Monday, April 1, 2024

Channeled message from AA Ariel for the Ascension April (2024) 🌟

 Greetings children of Earth and Light! 

We are here to guide you with the light, true knowledge and higher perspective for your path and discovering your true self. Here we want to prepare you for the upcoming events, which may seem “dramatic” or overwhelming for many souls. Now the planet you live in is already in a period of transition to Higher frequency – and higher dimension. Which will happen to everyone, whether you are aware of it or not. That's why it is very important for you now to understand your way, and to choose the path you want to follow.  

There is a great split and this is not something negative, but the split was preplanned for many souls. Most humans who are awake or aware already know that and follow their Higher self guidance. Others either will awaken in the next months or will continue to be asleep in the heavier reality.  

We want you to know that you are loved no matter where you choose to be or which frequency you are.  

If you are a light worker, your whole system, and especially emotional body will be upgraded with divine light codes and source, and solar codes, from your sun. We are anchoring the energy of the 5 dimension, but you won't be able to see it in the next years. Because first it comes into your spiritual bodies, and you will receive it as light codes.  

We want to clarify something about dimensions and frequencies, that most people are confused. There are 12 dimensions in your reality construct. (in different realities there will be different number of dimensions). You are now as a collective in 3 D reality. This is a heavy, dense reality holding conflicts and trauma, and it is made so BY default. That means, it is impossible to change it, unless you raise your collective frequency. This is the reality of lessons and learning, karma and duality, choices and free will. They are very valuable for the development of the soul. Each dimension is divided” into 12 segments you can call them “frequencies”. So, they are similar to the chakra system in your body. 1 frequency corresponds to the red Root chakra, second –to the sacral, Third to the Solar plexus chakra. They are lower and higher frequency bands, and within each of them there are 3 levels – lower, medium and high. Each of them has saturation of light and brilliance. Collectively humanity now is in the 3 D, 3 frequency, and lower level. When most humans are in the lower state of this frequency they can easily fluctuate up and down within 3 frequencies. Thats why collectively you are fluctuating between first –red and third frequency, in the lower levels. That means, you can't feel clearly your own purpose and you are totally unaware of the “collective game”, control and manipulation.  

But in the last 3 years there has been an increase in the awakened souls and people who realize the truth about the Matrix of control. This number rises now to more than 10% of the souls on earth, which is already high. Many souls start vibrating in higher levels – of 4 or 5 frequency bands (which is on the level of Heart chakra and Throat). Very few souls actually have reached vibration on 6th and 7-th frequency – which are Third eye and Crown.

That`s why we want to encourage you to take some practical steps, and to raise your frequency as much you can, or as much as your Soul is prepared.  

  • 1. be aware of your reality, what do you engage in, and the people with whom you interact. Try to feel” and sense their vibration and decide if you are match to them.  

  • 2. Understand the next steps of your soul development -what does your Soul want you to do? What do you feel with your heart, allow yourself to be aligned with your heart center and speak from it.

  • 3. Realize your direct environment and how it impacts you. What are the positive and the negative sides of the city you live in? What do you like your city to look like? Do you add to the environment in a positive way? What about your home space? Do you feel your home is sanctuary?  

  • 4. Implement practices of meditation, yoga poses and chi gong to develop and move your energy in a healthy way. Take time and certain days for food and electronic detox and spend time in nature. Feel how your soul and heart is uplifted and cleansed by the nature elementals.  

  • 5. Persistence and determination are qualities you need to work on. Also, to not give away your power to others.  

  • 6. Cut negative ties with people (places and events) that are taking from your energy and blocking your path. You will realize who they are by the way they make you feel.  

Know that you are on your highest timeline when you are not aligned with others, or with your past, or in the vibration of your trauma (anxiety, nervousness, instability, being not satisfied, or comparing yourself). You need to be aligned only with your own personal path and Higher consciousness. 

So, when many of the awakened souls are ready, the transition to 5 D will expand more, to encompass more levels and layers.  

You need also as empaths, healers or beings of Light, to take care of yourself –cleanse and protect your aura daily and connect with your higher self in meditation daily. These are some practices that will help you to raise your vibrations more and more.  

When you realize your mission (or life path) you need to just take little steps every day which will bring you closer to your goal. These steps need to be practical and connected with your mission –ask for guidance and support from your angelic team and guides! They are there for you.  

We are sending you divine healing light codes to your heart! 


AA Ariel and elementals 

You can look forward to:

- Healing meditation and cell programming - 22 days with Arch. Raphael and Master Hilarion for full cleansing, healing and upgrade.

- Read the full energy update report:

April energy -Ascension, Angels, Crystals....

Message channeled by

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, psychic, healer

April -2024 ©

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