Thursday, January 21, 2021

Message from archangel Chamuel -22-01


    In this amazing times of high vibration light, I m sending you my guidance through arch. Chamuel:

    Now is the time of new initiation cycle, dear children of Light. What you need to do is: to not forget what is your life mission; to not forget who you are and why you are here. One of the hardest experiences and tests for most of you are these years. It`s important in turbulent times to feel in yourself, to be centred, to know your inner power. These are times of amazing colours, dynamic and changes in the outside world. That’s why you need to stay focused and present in your body.

Practice more self-awareness, self-love, be grateful for all things that you received. Your body is a beautiful gift, and your heart is too. So let it be healthy and shine with loving energy.

    Most of you still have worry, anxiety or some remaining stagnant energy from negative painful events from the past. Clear these energies and let it go. Don’t hold to something that is not serving your highest divine Self. Remember – your Soul knows your path well, let it guide you. Connect with your spirit guides, they will give you amazing support for every step here. Know that you are surrounded by love and support from your angels. Realize that things or people who may seem very close to you, can actually create a vortex” or blocks within your body.

    For the beautiful souls that still feel stuck in a loop”, tired and out of energy or struggle with negative habits: please work on your self-esteem, your energy is within your Power core; Work to cleanse, heal and expand your connection to the Sun [Yang energy] within your Solar Plexus chakra. It has radiant vibration and will activate your inner power to act on your dreams and goals.  

   Be sure that all things are possible, when you believe. The whole year will have resonance in your Power Core, the place of your Solar Plexus chakra. Notice: how you connect with your friends, with your brothers, sisters, with your children. That’s the energy of self-love and inner child qualities. That’s energy of generosity, giving –gratitude, playfulness; but also of activation of your inner power and inner Sun light.

     This energy can be cleansed and activated by activities you enjoy doing, 2. by daily meditation with yellow light and lotus flower; 3. by connecting with children, reading children`s books, playing; or creating any form of art. 4. by walking in the sun outside; 5. by exercises, yoga, breathing.

   Now is the time also this month -01 to activate your radiant heart centre. Be open to the flow around you, to any guidance, as you will receive blessings. Your heart is now soaring in higher frequencies , so you may feel it different, or fluctuating in times. Know that you are healthy, and your heart is expanding with brighter light.

    Some of you can feel drawn to meditate on your heart chakra and release any stagnant energy, work on forgiveness, release any blocks and childhood trauma from your heart, so that it can be a portal for you.

   [ Meditation for cleaning and rejuvenating your heart chakra and healing your inner child … ]

    In this time you are warriors of Light. We are sending You radiant rays of light to fill your heart and Solar plexus with positive feelings of joy, love and be prepared for the Higher initiation.

    This month starts a cycle of initiation for the next 3 years on planet. You went through the tunnel of transition and karmic cleansing in 2020, now you are going to the place of light, awareness and realization. Many paths will be in front of you, choose wisely. Creative inspiration will follow you, if you are in tune with your heart.

Sending you love, joy and blessings on your spiritual path!

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Jan. 2021

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