Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fear and Resistance I

In this article I`ll observe the feeling of fear, and also what provokes fear, the main roots of fear and resistance for change.
 Part one}  
Also I ll throw light to some other “negative” emotions like sadness, depression, hatred, anxiety, restlessness.

I.                   What are the “negative feelings”

        What we call "negative feelings” are the mirror effects of our deep Shadow Self that resides mostly in our Sub-conscious mind. Because it is that deep, we rarely are aware of our Shadow Self, which can trigger in our conscious life situations and feelings, that we don’t understand or don’t see the source. These negative feelings multiple and has reason to exist, namely to make us aware of them and become catalyst for change in perception. When something is labels as “negative” it actually comes as a Sign to look within us, and see what is there to be changed? In our thought patterns, in our perception of world, child-memories. That are the signs for inner transformation.
Be aware too that most negative feelings come from suppressed emotions from our past (or childhood, past lives), and in major part are related to other people (usually close family members, lovers and people we are in relationship). All of that makes the picture quite complicated.

         About Sub-consciousness }
       The Sub-conscious mind is like a forgotten dark room, but it can be very chaotic inside. We can throw things in this room without order. That’s why it needs to be organized and cleansed in certain times. Sub conscious mind can also hold key to our fears and all suppressed emotions. What we should not do with all the “dark” emotions is to “suppress them”, so they are going to the Sub-conscious mind. Because these suppressed emotions create later ripple effect and the results are felt on the surface. (in conscious mind).
To explain more clearly, imagine the sub-conscious mind as a beautiful vast lake. What you see on the surface of the lake, floating beautiful water lilies, flowers, birds, and stillness. That surface is the mind. Now see how you go deeper in the depths of the lake, where it becomes more and more dark. First you see little fishes, stones, treasures, water plants. Then you will see nothing, as the deeper you go, the darker will become. That is the sub-conscious mind.

      Now imagine you are there, outside of the lake, and someone gives you an object you totally don’t like, or a feeling, or anything dark, that you dislike. You throw it inside the lake and it disappears. It goes deeply to the Sub-conscious. So everything that you like, you take and arrange it on the surface, and all what you dislike or afraid of, you send to the bottom of the lake. Then it will appear, so clear and clean picture, everything will be perfectly set on the outside”. You can invite a friend to stay with you near the lake, and he will be pleased and not notice anything. Until you “remember” something forgotten from the objects that you throw down to the sub-conscious, and that will come back to you.

About Fear }
         Fear is one of the very strong emotions that many times you suppress and throw to the “bottom of the lake” simply because you cant stand it. But there is danger in suppressing any emotion, because in this way it will come to you in double way. Then you should deal with it again and again. The solutions to deal with fear, as well as other dark feelings, is the following: 1. to be aware of this fear; 2. to cleanse it from your Sub-conscious 3. to substitute fear with the opposite emotion from the positive range (like love).

The difficulty here is, that you need to consciously work with that feelings. To write down, to be aware and follow your own Show side. To work with your shadow, and be aware of it. Otherwise it will come back to you multiple times. The same way that we work for making the body strong, we need to work on our mind (consciousness) and our subliminal mind (subconscious).

art by Paulina Gora 

Fear is a primal feeling that is essential for humans and for animals, and has primal instinctive nature. That means feelings are like colours in the emotional body, they operate with our chakras and affect the whole energy. Fear as other negative feelings are rooted in the collective mind and our individual DNA. One of the reason is to trigger ripple effect, awakening, transformation, change, and finally reach expansion. If you are staying only on the surface, or in one still position, nothing in your life will change and nothing will move forward. Humans (as program) need challenges and need to have obstacles of the negative shadow self, in order to overcome them and become stronger. In this way fear is emotion that makes you to reach out and achieve other feelings like strength, confidence, love, trust, letting go.

Thank you for tuning in! 
Stay on the path of Ascension, Joy, Love and Freedom. 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 

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