Sunday, August 14, 2022

About Angels - Q & A with AA Haniel


These are questions and answers with my angels and Archangel Haniel on the topic of Angels and humanity.

Q:      How angels relate to humans? What is their frequency and how do they look like? ★

Angels are beings of Celestial light (flame) with a very high frequency. In fact this is the highest octaves in Universes, as they live in the highest dimension. Their essence is Light and divine flame. So they are creator beings. That means angels are able to create high frequency existing forms/ beings in the Universe – like planets, galaxies. Of course not all of them, as Angels have strong hierarchy and they have light in many different levels. The process of creation is very complicated for humans mind, but it is similar to how you create anything – machines, computers, art, technology, architecture.

Angels do not have particular fixed form, because they live in Celestial planes, where there is no form. That means all existing forms can be changed, multiplied and they are not fixed. The beings of Light live in Angelic Universes – that are like Spheres (or discs), within spheres, located out of any time-space reality. Therefore they are endless and eternal. Yes, they have “beginning” but they are endless.

Angels live in Spheres of harmonious coherence – of Unity, Divine love and Truth, They can transcend time-space, dimensions and forms. They can also create multiple or millions different forms simultaneously. That is called “Space coherence”.

They can infuse their energy into different form, thoughts, objects, levels and dimensions. That’s how angelic healing and meditation work. As they infuse their energy into our thought-form with meaning “Angel” you see them as human-like beings with wings.

We vibrate with billions of different frequencies, with colour, light, sound and geometric patterns. As humans you can not just “see” an angel with your minds eye, but also feel him, smell or listen to the presence of an angel. However, all that will be limited by your 3D senses.

Angels are often in form” of Light spheres (orbs) – one, two or many interlacing orbs together. They can appear as light spirals within sphere, as stars or other geometric forms.


Q.:     Do angels have identity or different personalities? ★

Yes, Angels do have special identity, which makes them vibrating with different colour spectrum, light and frequency tone. However, they do not have Ego nor “ego mind” like humans. Their energy system is in supreme perfection, so that they can work together in perfect Union of energy. That is, and will continue to be impossible for humans.

Also, have in mind that Angels and Archangels are creators, they do take decisions – but they are only based on Universal laws, principle of Unity, universal harmony and coherence.

We are responsible to bring to existence and manage a whole list of universal laws – like the Law of Karma (there are angels of Karma), of coherence, Law of attraction (mirroring), law of free will and many more.

Q:      How angels can interact with us, if we are not aware of their presence and do they interfere sometimes? ★

Angels do not interfere with the life-choices of humans and with their direction. But on a global level they have ways to direct the humanity evolution and spiritual awakening to Higher dimensions. That is because one of the purposes of the human life is expansion, evolution and development.

Because you have shut down” your higher senses and can not perceive the spiritual reality, you compensate the urge for development” with material 3D level expansion.

That spiritual evolution of humans has reverberation in the whole galaxy and affects many other planets.

Some humans are entangled with lower frequency and are controlled by dark beings agenda. That happened many times in planetary history. (For that you need to be aware that some humans copy the exact structure of control and model of “demonic societies”) These dark beings live in the lower Astral levels and are called “demons”. They are conscious, but their feelings and sensitivity vibrate very low.


Q:    How angels connect with human dimensions if they live in very high frequency? ★

Angels can change their form and synchronize their energy with the dimension of time-line they are appearing in. That happens only through intention, as their frequency can manifest immediately. So humans are able to connect with angels and perceive them in different forms.

Of course humans are not able to “see the angels in their full spectrum of light, because of their limited potential and limited level.

When human beings are in their “light-body”, they can see the angels much more clearly and communicate with them. That happens in this level of consciousness only through meditation, dream or Astral travel. Because these are the methods available for transcendence of time-space reality.

It`s important to understand that you as humans, have by Soul contract and creation, the same light Essence as the Angels, which is ETERnal. But you are not angels and people who are born as humans can not be as angels. That never happens. They can be assistants of angels, higher Light beings or Ascended masters.

This eternal Light makes you very precious beings.

Q: Do angels have gender? ★

Angels are without gender, as they are Light of Union and harmony, which transcend need of gender, attraction or time-space. They unite all different aspects of Soul within them. You can perceive them with more masculine qualities or more feminine qualities, but that’s just your perception. In Angelic spheres and some higher dimensions there is no duality and there are very different laws.

Angels can have something called “Twin Soul” with very different meaning of what you think of “twin flame”. That means two or more angels like to work together for a specific cause. Many people can say angels are Androgins, but that’s also not exact statement. Angels are beyond any gender, as they don not need it.


Q:    What is one of the most difficult experiences for humans here? ★

One of the most difficult experiences for you is to understand transcendence of time-space and form from your current level. Humans have this experience in your incarnation plan two times – once when you are born and once when you depart from your physical body.

Women who become mothers and give birth, also have the transcendence experience one more time (3), usually with the birth of their first child. That means from that moment the woman has available higher vibration as she somehow “changes her form” on energy level. That is how woman who give birth can go through a transformation tunnel after pregnancy – she transforms her body, mind, feelings and energy. Because you don’t know how to use your energy body and to expand spiritually, women who give birth also can` t develop and transform in a positive way. That is going to change in the future.

Another challenging experience is to learn how to live within laws of duality, which includes pain and suffering of the body, mind and soul. (..>For that to understand you don’t have straight answer, but you need to experience life as individual soul).  

Physical body of human is like structure /vessel containing the light body and codes of the Soul. You don’t have activated and developed energy body until now. Some of you activate their energy potential only to 15%. That is normal, as you live in a limited dimension.

In comparison angels have activated their light body 111 000 000 times higher than humans.

You are not expected to reach to this level of evolution, because you have your own human evolution. Also, you have an “energy chain” as we call it, connecting you to the darkness. That is because –a priory (by plan) you exist simultaneously within darkness and Light, and you are made for the world of duality – your body is constructed with Yin-Yang flow, you have female and male physical gender, you experience cycles of day and night. Life on Earth is dualistic and that dualism is imprinted in your Sub-conscious mind and on the planet itself.

That’s why you can reach to Unity only through separation in your level. When humans reach to 9-th dimension and frequency band, they will be able to transcend dualism and be in Oneness.

Q:      What is the ultimate purpose for humans at this time? ★

The ultimate purpose of all humans now is to evolve to higher dimension and to transmit their light to higher octaves. The transmission of light is important – as it connects you like a net or grid of light between all beings. That’s how you raise the vibration of the whole planet, and that’s the only way to overcome the structure of dark 3d. The light itself has qualities of expansion, speed, reflection, protection, and that light can be reflected to many far away parts of the galaxy and to other light beings in cosmos.

Use your light to heal, to bring knowledge to others and to have deeper understanding of earth. Another ultimate purpose for humans now is to start supporting Earth, nature and animals in ways that you ve never imagined before. When you become souverene children of Earth you will be able to minimise your suffering, pain and limitations.



Arch. Haniel sending you blessings ...

Nina Lea Nour ©
Angel`s medium
Aug. 2022 

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