Monday, March 18, 2024

Spiritual importance of Mental body (+Ritual for cleansing) II

 Continues from part I here...> πŸ“–

One way to manage the negative thoughts is though journaling and creating positive affirmations and things that you are grateful for.

Think about what things in your life you really love, appreciate and feel grateful. These can be your partner, children, your pets, plants, home, your body, your angels. Practice gratitude daily, so you can transform the energy of your reality. Of course this wont happen over night, if you already have for a long time negative” believes.

Mental body is related to element fire and Air and to sun energy. That’s why the tools you can use to cleanse and transform your thoughts are:

-   Candles and watching candle light, fire

-   Color yellow, gold

-   Yellow flowers, daffodils

-   Staying in the sun light –especially sun rise

-   All outdoor activities, gardening

-   Playing with pets, children

-   Yellow crystals and meditation with them – amber, citrine, yellow calcite, yellow aventurine, jade, mokaite

-   Sleep and meditation with yellow light.


When you have persistent negative or fear based thoughts that can create problems with your liver, stomach, digestion, gut, throat, nose, sinuses, ears, and can result in frequent headaches or insomnia.

As the emotional body is closely connected to your mental body, you need to be very aware first of your emotions. Understand how to acknowledge and process your emotions, which is very important for empaths.


Ritual for cleansing and protection of your mental body

Here I suggest simple ritual which you can make during any New moon, but especially on the new moon in any fire sign. This will make your mind revitalized and expand your mental body with positive energy.

(Remember, this is very individual process, so every person is encouraged to create his own elements in the ritual or make it according to his taste).

Light up 4 yellow (golden) long candles in the 4 corners of the room (or on your altar). Then place 4 yellow crystals by your choice next to each candle. They can be citrine, lemon quartz, yellow calcite, yellow aventurine. (Additionally you can add yellow flowers if you like).  Sit quietly and imagine waterfall of divine golden and violet light flowing from above your Crown chakra, washing away all negative energy from your body, entering into the earth. 

This magical light covers all of your body, cleanses and rejuvenates all your inner organs, cells and all your system. You can focus more golden light into the organs or systems that need healing – or your digestive system. Stay in this light for at least 20 - 30 min. If you want bigger impact, you can make this meditation daily for the next 6 days.

(you can notice the difference after).

You can also add to this meditation sound of Tibetan bowl for Solar Plexus chakra, lemon and orange aroma oils and affirmations.

Write down and repeat the following positive affirmations:

“I am beautiful being of Light. I am loved, protected and powerful.”

“Money flow easily to me. I have everything I desire.”

“I am successful and filled with confidence and power.”

“I am filled with joy and love; I am powerful creator of my life.”

Say these affirmations for the next 6 days, and you will feel increased vibration.

Another method of rejuvenation and alignment of your mental body is  using your creative gifts and talents. You have such gifts, as a spiritual divine being, and you are invited to explore and grow them.

Do you like art, painting or music or writing? What is your passion? This is your divine power give in this life, and needs to be expressed through you! Don’t hold back and create.

Thank you for tuning in! 🍡

Nina Nour Bluebell 

angels medium 

March 2024 ©

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