Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What is Law of reflection (Attraction) of energy ? (Part II)

 This is part II of the article channeled with the help of angels. 

You can read part I here... >

How does the law of Reflection work for your Soul expansion?  

If you put all your Soul aspects (feelings, thoughts, sub-conscious mind, spiritual body, desires, intentions, choices) in one line and focus their energy in one direction, then you will manifest certain results.  

For example – if you put all these aspects to create addiction to sweets or chocolate, this addiction will open mirror portals” that will multiply as many times as you repeat the pattern of craving for chocolate. (or as many times you think of, desire or eat chocolate). That mirror will exist until you decide to change it and make a different choice. So, there can be many different reflections” as result of this choice - moments of joy, indulging in the taste of sweets, also damaged teeth, kidney or liver problems and so on.  

Of course, this is just a simple example to understand how this law works in reality 

We need to remember that all is interconnected within your body and with reality around you – as you create mirrors from the point of your multidimensional Soul.  

Not to forget that your Astrology chart is another “mirror” created prior to your birth.  


  1. How to align to the reality we desire?  

To be aligned with your reality is to start to create things from the ground up – or from the point of your manifested physical body, physical reality, home and environment). Anything else will lead you to illusion.  

For that you need to: align with and accept your physical body as it is, accept your reality as it is, then start to create mirrors within this reality to make it better.  


For the law of reflection to come to play, you need to create mirrors from your current feelings, thoughts, believes, ideas, passions, intentions, choices, and in the same time become aware of your fears, illusions, inner conflicts and blockagess on a daily basis.  

These mirrors then create different time-portals to attract” the people, places, situations, relationships you are matching”. These can not always be what you think you desire now! 

Because many of these matches will come from the level of reflection of the sub-conscious mind –(so they could be unwanted.) 


My conclusion for the law of mirroring: by aligning all your soul aspects (feelings, thoughts, believes, values, desires, intentions, talents) within your Soul and then with your manifested reality, you create the ultimate (positive) mirror for yourself.  

It can be even more complicated than that.  


How that happens in reality?  

You need to focus all your aspects (feelings, thoughts, believes…) multiple times in ONE direction that you want positive change.  

In the same time you need to create this mirror from the point of your existing reality, here and now.  

Focusing energy on too many different directions will not bring you anywhere.  


1. you need to be crystal clear what do you want to create NOW and 2. align your choices and activate all your Soul aspects in this direction.  

For example, if you want to create art or painting, focus all your aspects in this direction – feel how it makes you feel, think of the painting expression and positive result, you make the intention and buy the needed materials your art, and finally you start to create it. In this way you make a “swirling energy vortex” which activates the universal power to support you. This vortex is the mirror of attraction”, so the more you paint, the more you create mirrors in higher levels, so they reflect to you back more inspiration, more intentions and more paintings. 


Anything is possible from the state of alignment, clear mind and focus.  

For example you want to give birth to a child, which is also creation”. In the same time you are afraid of the process of giving birth, of the health issues, if you will be strong enough, or you afraid from not having enough finances for the new life. These fears can be in the sub-conscious mind too, which makes things harder.  

In this situation you can create different mirrors (to attract) future realities: 1. not being able to become pregnant or giving birth, because you will have blocks in your Sacral). 2. Giving birth of a child, but having painful experiences in the process; 3. feeling more exhausted or depressed after giving birth…  

In order to attract anything one power step is to SURRENDER to the results. Surrender is opposite of control, expectations, judgement and frustrations. That means you allow the divine power to work through you in any given time. And that is not easy for many souls here.  


In order to create the perfect mirror for you, you need in the first place to let go of all sub-conscious fears, doubts, illusions and blocks. Only then your reflection can be clear.  

My angels say – at this spiritual level of humanity we cant use the law of reflection in a perfect way, and use even half of its capacity.  

(Next, I will write about manifesting your wish into reality, how it happens and the components we need to know.)

Thank you for tuning in! 🍵

Nina Nour Bluebell

angels medium

April 2024 ★

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