Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Channeled message from Arch. Gabriel and goddess Isis (for the Ascension March 2024)


Greetings children of earth and Light!


We are here now (angel Gabriel and goddess Isis) to make a big announcement for you –we are finally anchoring the energy of the 5D on earth. All souls will receive more spiritual gifts and more karmic contracts will come to closure. 5D is not just higher earth”, or higher consciousness, but it is dimension of Illuminated consciousness leading humanity in time of transition.

Now we want to clarify the position of the human objective and how you can`t quite understand the 5 D reality. 5 D is not what you may perceive as “heaven on earth”, as you need to receive your manifested reality first. What are the benefits and spiritual rewards of the 5 dimension, we will answer now.

First be aware that when a new energy is anchoring into the earth, and in your field, it starts from higher to lower levels – (as above so below). So we have anchored the 5 D in your spiritual bodies this month and this year. You have integration time and this is different from soul to soul. Some people can integrate the energy for 3 months, some for 9 months, 10 months, year or 3 years.

What do you receive when you ascend to 5 D?

-   In this ascension all souls who are ready, will receive cellular upgrade, cleansing of your DNA, your all aura layers (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies).

-   You will be able to see things from higher perspective and practice non judgement about others.

-   You will be able to open more psychic senses and have easier access to the Akashic records.

-   You will be able to cleanse and protect your energy with higher frequency and much faster than before.

-   You can heal and rejuvenate your cells and organs with higher light frequency.

-   Be prepared in march and April to receive special light codes and downloads for cleansing and removing the old programs from your body and mind

 Can all people receive the light codes and ascend to 5 D? 

All souls who are ready, AWARE and intentionally tune in the waves of ascension will receive the light codes and make the transition to 5 D.

The only thing you need to do is to make a choice, and to focus your awareness, be open to receive the angelic Light, that will pour into your heart. You will see portal of light opening this month, and there are several portals at this time- choose any of them – on 3. March – 33 portal, on 10 march –new moon, on 11 March Venus portal, on 25 march – Full moon, on 20. 03 Equinox portal. You can tune into the energy of these portals by different tools –meditation, candles, crystals and healing, nature connection. Make your aura clean by using selenite or clear quartz.

Please know that if you read this message you are meant to ascend to 5 D at this time and reality. Still for other souls who are awakening, but are not able to tune in the portal energy, they will have multiple chances this year -2024.

Not all incarnated souls are meant” to go through portal of ascension and to 5 D, Many are choosing and will choose to remain in lower realms, because of their soul contract and for many different reasons.

But be aware that ascension energy will affect everyone on earth in different ways (for ex. Through deep realization about their life and themselves, realization about their body and health).

3) All souls who ascend to 5 D are invited to start focusing their light only on their mission or what they are here to do. So, don’t delay the process and take steps to fulfill your life. You can do the following for faster integration:

- Make life review. Think about your life and past choices, where are you on your path, what are your blockages, negative qualities, fears and shadow.

- Open the time frame by practicing self-love and self-forgiveness and daily affirmations.

 - release from your field all fears that are clogged and send them to the white light. Release all negative people and situations and send them into pink light of forgiveness.

- make plan about every month –what special thing you want to manifest and accomplish? What do you want to release?

We are sending you different types of light codes according to your soul mission.

Most people will receive white, golden and blue light codes for transformation. You will be able to integrate these light codes in the next 1 to three months.


With love and blessings!

AA Gabriel 

Goddess Isis

channeled by

 Nina Nour Bluebell 

 medium, healer 

 March 2024 ©

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