Thursday, February 2, 2023

February Energy - Angels, Kabballah, Crystal healing [9] ๐ŸŒŸ


Energy of February has effect of uplifting and purification for mind, body and soul. I see this month energy as shining lavender and silver light – they signify awakening, wisdom and connection with your true soul mission. 

Lavender also shows wisdom of Earth and eathereal plane – elementals, fairies, nymphs and tree spirits. Take time to connect with them this month.

Cosmic vibration – 9 ★

Cosmic vibration 9 reveals higher wisdom and angelic connection, ending of a cycle, preparation for the new energy to come. This is energy of letting go of all old things, ideas ad believes. In fact this 9 energy will be very present throughout all year 2023.

9 is number of divine truth, purity and justice. All things hidden come to light, so that you can realise your soul purpose. 9 is always sending you signs for your path ahead, only you need to have open eyes and be aware. All things in your surrounding will support you.

But if you are not on the path of alignment, this vibration can be challenging for you. 9 reveals cycles of life that are important for your soul. The magical stamp of this month is nine pointed star in silver and lavender, with circle and triangle in the middle.


  A ngels who are guiding you and support this energy are AA Haniel, Seraphiel and AA Uriel. Haniel is beautiful angel of divine feminine, moon and women`s cycles. She has very strong and loving presence and she leads all fairies, earth elementals and moon elementals. Haniel brings transformation and healing of the divine feminine energy. So if you are born on 9, 18, 27, or your birth year has number 9 –she will be connected with you. Seraphiel is angel with shining white and silver light, she leads some souls in their journey afterlife.

This month arch. Haniel has a message for you -read it here! >

Kabbalah -Tree of Life

    Kabbalah is mystical tradition that reveals the universe of vibration, number and essence through the 10 Sefirot of the Tree of Life. This is major alchemical symbol which can be found in many religions and practices.

In this month all humans are on the sephira (divine emanation) in Tree of Life – Yesod (Foundation). This is sephira of truth and giving birth to something new, coming into light. It symbolises the procreative organ in men and women (womb). In this energy is quite important to feel what we want to create, to understand the hidden truth of our feminine and masculine energy and how they are connected in Yin-Yang flow. Pay attention to your organs of creation – ovaries, womb and sexual organs. The spiritual state corresponding to this sephira is emet -truth –which is also integrity.

If you have any new inspiring ideas, now is the time to make them shift into goals, plans and projects.

Elements for February – Air + Ether 

The strong element this month is Air and Ether – as this is month of the Air sign Aquarius. The sun is in sign of Aquarius, which brings more lightness, flow and inspiration for all areas of life.

At this time pay attention to your relationships, love, friendship and communication – including with yourself. DO you have some negative believes and self-talk? Do you trust that your creative ideas can become reality? 9 vibration reveals element Ether, which includes all other elements, it shows also Ascension to new level. Air and ether are in harmony – that means energy is supportive for you to manifest anything in reality. This is perfect time for putting end to something, quitting jobs, or leaving unhealthy relationship. Also perfect time for travel, visiting new places, and tapping into your intuition.

Health and body

This month you need to be aware of the flow of your Yin and Yang energy – feminine and masculine. Pay attention if you have any pains, discomfort from which side of the body it is. This will show your weaker part. Also more sensitive organs are throat, ears, nose, sinuses, thyroid, lungs and lymphatic system. It`s recommended to make light exercises –like chi gong to bring your body back to balance. Also be aware for your mental health and mental patterns -they are as important as your body. 

Crystals for February

Crystals this month represent the fluid and light energy of Air, Ether – they hold mystery and higher realms connections. You can meditate with one of these crystals by holding it in your left hand. The crystals are: Angelite, Blue flourite, Blue lace agate, Celestite. You can also place several of them on your body in each chakra, or on your Solar Plexus, so that you can connect fully with its energy.

   These crystals are amazing for attunment to your divine feminine, for cleansing your emotional body and lymphatic system, also for psychic connection and receiving guidance from Astral realms and your angels.

You need to be specially careful and to save your energy on these dates – 10, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22.

  ๐Ÿ’œArchangel Haniel advise you - to not forget the power of music and meditation. 

Music to calm your mind ...

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Nina Nour Bluebell
medium, crystal healer
   February, 2023 ©

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