Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Marriage and separation -II

 ~ Marriage from spiritual perspective ~

So the main reason of marriage (also from spiritual perspective) is Love, respect, understanding and forgiveness. If just one of these feeling is lost or blocked within the union, marriage wont be possible. As the main reason of marriage is love, it is the feeling we need to cherish and spread every day of life. The wife and husband have to share their love, to show and express love daily, or in cases of negative thoughts, conflicts, they have to share feelings of respect, compassion, understanding, forgiveness. That’s how the marriage is moving and growing forward – as a flower, that is watered and taken care of. Marriage is not a vehicle that moves alone in the street with automatic speed. It has to be taken care of, needs efforts to stay in perfect state. That’s how all positive feelings of love matter.
Something more –for many couples marriage becomes to forceful torture, punishment and institution of “prison”. That’s exactly why I wanted to write this article. Understand, marriage is not a “prison” for the soul, or a chain for the neck of couple. It is supposed be “growing” together, learning lessons from each other, learning how to take care of another, how to be honest, compassionate, loving, how to give more, how to show your truth feelings, how to be yourself. Marriage as spiritual love, has to show the spiritual aspects of Self, reach to freedom of self and discovery of Self, through another, with help of another.

    That’s why – being loved, cherished and taken care of is not enough. You need to give all that feelings back to your partner! That’s what is union of marriage. Love, cherish, forgive, take care of your spouse, every day. Another important aspect in any kind of relationship – is honesty.
(you can read my articles about friendship …and love relationships…)

In marriage everything is possible, if expresses freedom of soul, together with morality and spiritual values of both partners.
Marriage also is deeply intimate experience, connection of two souls in one, in order to reach to higher spiritual growth by many experiences. Marriage union needs to show the perfect mastery of cycle of giving and receiving, of loving and being loved.
Another important statement I want to make is: marriage is created only for the people within it – even if it has social face, it is not existing for approving views of relatives, parents, society. Marriage needs to fit in couples own life style and values, not in one of society. That’s why its intimate – it involves two people and their children.

That’s why it can be canceled only from the side of the couple. Not anyone else. Any couple should not accept interference from outside, its territory is private.

I.                   Separation. What is separation, when it is needed?

Separation (or in social perspective “divorce”) is highly needed and recommended in many cases. I have to say, with help of angels, that in today societies and cultures, multiple people suffer from “unreal marriage”. That means these couples are aware of their “broken” relationships, but Still continue to resist Separation as normal outcome. This resistance, delay and compromising is wrong, and its usually due to many socially based fears. As we know, anything on base of fear is doomed to collapse. That’s why such kind of marriage is “fake” marriage. Some of the well realized reasons for such continues “self-prison” are said to be:

-         the married couple have children and they are fear from their reaction and affect from divorce;
-         one person from couple is financially dependant from another
-       one person if co-dependent from another due to sharing the same property (home, flat)
-     the couple has “addiction” to their routine life-style (including sexual addiction)
-      one or both people from the couple have fear to be alone, due to lack of stability – emotional, bad heath, financial; fear of being alone;
-    one person from the couple is afraid to lose his –home, children, job, security.

These are some of the basic reasons why phenomena of “fake” marriages exist. Here I don’t mention any Karmic relationships or abusive patterns, which are very common. My focus is on how such relationship can become “impossible” and prison of souls for both partners. In such way, both will have huge energy discharge, they will tend to feel most of the time tired, exhausted or have frequent health problems when together.

This all will be result of wrong understood social fear of judgment, of being isolated, neglected by others, as well as fear of losing safety, and most of all fear of change. 

Thank you for reading the second part of my article, feel free to share it, like it, post a comment below! Continue to part 3 ...

nina Lea-nour *
angel`S medium 

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