Saturday, September 23, 2017

What are energy Portals? -I

In this article I ll observe in more details what is understanding of energy portals, how many kind of energy portals exist, what is their effect on humanity and the life on earth, on cosmic beings and more. Hope you enjoy reading.

Energy portals are high intensity energy gates (vortexes) or tunnels of light in the space that have potential for major transformation and shift of humanity. That shift is on consciousness level. During such special opening of energy portals, humans are more aware and extremely sensitive on subtle invisible energies and auras.

   There are many kind of these so called portals, but I`ll observe here just some basic. First there are (1) personal physical energy gates with emotional patterns, (2) cosmic emotional energy portals and (3) cosmic spiritual portals of ascension and (4) personal mystical energy gates of mindfulness (and knowledge of spirit).

(1)   Personal physical portals with emotional patterns 

  This is the first basic group and everyone (every soul) is obligated to go through such major portal. Portal as always gives us opportunity for expansion, to accumulate more experiences, to make certain choices and take certain ways in life with or without angelic assistance. They are physical, because they are experienced in earth plane and their focus is experience of the heavy matter – our physical body. In the same time they have emotional patterns, as they are gates that the soul and body go together, no matter of the special state of the soul. Such portals are: birth, death sacrament, near to death experience (koma), first sexual intercourse, first kiss (usually with someone we love deeply). So these are major events in humans life and also one more energy portal is the entering of baby embryo formation in the women womb (conception). All of these events make major shift in human emotional body and are factor for changing some of charka patterns (specially the heart, throat and sacral charka). All of these events are connected with physical waves of energies that appear and have transformational quality on human. The birth is first physical entering of the soul in physical body of baby (that will be of very low-consciousness). The death sacrament is first exiting of the soul from the physical cover of body in the end of the “tunnel” for this life cycle. The soul experience will be unique and no two lives or two souls can be alike ever. That’s how the universe expands. The first sexual intercourse is also to for some (specially female) a painful experience of allowing another to your inner feminine gate, so your energies to be united in one. That takes time and its connected with shift on emotional level. (I don’t speak here about the purely animal instincts for intercourse in humans, as they are almost free from emotional pattern, so they don’t have this kind of energy.) The first time the embryo comes in the womb is also a sacrament, as this soul was already appointed for the woman. These energy gates are opening and closing, that means they always bring transformation and change to human consciousness and then disappear.

(2)   Cosmic emotional energy portals ~

   These portals or vortexes of very fine energy are generated mostly by the Moon and moon cycles, but also by other planets movement – when planets have certain aspects – like trigon, or square or opposite each other, they open special energy gates. These gates hold keys to energy codes for this time for the earth in general. They can appoint also karmic events and beginning or ending of conflicts, love or relationships. They are important to be understood and read. Full moon and New moons are major emotional portals of feminine energy, that are radiated to the earth. The full moon bring forth the massive shift in energy and washes away (sucks out) the negative feelings and old, past wounds on emotional level. This is the time when energy is suitable to “release and let go” to move on to higher level, to be also more aware on your emotions and make revision of your actions in relation to feelings. How do you feel and why you feel this way? What provokes your positive and negative feelings? What areas of your life needs to be changed and shifted? Do you have high emotional frequency? If not why? These are questions to be asked on the energy portal of Full moon. Its time when all natural forces – specially waters –sea, ocean, river, spring, waterfall – are assisting your magical transformation and ascension. Your soul intention is to be filled up and released or “washed away” from darkness. That’s powerful time, and its specially for all sensitive souls on the planet – females, sensitive and mediums, people who reveal messages, connecting with spiritual realms. Of course to be clear – the moon cycles does not affect everyone on the same degree, nor in the same way! Some people are far not affected by the beautiful psychic moon, and they will do their actions –for example drinking beer, no matter of the energy gate opening or energies around. They cant care and are not expected to.

   The energy of the New moon is time of renewal and regeneration, time of awakening subconscious patterns and erasing old ways from our way further. Its time to change perspective and open new page – now is time to be active, and put in order all previous thoughts and deeds. Make strict schedule and follow it. You will succeed with New moon uplifting energy. Make a list with things you need to do (manifesting them), set new meetings with new people, make a challenge in some habits and emotional conditions. Put things on the new ground and be open for any possibilities to grow.

   The flow of the moon gives us amazing emotional insights and look inwards to our inner child, awakening our magical and healing abilities. All wounds remain in the past with the moon cycles. All goes with the flow and we are part of that natural flow –from year to another, from cycle to another, from season to another. 

* Hope you liked my article on energy portals, feel free to share it and add your comment below! Thank you. Continue to the part II...

[ nina Lea-nour * ]

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