Thursday, November 23, 2023

Future Vision on Earth (beyond 7000...) -part III

 Part III of the article. To read part I click here ★ ... Part II here ...

There will be also sport competitions and spiritual competitions, writers and art competitions, science competitions, medical and energy healing competitions. These will be many special events and flourishing atmosphere of unity.  


There will be competitions for riding horses and speed, for swimming with obstacles and more. In this time there will be no cars and machines with gas or petrol. The fuel will have different compound, one of its oxygen, and all cars will be flying above the road. There will be flying robots and machines or lifts and some that are near to the ground.  

They will not produce any toxic gas for the atmosphere. So, the nature will be much more flourishing. (but in this time large places of earths nature will be already destroyed).  


Cinema will exist in the community, and they will make movies with actors from the community or from neighbouring.  

Each group of 10 will have robot and 2 flying jets to be used by all. These machines also cannot be personal possession.  


Marriage and children  ★


There will be very strict rules about marriage and how many children each couple can have. People of course won't have as many children as they want, because that will affect the community directly. All children will live in a children's compound (by 10), after their age of 5 or 4. Until this time their mother and father will take care of them in a special family room. There they will be with 4 more families together and share experiences about bringing up the child.  

Women expecting a child will live in a group of 10 women, as they will have special diet, exercises and different daily schedule.  


Until the child is 5 years old the couple is not allowed to have another child. That can happen easily, as there are restrictions also for married couples.  

Children that are grown together in this way, often view other children around as their real brothers and sisters. Until the age of 6 children are not separated by gender. When they leave their parents and start living in community, they are 6 years old. They start their daily program of education, meditations, and trainings at this age, but separate from parents. Parents take their children every 4th day (it is a relax and recreation day) when they can go out to garden, cinema or feel free to play games together. People will have free day (or self-care day) every 4th day. Then they can do anything, and not obligated to the rules, except for eating and travelling. However, even on this day, there will be people on shift for activities like kitchen, cooking, gardening. Rules are so strict that sometimes 2 people in a couple cant go out together. But they always can meet in evening time.  

Children after 6 have care takers and robots, but they are often so much grown that they can do everything by themselves. There are 2 trainees for 10 children that observe them. People are always observed as they need to give reports for their development each month (40 days). People who are ill or pregnant women are free from the reports. But they are in special regime.  


Children also make reports since age of 6, but in this time the trainees observe them and make reports for them. (These reports are about progress in training, what are their skills, habits, positive sides, negative sides and psychology, what are their spiritual gifts). These reports are required from all people until age of 50.  

People after 50 (or 60) are so called “free walkers” and they are not obligated to give reports. But instead, they help others with services, advice or write books and scriptures.  

These people after 50 can feel freer to travel out of the community, but they also should write article about their experience.  


Every person can marry and create family, only when this is approved by special community shaman (or spirit guardian). That practice will be very welcomed and successful. These shamans will look into the astrological map, dates and more for the couple. So, they will have the obligation to allow the couple to marry or not. That means, not all people who want to marry, will have this opportunity. Without to be officially married, you can't have intimate relationship, and that’s by law. However, you can meet with the person you love in community activities and outdoor relax places, but not in private.  

In this way you won't be able to also have a child. Community rooms by 10 are separated for men, women, and by age.  


Other community members are not allowed to enter the place of a room, but they are allowed in a public places like gardens, parks, libraries, games and more. They can also spend time together outdoors just as a couple. That is totally valid for the homosexual people, who will be totally accepted, and bisexual. Many people will be bisexual in this society.  


For these homosexual people the rules will be the same, as they will need shaman approval for marriage, and cannot be together by themselves. Regardless of the children, a legal marriage certificate (from shaman and community centre stamp) lasts maximum 3 years. After 3 years are finished, the couple, needs to go again to community concelor (shaman) and to be approved with test. This is psychological test and he ask them questions about their feelings, and things they did for each other. He can also sense their energy, if they are true or if there is love between them. Interestingly, many people don’t like to stay together after 3 years finished, so they will be separated (as the certificate is already expired). If they are still in a good bound, the shaman will approve their union for next 2 years and issue another certificate. When this period ends, couple will come again to shaman and the same test will be repeated, another certificate will be given for only 1 year. Then, after that, they will come to the shaman only if they want to stop their marriage. Some people prefer to go every year, as that becomes strong habit in community and they need advice for their life.  

In these years having "cyber sex" or virtual sex will be very normal and accepted. Many people will experience feelings for both genders or having open relationships. (this will be accepted too). Heart breaks and betrayals will be still present, and people will learn from their past choices. Overall, people will develop their higher senses and intelligence, but they will become less emotional and even less compassionate. Having and expressing strong emotions will be considered "weird" and part of the old world.

So, many couples are separated after these 6 years. This is exact time when they can plan for another baby, if they want. Legal age for being in a couple is 20 years. Often people will have children from different marriages, which is considered totally normal. There are no differences by race or religion. Also, there are no religions, as they are something from the past earth. People are praying and meditating, they will have also temples, but very different from now, and not dedicated to one god.

There will be also invocations, rituals with angels and Masters.  


Every community of 10 will have rooms for: sleep and relaxation, for meditation (indoors and outdoor gardens, fountains), for study, for art activities, kitchen, canteen and wardrobe place for dress up and hair. There will be also separate training hall for the group. In these rooms no visitors from outside are allowed. They can enter only with special permission (if they are family member or relative of someone) Even so, they wont be allowed to enter in private rooms like sleep and relaxation, but in the garden café, where they can talk).  

Mothers of a child are also not allowed in the private room for children in their group. They can meet however every 4th day, except if the mother is not trainee in the same group. That will happen only if the child is a girl.  


Every 80 days there are vacation and detox days –which are 20, when everyone can choose what he wants to do, or travel. In this time usually people like to travel to places like sea, ocean of other community and spend time in a camp. There will be very few hotels, if any, and they will be totally full. Most people will choose to be on camp with tents. Hunting and fishing of course is punishable by law and it is hardly possible. That’s why people will have very different activities and hobbies.  


Every community of 10 people has 1 trainee, who in charge of all training activities and sports of the members. For children and people until 25 there will be 2 trainees. They also look the reports of each person. People from group need to present report of personal development or training every 10 days. They will be viewed by the trainee, who then submit them in higher level training instructors. Each person needs to have 2 hours sport every day (for 10 days), then he can change to another sport, dance or exercise.  

These hours are observed always and they are exact. Also, each group has 1 hour morning meditation and 1 hour evening energy cleansing and relaxation. They also have 2 hours study and 30 min writing report. All other time they do their obligations according to community schedule.  

People who are spiritual healers, mediums and psychic like White Stars, they do service every day for 2-3 hours. In this time other people are appointed to come to them for energy cleanse and advice. Each person observe only 1 person per day. They do this service in afternoon. Then they have recreation and relax.  

Thank you for tuning in! 🍨

Nina Nour Bluebell ★

medium, crystal healer

Tarot teacher

Nov. 2023 ©

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