What is the Astral body?
The Astral body is layer of the aura connected to our Heart chakra and
our center of Soul light. This is ethereal-soul layer and it has very special
function. Here I`ll clarify some things about Astral body that are not well
Astral body has different colors with different people; it can be
perceived as white, diamond white, aquamarine blue, or pale green (fluorite,
sea foam green). This body represents the blueprint of your soul, but it is
usually in latent state. Astral body is activated with our sub-conscious mind
in state of deep sleep, when we dream, with meditations, alpha ,delta
meditation, in state of astral projection, out of body experience (OBE) or NDE
(Near death experience).
Why this happens? When we transition to the “other side” after physical
death, the Astral body is the first one to hold the soul lessons, blueprints
and “memories” from this life. What happens when we transition is -first the
Earth star chakra (under the ground 15 cm) dissolves gradually. That can happen
even up to 1-2 months before the
transition. Then the Root chakra and our
ethereal body dissolves, then sacral chakra and emotional body, and finally the
Solar Plexus and lower mental body. All of these bodies dissolve (like a
thin mist) and that takes some time. With some souls that experience sudden or
traumatic death, these dissolving (disintegration) can continue for a while
even after the transition of the soul. Usually it happens within hours.
Then the soul starts to integrate and “dress up” the Astral body, which is much lighter and
higher frequency. The Astral body starts to move from the Heart up to the Third
eye and psychic light body, and it connects with it in oneness. Then Psychic
astral body travels upwards to the Crown of the head where it integrates and
connects with (Causal) and Spiritual bodies. (That happens according to the
spiritual level of the person).
When the soul integrates the 3 bodies – astral, psychic and spiritual
(with all the layers) the soul starts to travel through the fast speeding
tunnel of light (which is spiral of transition).
This process I describe to understand the importance of the Astral body
when we transition.
Astral body is connected with the portal of Higher heart and heart chakras, it holds information from our childhood, inner child programs and past lives. Also it holds information about our mission, spirit guides and angels in this life. It is like our pass for travel in the after life or in many different dimensions.
The Astral body is activated in the night, even without our awareness –
It has the function to keep and preserve our unique soul frequency and our
heart chakra and rejuvenate all the cells in the body while we sleep or
meditate. That’s why the astral body is related to the health of our blood
vessels, blood flow, veins and skin.
When you have healthy astral body you can easily fall asleep and you can
meditate without problem, you can feel more relaxed.
Also, your astral body connects you with your angels and Higher self –
via your sub-conscious mind, inner light and emotions. When we sleep and dream
we have the ability to release negative, suppressed emotions from our subconscious
mind. That happens through codes of information, symbols and dreams.
This light body can easily access the Astral realm and Higher astral
–which is more safe place.
Similarly to the emotional body that can pick up emotions of others, or
mental body that can sense thoughts of others, the astral body can pull”
different attachments, objects or “entities” from the Astral plane.
(For more information about
Astral realm read here… )
(For more information about entities read the article here… )
These attachments or entities are unhealthy and make your Astral body
heavier and more dull. That’s why regular cleansing of your Astral body is
How to protect and cleanse your Astral body?
Your Astral body holds the vibration of your soul (Heart and Soul star
chakra). It connects you with other realms, out of the Earth, and with hearts
and souls of other beings.
You can protect your Astral body before sleep with silver shining light
or silver mixed with violet light. This is very powerful protection in the
astral realm. You can do the following:
Wash your astral body with
waterfall of silver light
Imagine and program large silver
egg of light around you
In this way your Astral body is well protected in the lower astral
realms, This is also valid for world of spirits, entities and elementals.
Your Astral body is also related to your emotions, and higher emotional
body. It will be in cleaner state if you cleanse your emotions daily.
Your Astral body needs care and
healing. That happens naturally when you work on your Heart chakra, in time of
deep sleep or meditation, where your light body is rejuvenated. All mediums and people who channel
information have strong Astral body so they can connect easily to the spirit
world and other dimensions.
Meditation, chi gong exercises, breathing and yoga poses will help you
to keep your Astral body healthy and to have astral boundaries. Also you can
create dream journal, try Astral travelling and do visualizations.
You can enhance this body with silver color, or having art with more
silver tones in your bedroom.
Another very important function of the Astral body is receiving light
codes activations from space, from the crystalline core of earth, from core of
the moon and sun. These codes come through our heart and astral body and higher
spiritual bodies in state of sleep or meditation. Astral body integrates the
light in your lower bodies (mental, emotional, physical).
Your Astral body is related to your moon sign and partly to your rising
sign. You can see how sensitive is your dream state by checking the house and
sign of your moon.
Thank you for tuning in! ๐จ
Nina Nour Bluebell
angels medium
March 2024 ©
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