Monday, May 13, 2019

Types of Celestial Light -I

 [ in this article part I -I`ll reveal the topic: What is celestial Light? What is Light vs what is darkness? What are some basic qualities of celestial Light - Understanding different types of Light - Flaming, Crystaline, Fluid... ]
Message and guidance channeled with the help of arch. Raphael }
  Here I`ll give more information and details about the different types of Celestial light, and how it is incorporated in human body (ethereal and DNA structure).

     As we may know, everything consists from Light in the angelic realms, and in higher dimensions. We cant perceive that light, but we can work with it, make healing and cleansing on a cellular level. All we need to do is practice meditation and visualization.
    The universe and all Life in higher Celestial spheres comes from Light. Angels are beings of pure Light. In order humans to exist in lower dimension planes (3D Earth) it was needed the Light to be mixed with heavy matter, or “darkness”. What we need to be aware of is: Light has many different forms, types and purposes in the world, and its source of life; also it expresses through different characteristics, colour and vibration. The colour is nothing more than Fraktle of Light with specific wave length. The darkness is also not with one parameter, it has many shades of it. As we`ll see further in explanation about dark Faeries.

} note } for more information please read the article “Creation of World- Light” here.

   I want to determine, the well spread term in psychic circles “Fallen angel” is actually not what we think/ not truth. That confusion comes from the fact we don’t have suitable words to describe the exact beings, as they are so many in the between worlds and Astral levels. Angels cant be fallen, nor any rebellion happened against “God” (source?, against who? Against themselves?) But there was creation of Darkness, which manifests in lower levels as many different creatures, some of them are very powerful. That`s what I call (personally as I don’t have better term for now) Dark Faeries. More information about them in another text.

    The Light has ability to cleanse, rejuvenate and heal the physical and ethereal body. Also it has ability to protect. Here I`ll give a list with different types of Light, and for what purposes they can be used.

~ Flaming Light – this light has quality of fire, but it`s celestial – means it doesn’t exist on lower levels. Even so we are given the Flame Light through activation of Violet flame, and through other angelic groups (like Blue flame angels. The flaming light is one of the strongest and highest, as it helps cleansing and removing all negative energies from the field, as well as transmuting and healing. This is the light which arch. Michael uses with his sward of Light. (not sward as we imagine). Practicing Blue and violet flame meditations will give you amazing cleansing in all energy levels.

~ Crystaline Light – this light appears static (not changing), translucent and as a colour of crystal. It has quality to expand and change the inner structure of matter (in ethereal plane). This is the light used also to cleanse and activate DNA in human body, to remove old blocks from the system. Visualize the crystalline light expanding around you from the ground, wrapping you inside like in bubble. Feel the strong waves of energy coming from this light, and feel how your mind become cleansed, and all blockages are removed. That is a process, so you may need to take few times in meditation, in order to work with this light.

~ Fluid celestial Light ~ this is the Light which looks like flowing water, it is spread from above and reaches all inner places of body. This is the easiest light to work with, and very common as it has effect of energy shower. Kind of fluid light is used also in Reiki practice. This light has different colour, but usually some of purifying, healing and cleansing colours. It has effect on cellular level and helps inner organs, tissues and muscles to restore and rejuvenate. Visualize this light coming from above, down to your Crown chakra, and filling all of your chakras slowly. Also see the light (pure white or golden), to fill in all your body and all your inner organs gradually. Then it flows down to the earth, connecting you to the core of Earth. 

Please continue to the next part, where you `ll reveal more kind of celestial Lights: ....
photo: Sofia garden fountain } nina nour 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

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