Saturday, October 15, 2022

Ancestral Karma - how to cleanse and heal Ancestral Karma I


In this article I`ll observe the an important spiritual topic of Ancestral Karma with the help of Arch. Sandalphon: what is actually Ancestral Karma? What we can do to cleanse, heal and release Ancestral Karma? How we are connected with our Ancestors from our DNA?

                          What is Ancestral Karma? 🍎

Here I`ll answer this question shortly, even the topic is quite complex, but we need to understand the basic aspects. Everyone has karma since his birth on the earth plane. I`ll not go into topic of Karma, but we need to know there are generally 3 types of Karma:

1)       We have as humans Karma from past reincarnations

2)      We have Karma from our Ancestors, which are on the lower levels

3)        We have Karma from this life time that we create. 

So there are Past lives karma, Ancestral karma and created karma

One of the purposes of existence on earth is Expansion and Ascension of the SPIRIT. (This expansion can be self-discovery, development of any aspect of mind-body-soul). The more we evolve and develop in our human nature, the higher we are climbing the leader of dimensions. As we are now joining the 5 D world with the help of angels and guides, we need to acknowledge where we are now, and where we have been.

 When the soul is born into human body, it carries all these energetic templates (models) from his Karma, Dharma and past lives. When you have multiple past lives, you collect Karma – which inevitably appears in your present life (or will appear in the next ones).

Here we need to acknowledge that one life is not a complete cycle that is related to certain MISSION on earth. Mission is expression of the Authentic truth of the Soul and its implementation into reality. Everyone has certain mission, sometimes more than 1, 2 or 3 that are connected together. For example, in this life time you could be an amazing engineer or mechanic, but also have passion to play piano, which comes from your past incarnation. This passion can be part of your Soul mission here, as with the music you can uplift your energy and heal yourself on emotional level. But, if you feel drawn to Engineering and that is what is your heart desires, it means that is also your Soul mission to help the development of the planet.

  ⭐Everyone carries Karma codes, that are imprinted in his aura. This energy is carried from previous life, when the Soul incarnates. This energy is active, changes and evolves like all things on the physical level. 

Together with these Karma codes, we have DNA codes and blood codes, which are in your blood cells, bones, skeletal structure, and more they are imprinted in your Brain cells (as a program). One gland that relates to these Ancestral codes is Hypotalamus. (Not Pineal gland). So, Ancestral Karma is all that energetic codes imprinted when person is born into his DNA, blood cells, brain cells, nervous system, bones and skeletal system. Imagine what a big effect it has on humans life.

That means – all these Ancestral karma codes function in similar way and are the same in your body, in the ancestry and line of your mother, in the ancestry and line of your father, in your siblings.

You can find that certain aspects, disease, or being prone to depression or other psychological issues, were already in the generations before you, or maybe in your mother and father. You can find that the way you react, or how you express your emotions, or how you act in the world is very similar to these of your parents. That’s exactly because of DNA and karma imprints. Even if you don’t like some aspects of that behaviour, you can still find it within you, if you look carefully.

   One important thing to understand is that these codes are essential for what we carry as individuals from past generations. They are not something negative, but they are key to our Ancestry connection, and to our specific DNA which contains also blessings and rewards. Most of the Ancestral karma consists of red light codes that carry heavy negative energy (like pain, fear, depression, anxiety, or a family curse), and also a very light energy of blessings and love. These blessings and love are spread also through Generations and they come from the support, love and good Karma that your ancestors spread.

Even so, the bad Karma, or the negative heavy imprints in our blood and DNA still exist and we carry them as a burden in all our lives. Without even to realize it can cause us to feel very powerless. But karma can be cleansed and transmuted on stages, and now we know how to do that. 

Please read part 2 here. >> 

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. 15/ 2022 ©

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