Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mut - goddess

Who was Mut?
Mut, also pronounced Maut, was mother goddess worshiped in Upper Egypt (Thebes, Waset). She was quite ancient and important goddess of sky, associated with the bird vulture, that is protecting animal. That’s why she was depicted always with her crown for upper Egypt and head dress of vulture with wings spread on both side of her head. That was common style for Ancient Egyptian gods.
With her son was Khonsu, and consort – Amon, she was significant god from the Triad of Thebes. (modern Luxor). Her name means “mother”.

Name of Mut ~
Her name means “mother” and she was referred to as “mother of gods”, Queen of the Goddesses, Lady of heaven. Her hieroglyphic name includes symbols of vulture (protection, power), loaf of bread (generosity, giver of food for people), an egg (fertility, beginning), and sign of sitting goddess (authority).

Syncretism of Goddesses ~
As usually Egyptian Gods are strongly connected through history, so most popular ancient gods from one era and period resemble their main characteristic and functions in other new gods. Mut took the aspects of two earlier goddesses (Wadjet and Nekhbet), and in the same time gave her functions for the later generation goddesses – Isis, Maat. Both Wadjet and Nekhber symbolize the union of Lower and Upper Egypt in one –red and white crowns were united.

Symbols of Mut ~
Mut as goddess was wearing Uraeus crown of Upper Egypt, and a headdress of vulture, with wings spread as a strong sign of protection. (Similar crown has the goddess Isis later.) Vulture as a bird symbolizes protective feminine energy and motherhood. It`s bird with strong power and one of the aspects of vulture is freedom of women souls. Another important symbol was lioness. Mut was merged later with goddesses Sekhmet (lioness head) and Bastet (cat goddess). In this aspect her protective animal was also Lioness, symbol of feminine strength, independence and royal power. Lion was also wide spread symbol animal in ancient religions (Inanna-Ishtar goddess is depicted as riding a chariot with three lions).

The cult center ~
The center of worship of the Triad of Thebes was situated in Karnak (Luxor), where today is attracting point for many tourists. The temple of the amazing Karnak temple started in 18th dynasty, New Kingdom (1570 BC) In this time Thebes was the capital of all unified Egypt. The sacred triad of Thebes consists of Mut, god Amun and their son Khonsu (the moon god).

Mut was believed to have existed since primeval times, together with endless waters (Nun), as she replaced Amaunet in the Ogdoad. 

[ nina Lea-nura ]

References ~

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