Friday, May 31, 2019

Angels of Karma -who are they? II

 [ in this article - part II - I`ll observe shortly the Karmic angels Metatron, and Nathaniel / vibration 7 & souls related to this group. - Arhcnagel Gabriel, Raguel and vibration of 2 - and souls related to this group. Please note, that I give just general outlines of cases here, as this topic is too vast. ] 

[ 7 ] Karmic angels of arch. Metatron and Nathaniel
     These are angels of transformation of qualities. You have already acquired all the Karmic debt, and already payed the first part of it. Then you are now devoted to activate your full potential and help others, by beings protector of other souls, who will experience any form of violence – like to protect physically someone, that means also to be very strong in your own Control, to have power to stand against unjust, violence, oppression, and any kind of obsessive crimes. To be in control with your own power. To be in control with your own feelings of extreme – like anger, jealousy, need to dominate, need to be ruling. And with that control you will achieve higher levels, so that’s the way you pay the last part of Karmic debt. That number will require inner transformation, not being hit from outside, but from inside. While souls with Karmic angels [ 3 ] will have to pay that already in any form from the physical reality and others. 

  * The vulnerable organs of people with this number 7 will be liver, intestine, stomach area, gall bladder. Their problem will be eating fat or unhealthy foods. These people will have in life some defending others occupation, they could be also animal and nature activists. People of this Karmic group have to pay from previous lives negative traits like gluttony, jealousy, greed, rage, being overly focused on material things. So in this life they wont be given all they need.

[ 2 ] Karmic angels of arch. Gabriel – working with principles of Purity, truth and justice. That means these angels will appear when souls need to pay Karma related to manipulation of truth (lies, falsehood, adultery, dishonesty, hidden truths, hidden desires), to manipulation and desecration in the legal low, any act of injustice, lie, hidden agenda, plot against someone; that includes also hard energy of sending negative thoughts, gossiping, offending someone by words or writing. Adulteration of documents, steal, theft by hidden way. Offensive behaviour, and using offensive language are also very common in this category. 
Then the Karmic angels will be from the group of Gabriel and Raguel, and will be in charge to involve the person in the situations of darkness, dishonesty, something hidden, plot, lies, dealing with offences from others, being victim of anything hidden. 

 * Another sign that this is your Karmic angels will be the weak area of your body. For example in case of Karmic angel Gabriel, this areas will be throat, trachea, lungs, mouth, teeth, also sometimes ears and eyes. The person may have often problems with these areas.
Please continue to part III for next Karmic angels .....
                         picture: art of Mark Ryden "Rock Skirt" 

} nina Lea-nour *
  Angel`s medium 
  Reiki healer 

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