Saturday, April 6, 2024

Etheric templates and Energy differences between male and female (channeled) -II

continues from part I here....>

 If your body is feminine and you have more masculine energy, that will create inner conflict and contradict your feminine blueprint. At the same time, it is possible for you to connect with your Higher Self, which is masculine and to have masculine energy of the Monad. That's why genders and roles can become quite complicated. In this case you will need to create a balance between your inner masculine and warrior energy and your divine feminine and nurturer.  

Here is something to clarify. We all have masculine and feminine (Yin) energies within us, and we work on both simultaneously, but they are NOT equal. If we are feminine and have feminine Higher consciousness (which is important), then we will have predominant feminine flow. If we are male and have masculine Higher consciousness, then we have predominant masculine flow. That is very normal. But it is possible you to incarnate in a masculine body with a feminine Consciousness and Higher Self, and then you need to learn how to balance both of your flows, this can be a special soul lesson.  

Now I focus on etheric templates and energies in men and women`s body  

There are multiple energetic differences which come naturally with your gender. If you are woman, you can have increased Yin flow in the body, and certain chakras will be more pronounced or expanded or even more brilliant by default, than others. For woman these chakras that she has natural connection with are the feminine chakras of cleansing and nurturing: Sacral, Heart and Third eye. Women also tend to have more expanded and developed Crown chakras then men. Thats why women have more psychic abilities, clairvoyance and they can connect easier with other realities.  

If you are a man, from another side and you have such psychic abilities or expanded Crown chakra, this will be sure sign that you are an old soul and, in many incarnations, you have already developed your feminine energy flow, so your soul is remembering it.  

Souls who incarnate as women have very different energy in their Throat chakra, and Third eye. Throat chakra for women is usually in light-blue spectrum and it has white etheric seed with seven-pointed star in it. Thats how women connect with world of elementals, Faires and nature through this portal. Women have different ways of expression than men. They say and understand things differently. Women have brighter yellow Solar Plexus chakra with five-pointed star etheric seed in it. Their confidence and authentic self are expressed in different ways. And finally, women tend to have less developed Root chakra, less developed Solar Plexus – or smaller, and some women can have less developed Throat. So, these chakras can be part of their challenges in this life.  

Souls who choose to incarnate as men on earth will be working on developing their masculine qualities and healing their masculine Ancestral karma, or karma from past lives. Men tend to have very strong and expanded Root chakra (and that changes with the multiple traumas on this dimension), and well developed and strong Solar Plexus and Throat chakras – as these are the masculine chakras of activation and expression. Men can also have more “etheric cords”, wounds and scratches in these chakras, exactly because they are meant to work” on them. In etheric template of the men Throat chakra is deeper blue, oceanic blue and has 5-pointed star etheric seed in it. Men express the truth in very different way and more direct than women do. Also, male souls have more expanded Solar Plexus chakra, with that can come more responsibility, but also more selfish” egoistic behavior in the lower levels. Their Solar Plexus has the etheric seed of seven-pointed star in it, so they connect with nature spirits, Fairies, elementals through this portal.  

Many men (in lower-level consciousness) have closed or blocked Third eye and Crown chakras. They can choose to not develop their intuitive or psychic abilities, or they can choose to use them very rarely. This creates decalcification of the Third eye and pineal gland, so it is hard for them to see the bigger picture” or be intuitive. (That will change in the future as men start to balance their feminine energy).  

Men have darker red Root chakra with bigger golden spiral (etheric) in it. That means from one hand that men can reach Kundalini awakening quicker or easier than most women. Men need to cleanse and heal regularly their Root chakra, and to have very strong relationship with their father.  

Women need to cleanse and heal more often their Crown chakra, and their aura field, as they easily can pick up” negative energies from the environment. Thats why women are much more prone to illnesses of the nervous system and emotional instability.  

Most men souls in last decades on earth have very polluted and unstable Root chakra, because they don't feel safe in this reality; so, they can`t provide safety and defend people from their family too. As men are connecting with women using their Heart chakra and Solar Plexus, or Throat, women connect with men energy (in couple) using their Heart, Sacral and Third eye. That means both have different points to connect, but they both use Heart center.  

Many women who are lower-level consciousness, accepted to act as a “male” energy and that has consequences on a soul level. They will have blocked or polluted Crown chakra and narrow and polluted Root chakras. In this case they will continue to provide wrong” energy to next generation.  

Women who have blocked, dark or polluted Sacral chakra and Third eye, are lost souls, or deal with abandonment from past life. Men who have dark, blocked or polluted Solar Plexus and Root chakra, are lost souls, who deal with fear of power and control, or being in abusive power in past lives.  

These are very common etheric templates at this time.  

If you are woman, you have very strong etheric bond (cords) with your mother through your Sacral chakra. You need to heal your relationship with your mother, in all directions of time and all dimensions, so your Sacral can be healthy and strong.  

If you are a man, you have very strong etheric bond with your father and his lineage, you connect with your father through your Root chakra (energy of Mars). If you want to have healthy Root, you need to heal the relationship with your father, and even older brother(s).  

For both men and women, they need to use energy protection with the colors from their Higher Self, and colors of their predominant element. If you are incarnated as man you need to investigate how you use your power and courage, and what makes you lose power? You need to work with and heal your Fire and Air elements first. If you are woman incarnated, you need to heal and work with your Water and Earth elements first. Cleansing, self-love and nurturing are essential for every woman. Also, if you are at a higher spiritual level, you most probably have a goddess who is supporting you and with whom you have soul contract. Who is this deity? Try to find out. (That doesn't mean you can`t reach out to gods to strengthen your courage and confidence and self-defense. Most women will need to provide that if they are missing the support of healthy masculine energy. But for the higher dimensions this is not meant to be.)  

Thank you for tuning in! 💗

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, psychic

April 2024 ©

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