Saturday, September 9, 2017

Time-space energy layers -I

This article is dedicated to time-space energy layers – or visible and invisible spectrum of worlds on earth plane. First to ask the basic question: What are energy layers?
They are macro-spheres or realities of different kind of dense, less dense, light and subtle energy, existing on plane of our planet and related in different ways to our existence. If we are aware of all them or not, this is another issue. There are seven layers of time-space energy on earth plane.

The first one has lower frequencies and corresponds to our basic five senses. Others correspond to the fine astral (emotional), ethereal, Kethereal and mental body. The last plane or layer of time-space is called Celestial and it has highest frequencies.

    Have in mind, that these layers have nothing to do with common aura field layers of energy for each human.
The first sphere or time-space layer is called Root sphere, as it`s related with roots of the ground, trees, soil, and Root charka in human body. It encompasses five other sub-levels, connected with the five human senses.
The root layer is visible for human eyes.

1). Root sphere of Visible reality (what we perceive with our eyes) this reality is trusted by humans.
2) Root sphere of audible reality (sounds and tones we hear, music, language) this reality is trusted 93%)
3) Root layer of odor – air expanding odors, smells, what we feel with our nose –( this reality is trusted 94% )
4) Root sphere of taste (sensation of flavor) – what we sense with our tongue. This reality is trusted 65-70%
5) Root sphere of touch – what is tangible with our hands and fingers – this reality is trusted 75%

The five senses cover all layers of Root sphere that is the basic material reality. Even so we trust different tangible layers in different degree. For example the visible with eyes reality is most trusted, and least trusted is reality of taste. That remains so also in the invisible (ethereal level), where people can also have feeling of “taste” but much less number of people develop it (in clairvoyance and clairgustance)
These five so trusted physical senses in humans are quite imperfect, even compared to other species (like some insects). As we combine all our senses in our life (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch), we build one relatively trusted reality, which gives us signal of stability to our brain. That’s how we (some people in lower frequencies) assume that just visible reality is existing, and no others are “real”. That’s so according to our Root sphere of perception.
The first five layers of reality are basic for understanding the structure of Earth plane and its inhabitants and that its made to be a good “game place” for humans. If we look to point of view of egoistic nature and consumption of all other material forms, humans invasion is one of the lowest frequencies in world. Humans consume other animals, slay and slaughter them for their pleasure, think they have the right to occupy all possible places on earth – seas, oceans, shores, and everywhere succeed to make amazing damages and pollution. That catastrophe will be visible in next coming years.

II. Even humans differ much in the way of perceiving reality and the worlds beyond. Some have extra sensory abilities or are sensitive” for the energy flow around them. Others are clairvoyant and see clearly message of the future. Others have much bigger mental horizon then their brothers of earth. That’s how its hard to co exist and cooperate being of so different shades and colors” of energy as humans.
The second Layer or sphere of earth is called Emotional or Branches reality. Branches are unfolding to the sky, or they are the way to sense the world beyond visible. Branches and steam of the tree come from the root. There are also 5 sub-spheres in this layer:
1) Branches of heart – emotions (these are very fluid, changing clouds of emotions, moving and changing, they are not fixed; these emotions can be sensed by humans, and connect us with animals and plants.)
2). Branches of heart –feelings – these are transformative and creative energies in our heart, that usually take time and space to be build. Feelings are more constant and not flexible as emotions – for ex. Love, forgiveness, compassion, devotion, passion. These feelings connect us with ethereal plane, animals, plants, trees, also elementals, fairies, gnomes.
3) Branches of desire (need for physical expansion). That desire is the actual sexual energy encoded in humans in order to maintain the human generations on earth plane. This desire even manifesting in dense physical world, comes from subtle ethereal plane of desire – to expand and see yourself in another, to continue your existence in another human, that resembles your own codes and energy (DNA).
4) Branches of Third eye – intuition, insight, inner wisdom, seeing beyond, imagination expansion…Through this energy – subtle but belonging to earth plane, we connect with elementals and spirit guides, angels.
5) Branches of Mindfulness – crown of human of thinking, imagination, interconnection, realizing self, realizing God and angels, subtle energy of invisible plane. This branches are all related to “Emotions- feelings” reality. We feel our Self so we Know our higher Self.

On this plane we connect with others and ourselves on higher level. When this sphere is developed (in humans) we can:
~ feel others emotions (compassion)
~ feel others feelings and acknowledge their reason (empathy)
~ love others without judgment (animals and humans)

~ connect with others in way of telepathy (by mind and intuition, read their thoughts by intuition –level 1 unclear) 

* I hope you enjoyed my article, feel free to share it or add a comment below. Thank you! 

[nina Lea-nura *]

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