Sunday, March 3, 2024

Chakras as Portals and Law of attraction (Root -I)

 In this article I will observe all the chakras as Portals of light and how they can attract and activate certain principles, what makes them expand and what makes them closed or blocked.  


I have written many articles about all chakras, and observed in detail their functions, relation to inner organs, what is the angel related and what are the feelings. Here I want to write about special topic – law of attraction and how it works through our energy centres –Chakras 


Chakras are our inner stars of Divine light – they are essential in our spiritual, emotional and physical life on this planet. Each chakra, the same as our Aura field, connect us with the major organ in the body, with a function of gland (like Thyroid for example with Throat), and with major Cosmic principles and feelings. Each chakra (as you may know) vibrates with certain frequency of sound, Colour (light), has patterns and sacred geometry form. These are usually very unique to everyone. (for example, the Third eye chakra can be seen in many incredible variations in indigo blue, or deep violet colour, or violet with golden and silver shines).  

[For all those aspects and about your Aura, you can see these articles...

Chakras have the main function to attract divine light from outer worlds (multi-dimensional world), and at the same time to radiate the light outwards. They also have a “sleeping mode” during the night, when our body is asleep. In this time, all chakras have special astral membrane” from the outside, and they are flushing away all negative particles and foreign elements that don’t belong there. During this time all chakras are inactive, but they are in self-cleansing mode. They can`t receive or absorb light from the outer world in this time. However, if the body is not asleep, their functions will continue.  

Therefore, if person doesn’t sleep for a long time, this is very toxic for all chakras, as they can't be cleansed and self-washed, so they continue accepting and interfering with foreign elements.  

This is a bit complicated metaphysical law for the state of humans now.


Here I`m going to the point, what are the main states/ feelings within each chakra (in physical body), what they attract and what makes them blocked.  

Root Chakra: Attracting Safety, Protection, Health  


The first chakraMuladhara – has beautiful ruby red (sometimes red pink) light and in healthy state it should be a sphere turning clockwise. The speed of each chakra is different for each individual. However, if all your chakras are turning at different speed, they are not aligned, so you will not be healthy in this way.  

In the process of major awakening, ascension or spiritual awareness, chakras are expanding their light, and they spin faster. (I experienced that faster spinning very clearly in the last year 2021! Which was very challenging).  

The first ruby red chakra attracts Safety, stability and protection. These feelings don’t come just from nowhere. In order to attract safety, you need to be grounded, and to know your roots.  

[ on grounding you can read this article: … ]  


You attract the feeling of safety in some simple ways ( but for some people could sound not so simple): 1. by having strong and healthy relationship with your family (and Ancestors); 2. by having healthy relationship with your father, grandfather; 3. by having healthy boundaries with your family and your father; 4. with having safe place - home, which you can belong to, and return safely from all travels; 5. by taking care and loving your physical body.  


I won't go into details for each aspect about the feeling of safety, as these are the main. Also, in each aspect you need to put your CARE, Love and devotion. The relationship with your father needs to be tended, in order to grow. Your home will be happy and safe, if you take care of it, cleanse its energy and make it well organized and clean. These are essential parameters of Muladhara 


The chakra will be closed, if you are ungrounded, by fear from your father (or abuse), by fear of being without home, or without place to stay, by fear to lose your material possessions, or something that belong to you; The feeling of ungrounded is also related to anxiety and being not able to sleep. If you are grounded, you will have good sleep. This chakra relates to father, brother and ancestors in heaven. So, it`s important to connect also with your ancestors on special dates and make rituals; Or visit their graves.  


To make your chakra open and with brilliant light, practice grounding, also all energy exercises, yoga, chi gong, will make this chakra spin in perfect way. Make meditation in nature with Tibetan bowls, light up 3 (6-9) red candles in South direction of your home. All red crystals also can help you balancing this chakra – ruby, red jasper, fire opal, coral.  

You can also call your angels and ask them for help to expand and balance the flow of Root chakra; visualize spinning beautiful sphere, and red lotus flower within it. Say short affirmation 3 times in the morning and before bed: “I am safe and grounded and I`m protected by my ancestors and spirit guides. All is exactly as it should be.”  


Archangel: Michael – is angel you can call upon if you need help with your Root chakra (But be aware that archangels are higher beings and they have appointed other angels and ascended masters to help you with that – so you can call for support your own spirit guides or any other powerful being that you love –Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin, Isis, Ishtar, Brigid).  


Be aware that your Root will be closed too, if you have unhealthy, cluttered or toxic environment at home (or the place you live). If you witness or participate in daily scandals, arguments and offensive language, that will close your Root; in that respect, you should know there is chain between Root-Solar Plexus and Throat chakra).  

Tarot cards representing energy of the Root chakra are: IV. The emperor; The Kings; King of Wands.  

You can open this chakra by drawing red mandala; by making art with wood, clay or acrylic paint; by renovating your home, by cooking, sawing, knitting.  

Herb to drink for the Root chakra is Rosehip; 

Essential oils: Cedarwood, Rosewood  

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell *

Angels medium

Tarot teacher

February 2024 ©

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