This is special meditation for deep cleansing, healing and upgrading for your reproductive system, sexual organs, and urinary system – bladder, kidneys made with the power of archangel Haniel, Arch. Jophiel and celestial Amber ray of light, with crystal spirit of Amber and in orange egg of light.
You can sit or lie down in a comfortable and relaxed space, preferably in a darkened room. It is better to cleanse the energy of the space before starting this meditation. Now focus inward, take deep breaths in and out, for a few times. Feel the energy of the breath expanding your lungs and heart with white sparkling light. Feel this light going out from your mouth, releasing any negative energies, thought forms or emotions. Do this process for a while and feel how your body is filled with white light. See the light expanding to your aura making it cleaner and bigger. Until the room you are in is filled with shining white light.
This meditation is designed to deeply heal and upgrade your reproductive system and all cells and revitalize it with 5 dimensional codes with power of angels and celestial lights.
Now say the following invocation out loud or in yourself:
“I call upon AA Haniel, AA Jophiel, my guardian angels and the crystal elemental of Amber and Carnelian, to be with me with surround me with Light, love and Protection in all levels and dimensions. Thank you!”
Take time to feel the energy of all angels around you. See how AA Haniel is in front of you placing amazing shining egg of orange amber light around you. This egg is high vibrational and has the power to remove all toxic energy from your reproductive organs, kidneys and bladder and all cells in these organs. This is light for rejuvenation and unlimited youth, upgrading these systems and infusing them with Joy, creativity and self-acceptance, and passion.
Now you can see the presence of archangel Jophiel on your left side. She places one golden light egg above the orange egg. You can feel how your vibration rises. You can see the image of flower of life on the bottom of both eggs –the orange one and the golden one. You are sitting above this sacred symbol, absorbing the energy codes from it.
All the angels, AA Haniel and arch. Jophiel sends by their hands healing sphere of amber light above your head, in your Crown chakra. See how this sphere is spinning and expanding, glowing. Within the amber sphere are the words Healing, Love, Rejuvenation. This sphere is like a vortex of light, which sends streams of amber light down to your head, and body, covering all of you.
The amber light penetrates to your head and brain, covers your hair, your face, eyes, nose, ears. It travels down to your chest, heart, and reaches to your reproductive system (ovaries, womb, sexual organs) and urinary system. See how all organs and cells of these systems start to shine with orange –golden light, upgrading the DNA and rejuvenating all your cells. This is very high vibrational light, and it will detox and remove any negative energy of pain, sorrow, anxiety, fear and resistance from your reproductive system now.
All negative energies are removed from you now into the ground. The amber light is so powerful that it dissolves all karmic knots, karmic relationships with people and places from your past lives. It removes all your sexual cords with people from your past (or past lives), that your system rejects. Feel how all karma is dissolved from your cells, organs and tissues of your reproductive system, one by one. Stay for a few minutes here and feel the high vibrational orange –golden light filling all the space in your lower body and upgrading.
Now you are healed and rejuvenated to the highest vibration suitable for your reproductive and urinary system.
Next, we call on the energy of Celestial ruby ray and crystal spirit of Amber and Carnelian. You can call on also any goddess that you work with and love. Feel their presence around you. They spread the energy of amber and golden light, infusing your egg with beautiful feminine qualities, making it powerful, compassionate, nurturing and loving. The amber spirit has a gift for your Sacral chakra, your center or joy and self-acceptance. Focus on your Sacral chakra and see it as spinning sphere of orange light, moving clockwise. This center is important for keeping you youthful, joyful and passionate about all things you want to create. Imagine how you start to become smaller and smaller, until you drop in the middle of your Sacral chamber of orange light. See in the middle of this chamber a special sphere with a huge amber crystal. This amber reflects all of you and your Sacral chakra. You can see it radiating powerful light of healing. This amber is a gift from the spirit of celestial Amber. It is here to heal and rejuvenate all your Sacral, all your reproductive organs permanently with amber light. It will remove all negative energies, memories and abuse from all your cells at this place.
You can thank your angels, crystal spirit of Amber and Carnelian, arch. Haniel and archangel Jophiel for their light and healing.
If you wish you can do this meditation for the next 3 days to strengthen your connection with AA Jophiel and arch. Haniel and to receive healing. Or you can choose to make it every week for the next 4 weeks.
(Note that you can make this meditation with or without the physical presence of amber or carnelian – it will be equally effective.)
(The egg shape light is a powerful tool for healing and rejuvenation, and it can keep you very safe).
Sending you Love!
Nina Nour Bluebell
medium, psychic
April 2024 ©
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