Friday, January 8, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Growth - Capricorn ♑︎


Angel message: 9 White crystal

Expansion of your chakras, aura cleansing, purification, connecting Mind-Body-Soul. Higher Self and angelic connection.

IV. The EmperorPalace of Power)

     The Emperor reveals your state of Power, including your place of safety and stability in the world. In this time you own your power, and have abilities to take care of yourself, have healthy boundaries. Managing your time and finances is crucial at the moment. Being responsible and organizing all things is amazing, but also requires much energy and devotion. You are the one who should take care of your actions, make your schedule, make priorities and don’t compromise with external circumstances. Emperor gives you willpower and activates your sense of belonging to order –social status, home, family and ancestors. You are now in position of power, grown up and responsible for your own decisions.

Activate your Masculine energy to do all daily tasks with determination.

Consider working on your Root chakra, if you feel out of energy:

Visualize your root chakra (at the base of your spine) filled with beautiful ruby red light. It’s a swirling sphere of red light. See this chakra expanding and growing slowly. See now from this sphere tiny tentacles of roots growing and extending down to the Earth. These are the roots of your beings, grounding you to the Earth energy. Feel safe, secure and powerful in your place now.

Qualities you need to acquire: courage, determination, willpower, discipline, taking responsibility.

Sefira of the Emperor is Gevurah (Severity), spiritual state (chassidut) is fear; 

I ching trigrams: Shen (Thunder) 

Page of Pentacles (Princess of Earth)

      This princess of Earth indicates connection with nature, and all nature elements. You are always in need to develop sense of unity with nature, trees, plants and herbs. Going out in nature and breathing fresh air, eating healthy foods is now priority in your life. Maybe you are in need to make a short trip in the mountain, or just walk in the garden; for others it may be an urge to re arrange your home, to place beautiful pictures on the walls, to change the atmosphere with new lights.

Taking care of your personal diet, eating more fruits and vitamins will be crucial now.

This princess likes exploring and reading books, learning new things and she is creative. That can be also continuing with your project, work on the next stage; You are surrounded by helpful and loving friends!

With this card you can meditate your Heart chakra: visualize emerald green lotus in your heart. It opens, expands slowly ,turning clockwise. See the green petals glowing with light, and releasing any dark, stagnant energy from your heart. Feel love, compassion and forgiveness filling your body. Stay with this lotus flower for some minutes. You can make this meditation in the morning or evening before sleep. Call upon your angels for assistance. 

8 of Swords 

     8 indicates feeling restricted and with tied hands for the time. Some things you feel like you cant change, you are within circumstances that are imposed. Even so, try to see beyond the physical reality, with your Third eye and intuition. Your trap is just imaginative, you are free if your mind is free and understand. Now is not time for making fast decisions or rushing forward. Take your time to reflect and think well, before making steps. It`s time of awakening and cleansing the mind, release any negative believes about yourself or situation you are in.

Chakras to work on: Root (red) and Heart (green). If you feel you are restricted, its possible your Root chakra is blocked with sub-conscious fears, worries or anxiety about future. Feel stable by making the meditation exercises on Root chakra here or anyone you choose. 

Tarot used: Niccoleta Ceccoli 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master I

© Jan. 2021

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