Sunday, December 18, 2016

Energetic chakra imbalances -I

* Observing chakras Root (1), Sacral (2), Solar Plexus (3) 

   In my other articles I explain how chakras are energy wheels in our body, connecting all in one whole system. The same as in our physical body all parts are connected and work synchronically, also the energetic (ethereal) body is always connected and flowing. That means –if one of your chakra is ill –inactive or out of balance –this will affect for sure other chakras as well, in different degree.
I want to make overview of chakras and related to them causes for illness and imbalances.
Every illness, before appearing on a physical level and become visible as “illness”, start to be active in energy level first. You chakra, for example Throat –will be imbalanced for reason, then after a while the energy blockage or uncleanness will come to the “surface” of the physical body illness. That’s why daily meditation and mantras for cleansing are very advisable. Cause for the illnesses are multiple and various. I said in another text (… ) there is not just one cause that alone will provoke illness in your body. Illness is combination of energetic imbalances, that come together to higher point and appear inside you as syndromes, conditions. Basically the causes for illness are:
-         causes of space, atmosphere, home
-         causes of work space (condition, atmosphere, cleanness)
-         emotional imbalance causes
-         emotional causes and affects from relationships
-         emotional causes of inner personality conflicts
-         spiritual causes 

I`ll observe each of them in separate texts, but now I want to focus on causes for each chakra in short.

1. Root c. (Muladhara) – at the base of the spine; It is responsible for the blood circulation, blood vessels, back bone, bones, whole skeleton, muscles, red cells, feet, toes, joints, large intestine, tendons; This is basic chakra for cleansing the body from toxins and negative energy. That’s why if Muladhara is closed, it will cause easily imbalance in other chakras. The main emotional causes for imbalance in this energy vortex are:  

         - suppressed fear and fear based thoughts
         - high levels of fearfulness and insecurity 
         - suppressed compassion and feelings to others
         - over-exposed self; egoistic behavior
         - lack of persistency 
         - lack of confidence
         - suppressed painful events, memory
         - lack of earth connection and natural resources
         - receiving without giving.

Muladhara causes are among the most well spread in world of energy illnesses. They cause (and affect in final stage) abusive, aggressive, intolerant behavior, imbalance of fats – obesity, sadistic behavior, arrogance, insensitive to other humans and animal world. If your Muladhara is closed for long time, it`s very possible your Crown chakra to be also closed, due to accumulation of toxins in the body. Then your energy will become like a capsule of toxins, as you`ll be with the main two channels closed –one for receiving pure energy – Crown –another for sending the unwanted (flushing) toxins out of body. That will affect your entire system and depending on other emotional gaps and problems of outer atmosphere, will lead to many different illnesses. Be aware to keep your Root clean, in order to have strong physical body. The best remedies for fast cleansing your first chakra are: onions, garlic, cranberries, goji berry, almonds, olives, tomatoes, red apples.

2. Sacral chakra (Svadhishtana) ~ responsible for lower abdominal, womb, ovaries, sexual center, genitals, kidneys, bladder. This is a quite sensitive zone for most humans, and any higher level of toxins and unclean environment can result in imbalance in Sacral area and related illnesses. The main causes for illnesses of the sexual center are:
- suppressed sexual energy
- suppressed positive emotions (lack of joy and pleasure)
- lack of self-confidence – not trusting yourself, lack of self-love and self-acceptance;
- suppressed feeling of guilt (in relationships or with others)
- not trusting others – don’t accept others values
- being in a toxic relationship (your partner has bad influence for you)
- fear of commitment and giving trust
- fear of losing someone close to you
- fear of to leave your partner
- fear to share your inner emotions –to express love to others
- fear of criticism and to share your emotions

These are some of the most spread causes for orange chakra illnesses; the number of people with related to Sacral center imbalances is increasing in today society; this happens for many reasons, mostly due to lack of inner emotional connection between people and energetically spoiled, damaged and not maintained relationships. We still don’t know how to keep the balance in our life-relationships, and they are basis for our love-lessons in this plane. As I wrote already in my articles specially about this chakra – it`s almost always connected with the Heart chakra issues. Your sexual center will be cleaned when the main emotional reason for the imbalance is removed; Look to your relationship first and make analysis, then you ll discover what are your next steps to solve the problem. The most helpful foods from nature to help you with Svadhishtana balanced energy are: garlic, lentils, carrots, pumpkin, oranges, tangerines.

3. Solar Plexus c. (Manipura) ~ cares for the following organs: adrenals, pancreas, intestine, digestive system, liver, gall bladder. Solar plexus as visible from the name can be compared with clear yellow Sun in our body. It` s connected immensely with our own: willpower, self-esteem, clarity in situations, knowing our position in life, knowing our life missions, being confident about our mission, being responsible to take decisions, having self-discipline, being welcome, warm and open to others; understanding your self-worth, keeping your values and life principles. It`s so much important center for the humans. The imbalance in it leads to many problems and illnesses in all levels – becoming indifferent, cold and insensitive to others pain, having belly fats, being slow, lazy, inactive in fulfilling tasks; postponing obligations of every day; Manipura basic causes of imbalances are:

- suppressed confidence (low self-esteem)
- suppressed willpower (hard to implement your ideas in real)
- lack of motivation (not enough faith in your abilities)
- lack of self-control and self-connection
- not respect for your own values and principles
- laziness, inactive behavior
- doubtful, insecure in your abilities
- unable to take decisions or to act properly in hard situations
- unable to meet challenges in life
- difficulty to make choices important for your life
- inability to act in honorable way – to keep your decisions, to be strong in what you think and not affected by others

These are some of the main causes ,but they could be so many. Manipura energetic gaps will create problems in your digestive system and liver. If you are unable to trust yourself and with low-confidence, this will affect in your liver too (and cause excessive alcohol consumption, which will close the circle of illness for you Solar Plexus). All kind of drugs and alcohol affect this sun-area in your body and can have fatal end. This is also the chakra of freedom and how much you can feel free in life – to enjoy and follow your passions. Manipura is also related to cleansing energy from self-forgiveness, and releasing feeling of guilt. Foods that will return your balance are: lemons, ginger, celery, banana, corn, pears, potatoes, saffron, pineapple. 

[ nina Lea-n * ]

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