes, that’s why just beings of higher frequencies are allowed to take advantage on them. But the darker energy is always there in the opposite side. These eclipses, as well as spring –autumn Equinoxes are special portals of crystal cosmic light, that is send to eliminate any negative patterns or entities for humans (advanced). 

That’s why now is time to think deeply and reflect on your life direction ~
~ to make list of manifestations
~ to make list of emotional healing priorities for yourself
~ to contemplate and take time alone
~ to spend much time in nature (forest)
~ to spend time to meditate
~ to spend time writing diary
~ to spend time sending, giving love to others (parents, child)
If someone from the incarnated souls would rather say, “Wow, when and how I would find time for that?” that’s will be the first sign (sorry for that dear soul), that he is not prepared for these energies and not advanced. That means there is no need at all he to find any time. For prepared souls, or appointed one –the time doesn’t matter – and time will find them. Not opposite. That’s how it is.
Spiritual time is flexible, dissolving into nothingness and eternity, its vast and endless. There is always “time” for everything. Unless we are unwilling to see it or devote to it. And we will be unwilling or incapable for devoting time, if our emotional and spiritual pattern is negative and not suitable with the higher frequencies. That means with one word – we are not aligned or its not yet our time to be. Or never will be. Depends on our inner passion and willing to be higher.
How long the portal of the Eclipse is opened?
This is hard to answer, angels know better. Here I can say just, the space crystal cosmic Gate will be opened until souls that are needed to take advantage of the energy do so, or until the next major cosmic event – that means Solstice, Equinox, or other planetary alignment. That means the energy will be available and opened for some of time until next such event. The portal will be closed around 10 -11 days before another event, but again it depends on the time frame and distance of the events. The normal time zone such portals stay open is 30 days. Sometimes days are little more, but if next event is very close, then you have something very big going to happen. This will be natural phenomena or conflict that will lead to shift and changes on earth patterns.

Another significant energy portals are opened as code made of numbers. These are alignment of year number (like 2017 -1 ) and number of day and month being repeated figures  -like 1.1. January. 1. 10 October or 9.9. All dates that are the same with the month code are minor energy portals – like 2.2., 3.3. , 4.4. , 5.5. may and so on. That affects also the people born in these energy portals, they will have special key for transformation in life time –no matter if and how they will use it. 

* Thank you for reading my article about energy portals, feel free to share it or add your comment below! 

nina Lea-nour
medium ~ 

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