Sunday, April 14, 2024

Mirrors as Energy Portals - What do you need to know

 In this article I`ll try to explain about energy portals, what are they and how we interact with them, how their energy affects our life. (with the help of Arch. Zadkiel) .

What is energy portal?

Energy portals can be everywhere around us, even in places we don't expect. Energy portal is a fast-moving vortex of light with certain frequency that connects this dimension with other dimensions, realities and levels. There are many energy portals in the universe, which serve a higher purpose for humanity ascension, like cosmic portals, planetary portals (like Moon and Solar events, eclipses, solstices, Full moon and new moon, special conjunctions). All of these are cosmic Portals. They relate to the process of evolution and ascension of the souls in our dimensions, and with evolution of our planet. There are also portals of numerology vibration, portals of birth (entering points) and portals of death (exit points). All portals are connections between different dimensions and states of consciousness.  

Moreover, the energy portals are tunnels of light, that can transport not only your soul, but some entities or other beings not of light.  

There are many more portals that we can imagine in our everyday life.

Some of the most significant portals in your home can be- mirrors, wall clocks, portraits and original paintings, ponds and wells. They are connected with the lower Astral, if the portal is activated.

Some of the very important “magical” portals are the mirrors. They were used for magical purposes and skrying for centuries and in most ancient cultures there are beliefs about mirrors as transporters of energy.

The mirror is a special object, because it creates duplicated "reality”, and captures fragments of reality in the place it is located. Mirror is a very strong portal, no matter of the place it is, but it will have a special effect on you in your home. Your own mirror holds and keeps vibration of fragments of your identity, feelings and thought forms that come from you and from all people that looked at the mirror. This happens regardless of whether you are aware of it or not.  

That is why it's so important to take care of the mirrors in your home, as they hold vibrations of you and your home. Mirror will keep and reflect back the reality (thoughts, feelings) that he receives from you. For example, if you look at the mirror and think negative thoughts about yourself, or feel depression and gloom, or have many fears, or dislike your face and body – this energy will be absorbed” within the surface of the mirror – as it creates vortex of universal energy of multiple dimensions. That's why mirrors really have magical properties and can be used in many rituals. When the energy is absorbed,” it can be reflected back to your home and to anyone who looks at the mirror. So, for example if someone was unhappy and very depressed, he gave this energy to his mirror. Then the mirror came into possession in another home with other people, they will feel the energy radiating from it. This energy will create a ripple effect, like concentric circles in a lake) and will affect the whole house and all the people in it.  

It is highly advisable not to use old or antique mirrors, or even mirrors from your ancestors, which need to have a special place.  

Another thing to know is that mirrors can act as a vortex of transportation bringing beings and entities which may be not for your highest good. That happens because mirror is connected usually with Astral planes, which are lands of Astral beings, dreams, sub-conscious mind, entities or even demons. They can't be called in” except by intention, or by opening a very dark portal in your home. If you are the clean soul of the Light these beings are not likely to be attracted to you. But they can come through your state of sleep, as in this time your body is unconscious and travels in the Astral. You may attract some astral beings, which can be so many –like lost souls (people who passed away, but didn't go to Angelic spheres), or entities or other dark beings. That is because every human has vast territory of sub-conscious mind which is filled with fears, past life memories and other dark things. The astral beings can sense” this energy and come to your space, if they can take advantage of you.  

It is recommended not to place mirrors in your bedroom, or at least they to not be directly in your face, when you sleep.  

In order to feel good and prevent the negative beings to come from your mirror you can do the following - 

  • Choose and buy your mirrors by yourself, as you avoid the antique shops.  

  • Say positive affirmations in the morning when you look at the mirror – like “You are beautiful, you are loved, you are abundant”. You can also say to the mirror “ I love you”, because these words will reflect back and will also close any negative portal within the mirror.  

  • Hang the mirror in places that there is no access to many people. 

  • Cleanse the mirror regularly using Paolo santo or incense of any kind and clean the mirror of dust.  


Make sure the mirror is not used by depressed, angry or negative people. The problem comes if you have partner or someone in your home who suffers from depression, the energy of this feeling will increase, because mirrors absorb and duplicate reality. Thats why if you are psychic, you can sense strong energy from any mirror in a house.  

If you are drawn to buy a mirror while you are on a trip or travel in a faraway place, this is indication that your soul recognizes the place from past life. You have special connection to this place or country. This mirror can be used to connect your soul to the Akashic records or to the past life you had.  

If you buy a new house, make sure you don't have any mirrors in it or throw them away. Especially broken mirrors give a truly negative vibration and there are many entities that can come through. It's not advisable to buy a house when someone has passed away in the same year. You may feel the house is haunted not because the soul stayed there”, but because it has many fragments and energy in all places.  

You need to cleanse your mirrors immediately with salty water and close the portals, if you have dreams of –looking yourself at a mirror and you are not the person in this life time; if you look at mirror in a dream and you feel deep sadness, or if you see yourself naked, or old or in any strange way.  

How to close and seal mirror portal? 

  • As with any other portal, mirrors can be closed, and they are in “inactive” state. You need to light a candle and call on arch. Michael, arch. Jehudiel and your angels cleanse the mirror. Draw in the air in front of the mirror a five-pointed star in circle and imagine that star lighting up with golden light. Then you can say the following: I ask this mirror to be closed and take back all the negative energies within, and I command that it is sealed now with golden star. And so it is.” You can seal the mirror also using a selenite wand, black obsidian or any black stone and sound of Tibetan bowls.  

Also, you shouldn't call any entities or unknown energy to go back to their original place through the mirror, as that can have a very unpredictable effect on you.  

Nina Nour Bluebell

psychic medium

April 2024 ©

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