This amazing full moon in Aquarius sign opens on 12 of August and brings
strong Ascension waves to the Earth. ♒
When this beautiful Full moon shines in the night sky we are encouraged
to release and let go of any old and stagnant energies, patterns and believes
that are no longer in alignment with our true Selves.
The Full moon connects on the ethereal level with our Third eye chakra
(or Pineal gland) and activates it. Third eye and the Subconscious mind are
influenced strongly by the Moon phases.
🔑The mystical keys to this specific full moon is connection to the element Air. When the moon if full in Air sign (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) we have end of Karmic cycle, releasing old energy of relationships and awakening to higher Consciousness. Air is element of transition, change, travel, ascension, flight, believe. The Air element makes possible the transition to Higher octaves and to raising planetary vibration.
This Full moon gives us opportunity to open our Higher mind, to release
all negative thoughts, believes and fears related to who we are and what we can
become. To be more mindful, aware of the world around and open to change.
Everything is a process and cycle, everything needs time for healing.
This full moon has Violet light, connected with the mind, adaptability,
creative energy and innovative ideas of Aquarius. We have opposition of fixed
signs – Aquarius full moon opposition of the Sun in Leo. That reveals our
conflicting sides, our Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) qualities, the
things we need to balance and harmonize, the things we deny. Both of them are
in fixed signs – Fire and Air. This is quite intense and restless energy, it
can trigger some deep wounds, related to mind and thoughts, believes.
Moreover in this Moon conjunct Saturn – planet of restriction,
self-discipline, law, order and time. In esoteric astrology Saturn is related to Earth
Star chakra, below your feet. It is connection to Gaia and also it brings
healing energy.
This energy can create inner doubt, resistance and denial. Saturn in
Aquarius is understanding how to organize our activities in time and space.
What is the element of activation? 🌙
As Aquarius is Air sign this full moon we activate the air element in our body – on a physical level it is related to respiratory system, breathing, lungs, nose, ears, sinus, tongue. At this time be aware of infections related to these parts of the body, allergies, hormonal issues.
We can reflect on our air qualities – flexibility, acceptance of change,
adaptability, logical thinking, balance between mind and emotions, mindfulness,
understanding, awareness.
On emotional level this full moon can trigger some issues or traumas
from past lives or Karmic events.
As all of the Full moons in Air signs form an ark of Karmic cleansing
cycles. You may feel the end of something huge in your life, since last 4
months (or Libra Full moon), or last year (Aquarius full moon).
On a spiritual level this violet Moon is showing our Ascension, going to higher levels of vibration, meditation, astral travel, connection to Spiritual guidance.
Here are some amazing questions to your Self to write and answer in your journal ✎
✎ What patterns of thinking and negative
believes are holding me back?
✎ Do I trust enough in myself and my Soul path?
✎ Do I need to understand more about my Soul
✎ Do I feel too self critical or judgmental of
✎ Do I have enough time in nature and fresh
✎ What fears in relationships I need to
✎ What fears about my personal development I
need to release?
✎ Do I speak my truth at all times?
✎ Do I have fear of commitment and losing my freedom?
✎ Should I release fear to lose appreciation of
These questions to self are powerful practice to know the depths of your soul and explore your sub-conscious mind.
You can also repeat the mantra of Air at this time:
“I am like Air, I`m light, I travel, change, expand. I am mindful and
Crystals for the Full moon 🔮
In this cycle of the Violet moon – until the next New moon in Virgo you can
wear crystals like amethyst, lepidolite, charoite or place them in different
places in your house. They will help you to connect and receive Violet flame of
transmutation in the needed areas.
Angel`s medium
Aug. 2022
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