Sunday, December 18, 2016

Energetic chakra imbalances -III

* Observing chakras ~ Third eye (6), Crown (7) 

(6) Third eye chakra (Ajna) ~
It`s related to one of the most precious human organs – eyes, pituitary gland, forehead, third eye, right brain (for intuition, creativity, vision). This is the beautiful violet, dark blue center of visions, connection to the higher self, to ethereal plan and feeling the energy flow around us. With this chakra we become conscious individuals, who see, know and understand the world around, respect the nature lows and follow the energy codes of the universe. Ajna gives us intelligence to think, analyze, using combined senses, intuition, and love. This is the basis for psychic abilities and seeing things beyond the visible spectrum. We still need to discover much about this amazing center, as now we are like children, making the first steps to use their long given ability. The basic issues and causes of this chakra are:

-         locked intuition and feeling of others psychological state
-         wrong or false ideas about the world, society and nature lows
-         wrong ideas about the nature energy, misunderstanding
-         undeveloped creative power
-         locked or undeveloped simple visualization power
-         poor visual memory, lack of imagination
-         wrong believes, intolerance, hatred for the difference of others
-         suppressed spiritual development;
-         confusion of real, unreal and illusion world
-         wrong, deformed image creating power.
-         Problems with eyes, sight, forehead; migraines
-         Not able to memorize simple texts
-         Over worried, anxious, sleepless, insomnia
-         Not able to make plans about future, or to remember past events

Some of the best ways to improve your Ajna condition and make it more open are: writing a diary, reading books and making notes, writing schedule, creative writing, drawing and painting  (faces, objects), painting and coloring mandalas, playing brain-games, playing chess, meditation on Third eye, yoga poses, writing down your dreams, remembering your dreams; practicing visualization. All these methods are very effective, depending on your personal time and preferences. But don’t underestimate the Third eye –center of vision, logical and creative thinking, feeling the energies, and being with the universal flow. That’s one of the most important center of calm Mind and connection to higher self. This is the chakra of inner peace and balance. The most important food for helping Ajna in cleansing are: blueberries, maple, blackberries, plums, purple grapes; walnuts, cashew.

(7) Crown chakra (Sahasrara) ~
  The Crown is our top chakra –center of connection with all universe, God, divine source, angels, our eternal love, our energy power, with Solar system, galaxy, planets and stars of our birth. This chakra is also essential for healing, receiving and purifying our being –in energy and physical levels. The bigger Sahasrara is –the more spiritually advanced we are and higher is our connection to the eternal Source; The less our Crown chakra is raised – or if its not shining in clean colors –then we experience blocked Light from divine energy, that can cause many negative situations for us.
Not by chance this chakra is called “Crown” –its our jewelry for the other world –where is our Astral body, soul, where we can have higher spiritual experiences. People can have different color patterns and intensity in this chakra, mostly it s observed in crystal and shining colors –white, pale blue, blue-green, lavender, violet, purple shades. Sahasrara contains information of our connections with the higher realms –that we made in the life time. Our angels communicate through this channel of Light stream. Most people even not knowing, or without spiritual experiences, have inactive or imbalanced Sahasrara; but this chakra is rarely blocked, because everyone needs supply from the divine source. You can live also without “spiritual development”, but then your Crown wont have brilliant colors and you ll be prone to fall in negative emotional conditions, will be not peaceful and out of balance. When your crystal chakra is inactive or defected you`ll feel:

-         tiredness of mind, depression, anxiety, often headaches
-         out of center, unable to concentrate
-         unable to calm down emotionally
-         hard to overcome negative emotion, that overwhelms
-         hard to be patient and unable to forgive
-         wanting to control all –events, situations and people

    Dull color of Sahasrara can mean also a greedy person, who is sank in material world pleasures, possessions, and don’t have connection to the divine source. Person with only achievements and needs in accumulating material goods, and pleasures. One of the characteristic of such person will be obesity; he will be reactive, rude or hypocritical, will be arrogant or with high self-confidence. Now in our planet there are too many individuals with such characteristic and inactive crown without Light. In the future of humanity this will change – even it wont be so soon. Sahasrara energy should be maintained clean and active, which you can do by many ways:

Practicing meditation daily (1 hour), yoga exercises, fasting, restraining from sugar, addictive foods and meat; visualization exercises, walking in the mountain – in nature, walking on the beach, ocean, sea; observing spring, fountain water; taking time alone, lemon water in the morning –drinking, drinking more clean water, having healthy eating habits, having healthy sleep in exact times, salty water shower, bath, essential oils bath, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, reading religious texts. 

[ Thank you for reading! ] 
[ nina Lea-n * ]

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