Monday, March 18, 2024

Spiritual importance of Mental body -I


What is mental body?

Mental body is the ethereal layer in the aura, it has different color with different souls. The mental body has more stable flow than the one of emotional body. It looks like beautiful light blue sky (or sometimes violet, lavender) with floating thoughts, which are more stable as they relate to our believes.

We need to understand that all thoughts hold a certain vibration, which infuses our mental body with positive or “negative” frequencies.

Similar to the emotional body, some souls can pick up the vibrations from thoughts of other people. It is almost you know what other people think”. In positive form this process refers to telepathy – or instant knowing the thoughts of others.

But in many other ways, this can lead to accepting subconsciously the thought forms of other people as your own. Then these thoughts, which are foreign elements” will create chaotic energy in the aura.

What you can do?

To avoid picking up thoughts of "others” you can practice spiritual/ psychic protection and observing your own thoughts. Also, be aware that your thoughts influence directly your emotions (as the mental body is layer connected and affecting the emotional body).

We need to observe and notice any negative, fear-based or dark thoughts and dissolve them immediately. You need to be aware too of your negative, fear based believes, which have more stable imprint in your aura.

๐ŸŒ™Your mental body is changing, moving and expanding as your grow – similar to your emotional body and spiritual bodies, and all natural processes.

All your energy layers are growing and expanding as this is one of their function.

Mental body connections

Your mental body is connected with the energy of your Solar Plexus chakra and physically reflects and affects your digestive system (stomach, liver, intestines). Healthy gut shows shining and positive mental body with ability to expand. There is strong relation between negative thoughts and problem with your stomach, liver and gut.

So, you need to be aware how you are influenced by negative thought forms or fears of others. (!)

Most empaths will naturally take on others people thoughts and emotions, if they don’t practice regularly energy cleansing and spiritual protection.

Mental body characteristics

Your mental body is Yang –masculine energy, and it is activating, revitalizing and creative source. You can manifest things into reality with your mind and thoughts, and that happens literary. Just thoughts need some time to manifest in dense physical world. You should understand, your thoughts and believes are very powerful tools of creation. (as your thoughts are like paint brushes that are painting your reality).

 Your mental body layer is vulnerable to outer influences, as well as to inner self-talk. It is related to all your chakras of activation, power and free will – Solar Plexus, Throat and even Crown chakra (which has mixed Yang and Yin energies).

  Not by chance these 2 chakras of activation (Solar Plexus and Throat) are very sensitive to cords attachment and entities from outside.

Be aware that your unhealthy eating habits (junk foods, over-eating, too much sugar, smoking or drinking…) are affecting your mental body by creating negative attachments, energy smoke or energy circles in the these active chakras.

Solar plexus and mental body is related also to your personal power, self-confidence, your relation to power and authority, your relation to children and friends, inner child, sense of joy, sense of accomplishment, motivation and determination. It is also connected to Sun in your natal chart – source of creative power.

In order to be away from negative influences in your Solar Plexus, you need very good daily energy protection, but also regular cleansing and detox of your Solar Plexus and Throat chakra.

In order to have clean and healthy mental body, you need to incorporate practice of mindfulness and ask yourself:

1.  What thoughts do you have about yourself? Are you confident and proud of your achievement?

2.  What thoughts you have about others around you? About their appearance, style, habits?

3.  What do you think about your home environment? And about the country you live in?

4.  What are your believes and values?

5.  How you talk to yourself and others?

6.  What do you allow” others to talk –for you or in front of you?

Thoughts can`t be suppressed like emotions, but they act as building blocks to create your unique “palace” of belief system, which is part of your overall energy.

๐Ÿฅฎ Continue to part 2 here ...> 

Nina Nour Bluebell 

angels medium 

crystal healer 

March 2024 ©

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